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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. A brilliant performer... and physically he looks like a cross between Sean Connery and Mel Gibson.
  2. Not very realistic at all... if you seriously think that is the squad that will be presenting on March 25th, then you may have lost your grip on reality. There are Kent, Garlett, Jetta, Frost and Hibberd, most of whom are likely to be ready to take the field against the 'Aints and will probably get a run at Casey the week before as a warm up.
  3. I would think he might be referring to the following: "Scoop is worried that his entire 2018 training observations won't be taken seriously because he had no clue Watts wasn't meeting training standards. Annoying players by questioning their injuries and getting told porkies doesn't help his credibility either. " Unless of course you meant scoop as a term of endearment... somehow I think not.
  4. I agree... the only thing that is likely to stop Essendon making the eight is if key players start to tire in the second half of the season due to being out of the game for an entire season.
  5. Apparently laws have been in place for some time that prevent a President from ordering a wire tap, so as much as Trump would like to continue playing his "I know you are, but what am I" games on Twitter, he's going to have a lot of trouble getting any traction with these claims. Even the White House is remaining very quiet.
  6. He plays for Brisbane now?
  7. Hunt will definitely be picked. Now to go off topic a little, but ProDee, I'm just wondering where you got that shot of Jabba the Hut from, that you're using for your profile pic
  8. I'm pretty sure that Herbie Flowers also played on a lot of Donovan's material. So, you're back in the USofA Rob? Let me know when you're going to be back over this way and I'll plan to get down to Melbourne for a catch up (and a match?)... unless of course you come back via Sydney, in which case we can catch up here.
  9. Indeed... all over his party!
  10. Indeed... all over his party!
  11. Sky? Colin Hodgkinson played with all manner of people from Alexis Korner to Jan Hammer to Paul,Butterfield to (I think) Van Morrison.
  12. I think I may have seen him playing with John Martyn in 1974/75 when I was living in London, Rob. He was very very good from memory... although I think one of my favourite bassists at that time was the guy from a three piece band called Back Door, named Colin Hodgkinson.
  13. See what happens when Liam and I don't turn up!
  14. I agree, it was hilarious. I didn't mind Jimmy Kimmel (sp?) as presenter either...the byplay between him and Matt Damon was very funny.
  15. If it was darts it would be one hundred and eiiiiiiighty!
  16. No, the person responsible for handing the presenters the envelope, gave them the wrong envelope (best actress) and because it contained the name of the La La Land actress, the presenters concluded the winner must be La La Land.
  17. Even Weideman threads are Watts threads now?
  18. DC, I think you'll find that at that time there was no conclusive evidence, and there was certainly no major anti-smoking campaign. In fact, from memory even as recently as the late 70's (when I quit for reasons of cost), there was no solid link established between smoking and cancer.
  19. I only wish both my parents were alive to corroborate that... they must have been the exceptions that proved the rule I suppose.
  20. This transcends political leanings... it's just [censored] funny, plain and simple. The accompanying blurb by the creator: "Trump's press conference is easier to take if you slow it down a bit. Then it's like watching an old drunk ranting at you in a bar at 3:00am—the only circumstance where any of this would seem normal. You're welcome."
  21. A reasoned response is considered as being "a tad sensitive"? Physician heal thyself.
  22. Watts (disciplined), Pedo, Kent and Jetta (all coming off injuries), Trennners (probably play this week), Garland (pretty much expected to be depth only with the current backline). I'd say that the psychological scarring excuse is well past its use by date.
  23. That read more as a rhetorical question, which is probably why it got no answer.
  24. Threadgold Thoroughgrip Garterettes
  25. When I was in primary school in the late 50's/early 60's kids were beaten up for daring to be different and the teachers turned a blind eye... this continued on into high school as well, with the only difference being that the beatings were far worse. Back then bullying 'didn't exist' and the teachers made a sport out of belittling kids. Yes, we all breathed out carbon dioxide back in the day (much as we do now) and we also thought that smoking was cool and were told that there were no adverse affects or health issues associated with it. I guess those pesky scientists were just conspiring against the tobacco companies in order for the govt to apply a hefty tax on ciggies. I don't recall the scores being any more important back in the 50's and 60's at school as they are at my childrens' school today... the emphasis was (and still is) on getting involved, getting fit and having a good time doing that. As nutbean so eloquently stated, "whether we consider all progress good, bad or otherwise, one thing is certain - you can't halt progress.".
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