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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. It was a player from a pitiful team excelling against an equally pitiful team... so it was a level playing field and he was a worthy winner. Let's see how our potential rising stars go against the Lions before we play down Saad's performance.
  2. I call Godwin's Law... shut it down!
  3. If you read my post more carefully, you would see that I am not comparing their performances... I am comparing the fact that both are coming from similar "attitudinal" issues and that both are more than capable of turning things around as has been shown with Garlett this year. You will not get any argument from me regarding Bennell being someone who could have a greater impact, as I agree 100%.
  4. People on here keep saying that, but no-one explains why. Would you have gone near Garlett last year before you knew he was on our radar?
  5. I would put him in a similar category as Garlett... at his best he is a mercurial player who can turn a game in a very short space of time. Like Garlett was at Carlton, I get the feeling Bennell is now disenchanted with life at the gold coast and would find his spark with a change of surroundings. Apart from this weeks drinking incident, what else has he done to warrant some of the comments on here that bring into question his attitude, that he is "just holding it all together" or that we should steer well clear of him? I'm sure many would have been saying the same about Garlett prior to his being picked up by the Dees, but where are his detractors now?
  6. Didn't Watts sign a 3 year deal in 2013, in which case he is not out of contract until 2016?
  7. Is it too soon to invoke Godwin's Law?
  8. If we could snare Bennell, that would be a major plus... he's had a bit of an ordinary year so far, but I still think that on his day he is one of the more dangerous players in the comp.
  9. Sorry, I'm not as invested in video games and Walking the Dead as you seem to be.
  10. I started the thread... more than happy to close it if that is deemed appropriate... I actually prefer to keep it open though, as it gives a chance for the keyboard warriors to express themselves.
  11. I am a stakeholder and yes, the cretins are those who eat their own... its with your zombie apocalypse analogy nicely, don't you think? As for the singing of koombaya... perhaps you could enlighten me with a few verses... seems to be something you are rather familiar with.
  12. Seriously JC, you are a wanchor... I'm not telling anyone how to support, but having said that, if you take pleasure from booing/bronx cheering your own players, then I'm afraid that says more about you than it does about the players on the receiving end. Keyboard warriors? Weak as...
  13. You might want to actually read what I posted. I said that it wasn't his choice to be #1 pick.
  14. Now, I'll admit that Watts is really pushing his luck and I will not be in the least bit surprised if he ends up in the 2's this weekend. However, what really p!sses me off is cretins like yourself who take pleasure in the fact he is humiliated by the bronx cheers from the crowd (no doubt you were one of them if you had the heart to actually attend), and who take pleasure at being proven true over their predictions that he will fail. Not to mention the pr!cks who question his loyalty - he signed a 3 year deal in 2013 when he could just as easily have fielded offers when he had far more currency on the market and our club was an absolute basket case. Watts had no say in where he would be picked in the draft, Watts does not pick himself to play in the 1's each week. He was thrown to the wolves thanks to the club wanting to use him as a "marketing exercise" and ever since he has suffered at the hands of the press, hostile crowds and keyboard warriors. I'm genuinely surprised he has not given the game away completely... to me that says he has probably got more inner strength than his detractors, many of who would not have played footy at a truly competitive level.
  15. Err, we lead the frees 17 to Freo's 10... I don't think we have too much of an excuse there.
  16. Go out and chop some more wood... it's good therapy.
  17. Let me guess... you and Frosty are one in the same? I suppose the sorts of responses the two/one of you put up, are to be expected when you can offer no sensible argument.
  18. As I already asked, in what way is his loyalty in question?
  19. It will be a draw... we're celebrating Watts' 100th game.
  20. Ok, my bad... got that wrong. However, a possible reason why Dunn takes the kick-out and Watts doesn't could possibly have something to do with the positions in which they play on the ground? If I was relying on a player to pinpoint a pass, I would be backing Watts over Dunn every day of the week... and by the way, you didn't actually say why Dunn is given that particular task. Also, you are still to explain how his loyalty is any less than any other player on the team.
  21. That's quoite a skill set Dunn has there isn't it... a torp to the centre. And the fact that Watts can't torp to the centre of the ground is conclusive evidence that he is lacking in skills... ok, you win, there is no arguing with logic like that.
  22. In what way has he exhibited any behaviour that could be construed as lacking in loyalty? His skills are far better than most... his attitude can be a little lacking at times, but his skills are beyond reproach.. Then again, as they say, "haters are gonna hate".
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