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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I don't know that they have the better team, but they certainly do have the better attitude... the pies will be brimming with confidence following their comeback against the kangas last week. If we can stay within a couple of kicks of them by three quarter time, then I will start to have some belief that we could snatch an unexpected win.
  2. I agree... but I have no problem with that at all. I think Bell probably got the nod as much (if not more) for his life story as he did for his playing. He overcame a lot in his personal life it would seem and was able to use that to guide him in his footballing career to become an above average player. Perhaps David Schwarz is another who will be considered at some time as much for his back story as for his playing ability?
  3. He was great... an entertaining and enthralling speaker.
  4. Just a heads up... saw it tweeted a couple of minutes ago.
  5. I like that Eddie has been officially labelled as a boofhead... http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/nsw-parliament-officially-labels-eddie-mcguire-a-boofhead-over-adam-goodes-remarks-20150603-ghfnal.html
  6. You're a class act Mr Irvin... I mean Hannibal/Ben Her... you selectively quote, deliberately omitting the statements that Goodes consistently made absolving the girl once the press had blown things way out of proportion. It does not suit you to see Goodes as being contrite and attempting to settle things down. You know exactly what prompted his comment and that it was not Goodes who labelled the girl as the face of racism but rather stated that she had become the face of racism courtesy of the media. He pointed out someone who had made racist taunts without realising he was pointing out a 13 year old girl... even the girl's mother as she expressed concern over the treatment her daughter received apologised unreservedly to Goodes for the comments made by her daughter (this was after her daughter had apologised so there was no compulsion for her to do so other than her own conscience). Anyway, you have to live with yourself I suppose, so it's no skin off my teeth.
  7. I Googled your initially quoted "Racism has a face and it's a 13 year old girl" and came up with a grand total of 5 hits, one of which I cited above (aflplayers dot com)... the others were from Magpies dot net, a Bigfooty (mega) thread, Demonland (your quote that I linked to) and the other was in the reader comments in response to a Peter Fitzsimons article in Real Footy. Searching with your latest quote turns up a few more hits (thank you for that), but it still changes nothing to do with the fact that you are skewing it to suit your agenda. In your other post above, you conveniently left out the "but it's not her fault" in order to add some drama and to justify your stand against him. You didn't earn an apology since I could only use the selective quote you provided in that other post. Sorry Hannibal, not even close, and certainly no cigar.
  8. Ok Hannibal, you have quoted this line in the past (in those exact words), but if you do a little searching, you will find that your paraphrasing of the original does it no justice... the original being: "AFL Players Association CEO Matt Finnis said the esteem with which Goodes is held within the playing group no doubt contributed to the strength of the response. “When you see a player who is so decorated and so accomplished a player in Adam Goodes and you see him in a vulnerable moment that’s a pretty stark reality for players,” Finnis said. “The fact that we have players voicing their disapproval towards an incident like this and we have players reporting fans from their club who make racist remarks demonstrate the progress the game has made in recent times. “But as Adam said, if racism has a face and it’s a 13-year-old girl we still have work to do.” (note the IF Hannibal) AFL CEO Andrew Demetriou agreed." It was very apparent that Goodes was referring to the fact that the media had gone on a feeding frenzy and despite his best efforts to take the heat off her via social media and press conferences, she did become the "face" connected with racist comments directed at Goodes. Of course, that doesn't suit your agenda does it, so you paraphrase to make it sound like Goodes was singling the girl out for treatment when in fact he did the exact opposite once he realised that his "attacker" was a 13 year old girl (something there was no way he could have known at the time of pointing her out in the crowd in the heat of the moment).
  9. I would have thought democracy ends with the vote (which in itself being compulsory makes that debatable)... after that it is the mandate that rules; demandocracy?.
  10. Cudos to you WYL for not going the "in the trenches" analogy. Must have been tempting ;-)
  11. Reminds me of a religious studies class when I was a kid... the teacher asked if anyone could name the Holy Trinity... one kid piped up with Moe, Larry and Curly.
  12. Are high pressure catheters permissible?
  13. I half agree and half disagree OD... When we have performed well (Bullies and Toigs) we have performed really well, so they have proven it is not beyond them... even those opening quarters against GWS and Port show that they are capable, but for some reason they lack belief and fall apart when they are not in the familiar surroundings of the MCG. With 7 of our remaining games to be played at the MCG, and if we can break our Etihad hoodoo, we could stand a chance of being a mid-tier finisher.
  14. I can still see us making it to 10th (I had us pegged as finishing in the 10th and 12th range). The fact that there are only 2 wins separating the teams from 7th to 15th provides me with hope that we can make it to 10th, given that we have a relatively easier draw in the 2nd half of the season..
  15. Apart from the fact that there are a surprising number of bigots on these forums, I haven't got much out of it that is likely to sway my opinion that Goodes did nothing wrong in being an indigenous player performing an indigenous "tribal war dance" during a match that was a part of the indigenous round as a celebration of his scoring a goal. My opinion that he did nothing untoward in partly directing that celebration at a group of Carlton supporters who had been jeering him from the opening siren up until that point in time has not and will not change. My opinion that he was right in outing the racism that was directed at him two years ago and that he would not have realised the age of the person he pointed out has not changed... although I did learn that he publicly went to the defence of the girl once he did know the details and it was the media who "crucified" her.
  16. And it appears he still managed to get nothing out of it.
  17. Why would you include other races if it is like a "welcome to country" type of thing in response to the acknowledgement of the traditional custodians of the land? Why not have someone like the Bangarra dance troupe present a stylised version prior to the start of the GF? Educational, entertaining and would appeal to all people on all levels (it's got to be better than Meatloaf).
  18. What is that avatar you are wearing SoNS? It reminds me of a photoshopped image I have somewhere of Lee Harvey Oswald just as he was shot... they photoshopped a microphone into his hand and various musical instruments amongst the security surrounding him...
  19. Does it really matter what the media say here? From WADA's position, the Australian media is probably just a case of out of sight, out of mind.
  20. He would have to be the Cream of the crop... coming from a low bass. having said that, a combination of Jack Watts and Cameron Bruce would be a Strange Brew indeed. Edit: Curses... I just noticed binman's post... still, great minds...
  21. Hey, Ben Hur doesn't post here anymore... or does he?...
  22. AzzKizza, I think the greater problem is that you don't seem to be able to see that your comments could be construed as being offensive. Seems you did to yourself exactly what you suggested Rusty Nails do to himself.
  23. I think the issue is that while (perhaps) the majority boo Goodes either because they don't like him as a player or because everyone else is booing him, there are going to be many who join in for reasons of racism as it gives them an opportunity to let it out without having to be open about it and there are probably many who see the booing as justifying their racist stance against Goodes (or indigenous Australians in general).
  24. What more could he do other than go to the media saying what he says in that article/interview and go on to social media as he did with that tweet? Everything he said there was out of concern for that child's well being and in the hope that she and those around her would be educated in how hurtful such comments can be so that there would be a positive outcome for all. As you agreed previously, he could not have known at the time that he had pointed out a 13 year old girl in the heat of the moment. Once that became apparent, he did all he could via the media to protect the girl... however, the media being what they are, went on a feeding frenzy.
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