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Everything posted by bing181

  1. I'd rather have 2 wins under Neeld (and co.), than 8 wins under Bailey.
  2. Reasons. Which aren't excuses. Big differences is that you have to think a bit before you find reasons.
  3. "Analysis" of the players and the staff doesn't get much lower than this.
  4. Maybe. But you made the claim that most of the players at the club have the same specific deficiencies that Jose listed for Moloney. You were challenged on that, and invited to respond, but you haven't - or can't. I would suggest that your heart is getting the better of your head here.
  5. From all reports, Trengove's work ethic and professionalism off field is second to none at our club Leading the way Trenners.
  6. That's not what the coach, the FD, the board and the players think. In any case, I was responding to your (inane) assertion that Trengove and Grimes are lucky to be getting games.
  7. Grimes is second for possessions. Trengove is 6th (about the same as Frawley), second to McKenzie for tackles, and in the top handful in pretty well all other stats. And the idea that the club makes decisions based on superficial considerations like stubbornness, just about sums you up.
  8. ... and hasn't played a decent game for a year or so. Times change, and time seems to have caught up with our Brett. Unfortunately.
  9. Or ... that the coaching, facilities and development around these drafted players has to be top class or we're doomed to fail.
  10. Typical Demonland post these days: You can't have it both ways. Either it was NOT implemented, therefore, had nothing to do with 186, or it WAS implemented ... which goes against your "buried without a trace". My understanding is that many of the changes in the club and FD that we saw over the off-season were instigated by Lyon and co. and drew on the Andrews report. If you have any (solid) information to the contrary, be interested to see it.
  11. ... because he's the kind of player that oozes leadership and responsibility, the kind you can build a team around.
  12. Thank you for your opinions. We'll be in touch. If necessary. In the meantime, you might have a look at when the Geelong review you refer to took place. It was after Thompson had been at Geelong for SIX YEARS.
  13. Out Dunn. 1 week (at least). With Tom McD (and Sellar?) probably still out, presumably an opening in the back line, given that that's where Dunn played on the weekend. Strauss? Running out of troops here.
  14. FFS, they're a couple of kids, and big kids at that. Both will improve, and continue to improve, health issues notwithstanding.
  15. Perhaps lacking match fitness. Missed most of the pre-season, then a couple of big slabs of games (ankle then jaw), and you would have to wonder as to whether he could run out the game at the top level. Faded today in final term from reports I've read.
  16. Ridiculous. Put himself on the line - and copped it for his troubles - on more than one occasion.
  17. Considering we were playing our B team, not a bad effort to win even 2 quarters. If only there were a Fast Forward button, and we could just instantly get 50 games (together) into most of the team.
  18. Going to be interesting to see who's playing at Casey. Green? Davey? Gysberts certainly picked a bad weekend to have an off day last Saturday, there would surely have been a place there for him. Bennell ... Lazarus!
  19. Yes, but you're not an professional sportsman, at an elite level. Some of these posts surprise me. I don't know that people are quite grasping just what it takes at this level, and in particular, what it takes in terms of work, training and preparation. One missed recovery session can be enough to (seriously) impact on how you run out a game. Or not. I know a couple of pro and ex-pro sportsmen in other sports, and it's no different. It's a 24/24, 7/7 commitment, just to get that 1/2 percent extra that will make the difference.
  20. Given that you follow Emma ... Emma Quayle ‏ @emmasq Why am I seeing Dees fans freaking out over what they'll pay for Viney? The season has barely started. He could well be worth top three. Emma Quayle ‏ @emmasq Viney strikes as a "safe" pick but so did M Murphy. Talented player, aggressive, brilliant, professional attitude, 2 years of prep #relax
  21. "We need some forwards. Our two leading goal scorers from last year, and our leading goal scorer from this are not playing. It's no wonder we can't kick a winning score." Worked it out. What do I win?
  22. It doesn't go to show anything. This board, and everything posted on it, is a complete irrelevance in relation to the internal decisions and workings of the club. Which is as it should be.
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