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Everything posted by bing181

  1. Even if true, it's still a fairly large camel to be threading through the eye of a fairly small needle. Not much room in that story to get it wrong. Increasing discussion around Bovine Colostrum, which I have to confess, until today I'd never even given a moment's thought to. Plenty of info on it out on the net if anyone's interested, but is in that "grey" area where it's not technically illegal in itself, though it contains an illegal substance (IGF-1). And ... freely available online at places like Amazon. On the other hand, I for one am showing my ignorance and perhaps naivety, in the discovery that players in the AFL are having injections of calf's blood etc. etc. as part of routine supplement intake. So much for the old ice bath and protein shake after a workout, seems that even that application of sports science is now both old hat and insufficient.
  2. Not just in the arm it seems.
  3. Opened this thread hoping to find some serious footy discussion. Still the silly season it seems.
  4. Not so fast: "VETERAN football commentator Sandy Roberts denies reports he has left Channel 7 after 34 years to work for rival television station Fox Footy." Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/tv-and-radio/im-not-off-to-fox-sandy-20130205-2dww8.html#ixzz2K3LgTqqE
  5. ... and prosecutor and investigative body.
  6. Mind-boggling indeed! And there are some here who criticise the way we handled "not deliberately trying to win". At least people weren't asked to sign waivers.
  7. No, but I believe that the AFL can appeal any bans to the CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport). It's a bit like in the Armstrong case, where there was conjecture that the UCI (the governing body for cycling) would appeal the bans applied by Armstrong's drug authority, USADA. The big boys, WADA, can also get involved and override ASADA if they feel that any ASADA response is too lenient (or hasn't followed correct procedure). Interesting times.
  8. But seriously off her game ... she missed any number of opportunities to insert references to Melbourne/tanking/The Vault ... in a piece on the CEO's and drugs.
  9. How do you know who's lining up with baseball bats ... or if there's even a line at all? Lots of speculation, followed by conclusions based on speculation. In reality, none of us know who's actually said what.
  10. Just re training and the photos, is there any readable logic in the blue/white tops that they're wearing? A team/B team or whatever?
  11. Until all the info is released and we know what actually happened, hard to say how we conducted ourselves.
  12. I didn't mind the Gysberts posts, it's a valid discussion. In the Training thread? On one hand hard to justify, but on the other, we don't want new micro-threads every time there's the least Melb-based subject that anyone wants to bring up. Perhaps someone could start a kind of holding thread for ex-Melbourne players (still playing), that we can add to when the need to discuss Gysberts and his friends arises.
  13. Gysberts is far from being someone who "did nothing wrong". There were a number of reports of the shortcomings and shortsightedness of Gysberts' attitude, including some first hand ones. This even carried over in posts on the North board when he first arrived there. Maybe he should have been given another couple of years to sort himself out, but on the other hand, we only won 4 miserable games last year, and this just isn't the time. Meanwhile .... No training report I gather.
  14. Many of the banned drugs are not so much performance enhancers, but training enhancers. If you can recover quicker, you can train more - or train harder. Or both. Therein lies the advantage, which is why they're banned.
  15. Actually, have cast the occasional eye over the North boards, and Jordie is remarkable if only for his absence. No-one even seems to have him in their Round 1 team, so hard to see that he's training the house down.
  16. That old furphy. Having a little tizz on a net forum is "holding the clubs employees to account"? I'm sure they're all quaking in their boots.
  17. And forget that Dean Bailey "vigourously denied tanking" and said that he will fight any allegations of wrong-doing. You (continue to) cherry-pick information that supports your position while ignoring or dismissing information that doesn't. Sensible thinking?
  18. They're not cheap. And as for that not standing up in grand finals: "The Jack Oatey Medal went to Norwood defender Dean Terlich who had 31 disposals in his rebound role off half back."
  19. You're not and you know you're not. There are any number of "real" indicators out there as to how we're tracking. If you were (really) interested. But you're choosing to ignore them, instead preferring to be patronising and dismissive.
  20. Just think from what we saw last year, Tapscott will end up up forward. As per the above, locks for the backs would surely be Garland, Frawley, McDonald, and Watts. Then, probably Dunn, then ... Jetta or Nicho, though one of those could have a defensive role through the middle, and I'd probably go for Jetta based on training reports. Strauss, Terlich and Gillies lurking if any of those falter. Gonna be some sh*tfighting for places, that's for sure.
  21. Which you're trying to make up for by being a delusional pessimist?
  22. Don't know that it's worth the effort OD.
  23. Don't know if anyone saw this: Brett Anderson ‏@BrettAndersonIF It will be announced today that the Dees have no case to answer in tanking allegations. The #AFL never had solid proof. #tankgate
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