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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2015/sep/08/jorge-ramos/ramos-40-undocumented-immigrants-come-air/
  2. Apart from the fact that he lost the popular vote, do you think Trump will practice what he preached in 2012 re the electoral college? http://mashable.com/2012/11/06/trump-reacts-to-election/#1vNzwMnIguq0
  3. Maynard is a monster.... when I attended training in Melbourne with my son, we both thought he looked physically a lot like Petracca (if not a little bigger!). Hopefully he will get a run in the pre-season comp.
  4. Hey, no need to butter it up. I have no idea what opportunities the players have, so you may well be correct (I didn't make a definitive statement re that). As you said, the "smart ones" will set themselves up... unfortunately there are bound to be those who are not that smart.
  5. I am not defending Islam (in case that's what you are thinking), I am more against tarring everyone with the same brush. Humans are sentient beings (derr!) and so apart from the relative handful of fundamentalists (in any religion) who seem to have been set up with faulty wiring, most people are able to apply there own moral standards and not follow instructive writings blindly. The reason I raised Kony was to show that Islam does not have a stranglehold on terrorism...Christianity has its fair share of terrorists as well. Also, I believe that those fundamentalists who follow any religion should go the way of the dinosaur. And I too am a fan of Richard Dawkins, as I am of Philip Pullman and Malise Ruthven (The Divine Supermarket).
  6. Which is exactly what the vast majority of them will have to do once their football careers are over in their early thirties. They might have no educational qualifications to fall back on, they might be carrying chronic issues with knees, legs, shoulders etc as a result of the rigours of AFL footy that will require expensive ongoing treatment/management, and unless they have been fortunate enough to be well advised, they will more than likely have no super plan in place (serious question: does the AFL pay super on player salaries?). The various sponsors/television companies are making an absolute fortune out of these players who are providing one of the most watched entertainment spectacles in the country, so why shouldn't they be well compensated and as the income to the various sponsors/television companies increases, why shouldn't their salaries increase as well? After all, the players are the ones who are putting their bodies on the line every time they step onto the field.
  7. Not sure what age has to do with this.
  8. You stated that "Islam is an intolerant religion almost ENTIRELY to blame for most world conflicts"... kindly tell me which of the conflicts I listed were almost ENTIRELY down to Islam? And are you saying that the battles in those Islamist countries you list above were the major part of WW2? If you check your facts rather than cherry picking simply to justify your blind hatred of Islam, you will find that not one of the bloodiest battles in WW2 took place in the middle east - Stalingrad, Berlin, Moscow, Italy, France etc. Perhaps you might like to check out Joseph Kony and his Lords Resistance Army - there's a lovely bunch of good Christians for you. The Central African Republic also has a nice history of Christian terrorism forcing devotees of Islam out. I'm not sure what the "other 3 points you tried to make are flat out wrong" are... perhaps you might like to give a hint? (they certainly weren't in the comment you responded to)
  9. Yep, regardless of how one cares to interpret the Q'ran, those that get involved in terror tactics will only be the extreme fundamentalists and will be in a very very small minority. The Bible is just as open to interpretation as can be seen by the way in which extreme fundamentalists in the US see fit to murder abortion clinic operators etc. In Africa there are radical Christian groups who slaughter Muslims. The majority of people are able to make up their own minds about what is acceptable and what is not and lead peaceful law abiding lives; fundamentalists in any faith on the other hand, feel obliged to adhere to the "word" to the letter.
  10. Usually camera/photo access is so that you can upload images, Calendar access is so that important events can be added to your calendar for reminders etc. For the rest of it, call them again and ask them why they want the info and what they are going to use it for. EDIT: What Artificial Wisdom said above in far more succinct terms. I too think you are being a little over cautious... my only gripe with it has been the fact that they are still showing an outdated list of current players (something I would have thought should have been fixed for the new release).
  11. WW1, WW2, Rwanda (Hutus v Tutsis), ethnic cleansing in the Balkans... these were some of the worst conflicts the world has seen in the past 100 years and in not one single instance was islam to blame.
  12. And now John Wetton, who also played bass for King Crimson on albums such as Larks Tongues in Aspic and Starlight and Bible Black, has succumbed to cancer at the age of 67.
  13. The encounters are somewhat documented... http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9809.1996.tb00692.x/abstract
  14. The players make things to sell on family day...little baskets made from icy-pole sticks, doilies, oranges stuck with cloves to throw in the sock drawer, macrame wristlets etc. I just hope there are no repetitive strain injuries...if there are, heads should roll!
  15. "The history of Islam in Australia pre-dates European settlement. From 1650, Muslim fisherman from South East Asia communicated and traded with Aborigines from Australia's north." Seems they had a more harmonious relationship with the indigenous population than did our good old Christian forefathers. http://www.abc.net.au/religion/stories/s790151.htm
  16. Perhaps Trudeau's offer triggered the terrorist's final action, but it was more than likely Trump's rhetoric that validated (in his mind) what he did. Trudeau was taking a humanitarian stance, something he felt morally obliged to do as a result of Trump's policy...so even though Trump is not the leader of Canada, being the head of the most powerful nation on the planet, his actions do have a direct impact (as they do on the rest of the world...that old "America sneeezes, the rest of the world catches a cold" thing). I'm not knowledgeable in history and not particularly good at arguing politics, but I do find the use of the term "lebensraum" in this case to be a bit rich...I hope you are not comparing the motivations of those immigrants of islamic faith to those of the nazis. I doubt very much those fleeing the horrors of places like Syria, are thinking along those lines...they simply want to find safety for themselves and their families as far away from the likes of ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban etc, as possible. From a holocaust site: "Even though it translates literally to mean only “living space,” lebensraum carried with it the desire for the Nazis to expand into other countries to provide living space for the growing German race."
  17. As I said, I was playing devils advocate. If the police had acted they might have stopped the guy, but they could also have caused an equally dangerous situation. We will never know, but I was suggesting that if they had acted and deaths had resulted, then what would have happened? They are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
  18. Ok, playing devil's advocate here... What would everyone be saying on this thread if the police had used their guns to stop this guy but in doing so (before finally killing or disabling the driver) a stray bullet hit and killed a person? The outrage over the fact that the police had used live ammunition in a heavily populated area would be just as bad as what we have now, but instead of the police being attacked over their lack of action, they would be attacked over their actions. Or let's say that they try to ram the driver, or to block his path, but in doing so, the driver leaves the road and plows into pedestrians with the same, or worse, result as played out in the actual event... again, the police would be attacked over their actions. In saying all of that, I have no idea what could have been done to prevent what happened once it had gotten to the stage of a police pursuit... all I know is that for the police it is a damned if you do/damned if you don't scenario. The fact that the guy was released on bail (?) has created an impossible situation...with his history, that should NEVER have happened.
  19. Remaining spots to the two captains...men's team on the left, women's team on the right ?
  20. I think you might also find that his contribution off the field may also eclipse what he could have done if he kept on playing.
  21. The entire team was toweled up in the VFL Grand Final!
  22. Jack Nance would have to be in the engine room (midfield).
  23. I'd say he is like a smaller Petracca in body shape. Also, Maynard is another who reminds me a bit of Petracca, only bigger!
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