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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. What goes on in the way of "attacks" in these rumour threads is utterly insignificant when you compare it to the attacks that border on bullying, that occur in numerous other topics... for example, and regardless of what you might think of their manner of posting or their remarks, it only takes Saty or Stuie to put fingers to keyboard and press the Enter key, to have the usual suspects jumping on them... sometimes with just cause and often with no good reason - and that's when things get completely derailed (and yes, I do see the irony in that last comment ;-) ). Rumours will always have detractors and doubters, and apart from the PMs that Generation Dee was getting (which are totally out of order if they are attacks), the responses have been quite gentle and for the most part NOT personal; the doubters should not be silenced (abusers on the other hand...), as that is as much a part of the banter that makes these threads interesting as are the rumours themselves.
  2. Sorry, but if you go back to that Hogan thread (as daunting as that may be when you look at the numbers of pages), you will find I made a response to you at the time that cited the newspaper article stating Hogan's desire/intention to remain at the MFC, and I stated in that response that the article predated your revelation by two or three days, which it did.
  3. That's a bit harsh... GNF was considered questionable on his Hogan claims as they were essentially just repeating what had been in the press a couple of days previous to his comments. Generation Dee in my opinion does NOT deserve criticism because he has actually come up with a previously unheard "rumour" that he was prepared to give substance to by alluding to his sources... a big difference.
  4. No, that's Toby Jugs... he'll get those as he gets older.
  5. It may be that the club has some off-field role for him?
  6. I tend to disagree on this point... I would have thought that once he has bulked up to the point where he will no longer be easily pushed aside, his confidence will increase exponentially and so too, his willingness to get involved.
  7. No different to what transpired with Hogan...Heeney won't leave the Swans.
  8. It depends. I loved the original Japanese Ringu and Dark Water (American versions were terrible), loved the first Nightmare on Elm Street, The Others was clever, and I thought Descent was a very good film. Not into the franchises like Saw etc.
  9. Well Saty, I don't consider directors like Lynch and Jarmusch to be typical of the American formulaic film and television production line or the Hollyweird factory - they are international directors/writers/producers who work outside of that framework. Regardless of where it was made, Twin Peaks (series 1) was a masterpiece (and if you want to see a superb piece of film making, take a look at The Straight Story) - I would be more disappointed in myself if I were writing off films and TV series based purely on where they were created.
  10. I would agree to an extent that Twin Peaks was the greatest TV series ever made...that is certainly true of the first series, but I thought the second series was a little disappointing as he handed directorial (and writing?) control over to a number of different people, including (if I recall correctly) Dianne Keaton. To me this resulted in a lot of inconsistency in the quality of the episodes and didn't flow as well as the first series. I'm a huge Lynch fan, but strangely one of my favourites of his is The Straight Story...based on a true story about a guy who rides a ride-on mower across state to visit his dying estranged brother in the next state. A very slow paced, gentle film that is completely out of character with his usual fare, but which is mesmerizing to the point where it could only be a Lynch product.
  11. He'll probably want to stick around then as we are going for the three-peat.
  12. And then there's this that may interest you McQ: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/810IASGMUYL.jpg
  13. Nowhere near as long as the Bulldogs supporters (they even had 55 yrs between GF appearances). Our time is coming and it will be the likes of Hogan that will get us there.
  14. The doggies have been waiting much longer than us for this...I'm really happy for them regardless of how much of a ride the umpires gave them.
  15. I'm just listening on AFL live radio (on the AFL live app)...couldn't get a video stream working (7Plus).
  16. And if they said it about the trade rumors, would you be equally upbeat about his chances of staying?
  17. One of my favorites at the MFC back in the day...and he remained an MFC lad at heart. I took this shot at the Shanghai demo game against Brisbane Lions a few years back...
  18. The club sent Pedersen for surgery not so long ago, so I get the feeling they are invested in him as a good depth player.
  19. I'm reviving this thread as Lin Jong is almost single handedly destroying Casey at the moment in the VFL GF. He is far more than just a VFL standard player. To come back from a broken collarbone inside two weeks of the injury occurring and to play the game he is playing, setting up most of the Dogs' attack ( and will likely play in next week's GF) is a seriously good effort in anyone's book...the Dees should be taking a serious look at him.
  20. Jong is far more than just a VFL standard player. To come back from a broken collarbone and to play the game he is playing, setting up most of the Dogs' attack ( and will likely play in next week's GF)...the Dees should be taking a serious look at him.
  21. Jules, if you have the TunedIn Radio app on your mobile/tablet, you can listen on Casey Radio
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