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Posts posted by sideshowbob

  1. I enjoyed reading this thread.

    I am a Melbourne supporter.

    I have been a supporter for all 28 of my years.

    I became a member as soon as I could afford it.

    If it wasn't already a slogan for another club, i'd say i was proud, passionate and paid up.

    I can't ski.

    I don't own a luxury car.

    I recognise the players by face and name and position, in the case of some players where they were recruited from, and not just their number.

    I wish our club had more members and supporters who attend matches, but we don't.

    I respect that people have plenty of good reasons not to attend games.

    I couldn't go to the footy on the weekend.

    I was interstate with work.

    I sat through the whole game watching Channel ten wishing i was there.

    I am furious at the fact i couldn't be there to sing the song at the end of the game.

    I am annoyed that i couldn't add one more to the attendance and boost the numbers.

    I am just like the rest of you - my heart beats true for the red and the blue.

    I don't think our club has a divine right to be successful.

    I believe it must be earned.

    I did not listen to the radio coverage on the weekend. But...

    I will not sit back and have the commitment of our club and supporters questioned by someone who feels the need to constantly revert to stereotypes to try and make himself appear entertaining.

    I will be at the Collingwood match.

    If I can't get a seat because people jump back on the bandwagon, i won't care, i'll just be happy that we're drawing a crowd.

    If Brian Taylor makes jokes about bandwagon supporters putting off a weekend at the snow, I'll change the channel.

    I will just be happy to be there.

  2. maybe watch the incident before starting a thread on it

    Or perhaps it's okay to start a thread to find out what people who DID see the incident think of it, and thereby get a different perspective. Meh.

    My conspiracy theory is that Campbell Brown is coming out and defending Judd because the Tasmania Hawks want Judd to play against the Gold Coast Roos next week to assist the Eagles in getting a win over a team that might rival the hawks for a finals spot this year.

  3. In this post i am not attempting to address all issues arising from this matter - i am only attempting to address one - whether Selwood has "brought the game into disrepute" in contravention of the AFL rules.

    Fan said this...

    Bob bringing the game into disrepute is against an AFL law.

    Yes, it is a "law", but this "law" lacks definition. There are so many things that happen which bring the game into disrepute. You could (potentially) say some of our players have brought the game into disrepute through alleged gambling/drunken incidents**. This is a catch all rule which is only brought out of mothballs when it suits. There are many instances over this summer which i believe have brought the game into disrepute which have gone unpunished - i don't believe we should leave all those unpunished yet have a go at Adam Selwood. Axis of Bob is correct in effect when he says Selwood has not contravened an AFL law as the precedent has been set with regard to what they (the AFL) will NOT punish, and therefore they should not punish in this case.

    **nb please don't go too far off topic by contesting whether they have or not - i only throw this line in to illustrate the breadth of potential interpretation of "bringing the game into disrepute".

  4. If I said that I boinked my opponent's dog, does that become punishable because I engaged in beastiality?

    Did you use protection? Did you call your opponent's dog the next morning or send an sms saying "it's not you, it's me".

    But seriously... Bob, that's not a fair comparison. In dog years a six year old is an adult...

  5. When you consider some of the things i've heard yelled out by crowd members at footy games, this is, believe it or not, quite tame in comparison.

    One fo the best way to react to sledges is to do nothing. It fires up the sledger even more and distracts them from their game.

  6. Your odds of picking up in a night club in a footy jumper are about roughly the same as picking up while hanging out on an AFL forum at 11pm on a Friday night. ZERO :D

    Sorry, but it's been done. Many many years ago, prior to meeting the girl i'll be marrying, after a bulldogs/demons game at the dome I was crawling through some bars in Fitzroy where I was still in my melbourne jumper, Royal blue and red scarf from the 80's, and demons cap. My mate was in a doggies jumper. We went into the next bar where we met a bunch of american girls. Both of us picked up an american girl each. We later found out this bar was a gay bar too, so we are now able to say that we picked up girls in a gay bar, wearing footy jumpers.

  7. A big "well done" to the Brisbane Lions for coming up with such a unique clash jumper. More clubs need to get on board with this idea.

    See this Herald Sun Article

    Yes I'm opening a can of worms but I have no problem with once-or-twice a season change to make it easier for the fans. Our red jumper and the Blues white jumper they're bringing in this year are good examples.

  8. so who cares really what Victory does..or wants.....except Victory!!

    do maths..how many soccer clubs representing Melb? how many footy ??.. get real

    We care because we want what's best for all sports. We want the storm, victory and demons to win flags. Deezz is right when he points out we should have made the move a long time ago and shouldn't be relying on the government now.

    Nine clubs represent Melbourne in the AFL. One represents Melbourne in the A-League. That's why the governemnt should give it the best chance possible of succeeding.

    Go Victory on Sunday.

  9. if that is part of the package to build a new stadium.... then that simply comes into teh total cost of ownership realm.. only problem then is who pays what share

    No one has the monolpoly on bums on seats really !!..would Telstra be compensated if game was moved to teh G or Princess ( hypothetically speaking ) doubt it !! .. is Telstra compensated because of added capacity to tennis centre etc.. no..so what real call does Telstra have on a New Soccer stadium...am genuiney intrigued :-)

    the Compensation I mentioned in my original post isn't about when a game gets moved. Part of the original deal with building TD is that if another stadium of over 25k (see this article for source) gets built, the government then has to shell out compensation money to TD as part of their contract, before a game is even played!

    What call does TD have on a new soccer stadium? A very big one!

    Seriously belzebub, stop looking at this issue through red and blue glasses. There are other issues at hand.

  10. Sorry belzebub59 but your answer misses a few key points.

    the answer isnt that hard..

    an optioned stadium to the capacity of 28000 is quite easily feasible apparanetly without too much heartache.. This would satisfyall on most occasions..

    The Victory's point is that a larger venue will nearly always be required. They have only ten home games, and up to four (home games against Syd and Adelaide) would definitely need to be moved each season, and this year's Queensland game would also need to be moved too as they got over 30,000

    on the other odd accasions when a larger venue is requied... quess what a little place called Telstra is down the road... if the AFL can work it so games are moved to suit occassions...im sure little upsart Victory can amass some of its grey matter and do similar.. ..otherwise it can bugger off and work out its own solution.
    That's exactly what the victory is doing. It's "own solution" will be to say no to olympic park and just move all games to the Dome. Also, the AFL's record on moving games to suit occasions isn't exactly all that good!

    If a rework can be accomodated to a capacity of say 35000....then that ought to be looked into, with a rectangular construction ....elongating all faces ought not be a real stretch ( so to speak ) . adding another couple of tiers etc, increasing sanitation to cope ..so on so on.... nothig hi tech or clever neede... just a bit bigger !!..... any which way Victory ought to shut up...its getting a shiny new Stadium to play in.

    a 35,000 stadium will require considerable compensation to be paid to Telstra Dome so it's not a feasible option.

  11. On what basis are Victory so far up the 'pecking order' ?

    1. Success.

    2. International exposure.

    3. Widespread support from all of melbourne rather than divided between nine different teams.

    It's a better political strategy for the pollies to support the victory than it is to support the demons.

    And this is coming from a Demons and Storm member!

  12. I dont have Foxtel and dont intend to get it.

    I just hate the concept of having to pay for things that have been shown on free to air for free.

    Rhino, the Pay TV campaign is not about making you pay to watch things you currently see on Free to air. It's about making you pay to watch live things you don't see on free to air. It's called "use it or lose it" and will prevent the free to air networks hoarding the rights to events and then not showing them.

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