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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I used that image in a poster for one of my band’s gigs... Sean Smith saw it in the Facebook event and wanted to see the band... unfortunately we’re about 1,000kms north ?
  2. This one is, I think, better as it gives a wider view (same pic I think, just uncropped)...
  3. I thought it was funny that no-one in the commentary seemed to noitice that the ball got into our forward fifty courtesy of a superb kick out of the centre by a Magpies player (can't recall who). It was not mentioned once or even replayed.
  4. A bit shameless self promotion here... my band Los Romeos Oxidados recorded live at the Marrickville (Sydney) bar known as The Gasoline Pony, covering a Lefty Frizzell tune "Watcha Gonna Do Leroy" (maybe not everybody's cup of tea, but a bit of fun nevertheless) - note also, if you hang on after this tune finishes, there are six more clips of varying lengths that will start up automatically (starting with our version of King Crimson's 21st Century Schizoid Man); but be warned, production values were thrown out of the window and we're probably fortunate that we weren't as well!:
  5. Catholic clubs apparently have no issue with gambling: https://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2012-09-27/carlisle-catholic-clubs/4283660
  6. From an episode of the Beverly Hillbillies in which the Hollywood actor Dash Riprock’s (aka Homer Noodleman) friend and fellow actor Crunch Hardtack impressed Jethro so much that he decided to give himself the stage name of Beef Jerky... for some reason Hardtack seemed like a pretty good name to have.
  7. Depends upon the size and weight of the coconut.
  8. My sms was received on Monday... still nothing in the post; but it is a long bike ride up the Hume to Sydney.
  9. OT... you’re obviously not a member of the Biddles Bird Watchers Society if you can’t tell the difference between a Swallow and a Sparrow ?
  10. Ah yes... my memory ain’t what it used to be. If you’re not doing anything on Saturday, my band’s playing at the William Wallace pub in Balmain (first band at 5 and we start around 6:30 until 8pm). Come along and say hello.
  11. Umm, not really... but this guy on the other hand...
  12. Thanks for the reports IT... where in Sydney are you located (if you don’t mind me asking)?
  13. As I drive down from Sydney at this time each year so my son can catch the first session, I'm hoping they stick to the usual arrangement of the first Friday (I think it is) of the new year... in which case it will be on the 4th January.
  14. Started as a child actor in Luc Besson’s “Leon - The Professional”... still one of my favourite films.
  15. I have it on good authority that the sonar being used in the search for MH370 has just picked up a signal that matches a certain 2009 #1 draft pick.
  16. Wouldn’t it be more appropriate for Gawn to have the nickname Chuck, rather the Spargo?
  17. Jeebus! Give the guy a break... he’s only 50 years old. He’d be good for at least another 10 years.
  18. Scroll up six posts above yours.
  19. I’m guessing Range Rover... similar narcissistic tendencies.
  20. While the biscuits have been removed from this thread, we seem to have been left with a few that are crackers.
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