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Wise Guy Sam

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Everything posted by Wise Guy Sam

  1. I’m ready to grace my back with a number. I’m tossing up between a few though; 1- Sounds a bit like Warlock, A big tall future horror for forwards everywhere 2- looks a little like Ablett, can't be a bad thing 4- Will one day (I hope soon) be the number to be seen in. It’s a fashion thing, doing it before everyone else. 6- 2010 will be the year that Bate marshals the forward line... and he has red hair. 7- I play a lot like this man in team sports, full of promise but my no means a star. I'm playing Forum footy and it has been foreseen (perhaps by a certain 'Warlock') that perhaps I'll look rather awkward 8- Because Frawley is clearly a Sherman battle tank 9- Getting on the bandwagon after one game, but who wouldn't. I will only choose out of the single digit numbers as I'm trying to be thrifty...and I couldn't think up anymore unamusing tags. Will someone please help me decide?
  2. Greetings Demonland Really looking forward to Sunday. It looks like I'll be representing Bigfooty all by my self. This is my 1st year of forum footy (and my 1st game in a long time) so I was wondering what the uniform will consist of. I have my lovely red and blue Jumper, boots ($29 from k-mart, pro) and I’ll grab a new mouthguard on Friday. Do I need specific colours for my socks and shorts? Is their anything else I need to know? Thanks Wise Guy Sam
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