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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. That’s very sad news. We haven’t been down to Melbourne since COVID hit, so I hadn’t realised that it had closed. Hope you enjoy whatever place you end up going to.
  2. I don’t know if they do yum cha, but I highly recommend the Mao Please dumpling restaurant in Little Bourke St. Fantastic dumplings and noodle dishes. I make a point of going there whenever I’m in Melbourne.
  3. I believe he’s playing in their VFL team, so he may still get the chance to shine on the field as well as off.
  4. Trac was asked on AFL360 to name his top 5… he named Buddy as his number 5.
  5. The issue with the 50m penalty is that it can never be consistent as it will be ruled according to the individual umpire’s tolerance or mood on the day. I get the feeling there are going to be more than a few games ruined this year by this rule.
  6. It doesn’t matter, what we think is abuse or otherwise. The players know that dissent will not be tolerated, so they’ll have to keep their thoughts to themselves. It’s not as if they’re going to change the decision anyway. Best they learn now, before the season gets underway, I suppose.
  7. If such a flag was agreed to, I’d prefer that the kangaroo was replaced by the stars of the southern cross (in yellow). Having said that though, appropriating the indigenous flag in this way (removing the sun which is an integral part of their flag), might not sit well with the first nations’ people. That’s why it probably makes more sense to have it replace the Union Jack on the existing flag, or go with an entirely different design that doesn’t lend itself to any existing flags at all. Also, why would we want a flag like the first of those two, that uses the QANTAS kangaroo??
  8. Im not the most observant individual, but are those tatts on Max’s leg a new addition?
  9. Well I honestly don’t know what you’re watching tonight (maybe you did turn it off?), but both have been consistently hitting targets in this game. Unfortunately they’re not getting much support from many of their team mates.
  10. There’s no way this team will win a premiership given the way that they fold against decent opposition. Daisy and Paxman are both very good kicks, more often than not hitting targets.
  11. Where did you get that bit of info from? I just did a bit of googling and could find nothing that claims someone has been paying artists to remove their work from Spotify.
  12. Oh, I know that... I just like to see what lunacy might come back as a response; I like to sometimes poke the bear. 🤣
  13. It is common knowledge that RAT is a far from infallible test, so therefore, if a person in aged care has had a negative result but continue to display symptoms, then of course they should be having a follow up PCR test. I doubt very much that ALL who return a negative RAT result are then being given a PCR test. Do you have any irrefutable proof to support your assertion?
  14. Apart from having ‘controversial’ guests recently, Rogan himself has apparently been speaking out against the govt imposed mandates since late 2020. He has made comments suggesting that young people don’t need to vaccinate, something that a person with his platform and with no background in science, should probably not be doing. I’m sure that no small part of the reason that artists are bailing is that Spotify pay the artists using their platform, a pittance in royalties, while raking in big money off their backs. They then turn around and use the money they have earned from those artists and make a $100mil deal to secure Rogan on their platform. Regardless of what Rogan has to say, I think that would be enough reason to walk out on Spotify.
  15. To be fair, Hunt had lost control of the ball while bouncing it, and had to check himself… I don’t think he would have been caught otherwise. Good pace from Kozzy, nonetheless.
  16. After Life Season 3 on Netflix- excellent. Reservation Dogs on Foxtel - fantastic. 100 Foot Wave on Foxtel - terrific. Mandalorian on the Disney Channel - fantastic. Hellbound (Korean) on Netflix - fantastic.
  17. But this particular Sparrow makes me very happy, and makes my whole year, not just the spring of 2021; and that (not really brief but ongoing) period of happiness does in fact make me supremely blessed and happy (though also very hungry for more). Yes, but let's not forget that Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle!
  18. Looks like he’s got a sponsorship from the Tree of Life brand 😉 As for the rest, I fear he’s going for the Libba or Charlie Dixon, prison tatt look.
  19. and we retained the Ashes in what could best be described as a slaughter.
  20. Let the airing of grievances begin!!
  21. “Charismatic ball skills”… you’d better trademark that before the commentators get hold of it.
  22. It doesn’t surprise me in the least. Our so-called ‘advanced nations’ have widespread access to a thing called ‘the internet’ and that has become the new playground for conspiracists. One can only wonder what the world would be like today if the internet has existed mid 20th century… polio, smallpox, measles, mumps etc etc would have run rampant.
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