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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Know a few here in Sydney, but don't recall the name in Croydon. Any idea what street they lived in...it's a pretty big suburb (we were near the golf course).
  2. Perhaps we can write that in oil on the centre square of the MCG a la Free George Davis campaign .Edit: oh, and loved Special AKA with Elvis Costello producing and providing background vocals...and the flip side, What I Like Most Bout You is Your Girlfriend.
  3. I was glued to the transistor in my parents home in Dorset Road, Croydon (I was 12).
  4. Watching "the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" for about the 10th time. Don't know what it is about this film, but it manages to pull me in every time in watch it...the characters, the story, the scenery (in Jaipur, a place I have been and have fond memories of), just everything about it is perfect! This and the "Intouchables" (a beautiful French film) are two films I am completely in love with.
  5. Saints minus a midfield and Dees for once with a midfield means we should win purely by weight of numbers (of forward 50 entries). I'm thinking we will get this by 6 to 8 goals.
  6. Well, I would imagine that to win the first game of the season for the first time in how many years (7?) and to win at Etihad for the first time in 7 years must be worth a few memberships.
  7. Why? He seems happy wallowing in a cess pit every Thursday night.
  8. No, of course I want to see JKH going around... he's an absolute excitement machine. But I also understand that he will be slightly underdone not having played much at this level and intensity, and I understand that Roos will want the experience and level headedness of Byrnes in there for at least the first half of the game. If they can make a good break on the Saints in the first half, I think you will see Byrnes make way for JKH and Roos will let him run riot. Of course, we are assuming that JKH will be the sub, which may not necessarily be the case. Roos is a premiership coach, so I will defer to his decision to play Byrnes.
  9. You live on the planet Koozbane but seem to think yours mean something? And what does attending games have to do with me commenting on your illiterate rantings?
  10. I just put that through Google Translate and it still doesn't make any sense: "This is supported by CS from those of you who came to his dismissal, and you give them money, you recognize that they have you down the back of the room to the table they realize what you buy, you get used to, but in this case there is no relevant we have two paid sex KPP walk to the ATM machine there every Friday pulled out about $ 60,000 between them can not be played dud FMD Dermie pain in 89 GF got a puncture [deleted] lung and production product, because he is a hardcore champion, you people are absolutely pathetic private school boys and girls, men play in pain! Men like Robbie F need to adhere to a political thread because it was all him in his aresensal!"
  11. Yeah, I surprised Roos didn't consult the Demonland experts before giving Byrnes and Pedersen a game.
  12. Didn't realise I had done it... must be a motor response
  13. I would have thought it should be on 7 Mate as it is the only game on at that time (or is that only for us interstaters?).
  14. If it is a mental health issue, then he cannot "run away" from his predicament... but, he probably needs to be somewhere away from what may be the root cause of his problems and where he can find some peace while he sorts things out. These kinds of issues can hit anyone regardless of age, gender or employment status and can be extremely debilitating... I don't think it is fair to compare his behaviour to what might be expected from a first year player.
  15. Saw the Cure at the Bondi Lifesaver in 1979 or 80 (can't remember which it was - probably 1980). Around the time that had Boys Don't Cry out. Robert Smth looks a bit sad these days... still trying to retain that image from those days but his body has gone to seed... a not quite right look.
  16. I thought he was talking about the Fifth Dimension
  17. If I was to speculate, I would say that here we have a guy who is under a lot of stress... he is due to get married in October, he is unable to play football and has no idea when he will be able to play again wthout fear of being injured yet again, he feels he is letting down his team mates and the MFC, he feels he is letting down supporters and I would not be surprised if he is getting a barrage of Tweets, Facebook comments/messages etc abusing him for some of the irrational reasons people on here seem to express relating to his salary and inability to get onto the field, and on top of all that, he would seem to have self doubts about his abilities as a photographer, his other great passion (from his photography FB page: "I really don't like most of my work but..."). Some space and the ability to play again without the fear of injury hanging over him will do wonders for his mental state... the enforced break will do him the world of good.
  18. It helps a little when you have mids who are capable of delivering teh ball into the forward zone... maybe this year Fitz will stand more of a chance.
  19. If that happens OD, I'd be more than happy to pass on my correspondence for you to use as a template... not that it helped me much.
  20. I'm not bitter OD... well, maybe just a little
  21. I've only ever attended a baseball game once... Fukuoka Daiei Hawks (now Softbank Hawks) at Fukuoka Dome (Kyushu) and was so bored I retired to the bar and drunk myself stupid (ok, I admit I had a head start of the stupid part).
  22. Ok, understand... time shouldn't have been an issue... it only mattered in this instance because they cancelled the flight without telling anyone and that resulted in us losing our first night's accommodation in LA plus the fact that the time of arrival (when we did eventually get there) meant we also were too lagged to do anything worthwhile the day we arrived... this was my son's first trip to the US and it pretty much screwed the mood for the first few days.
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