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Everything posted by bing181

  1. I have a bottle of Tarax orange in my little collection of ancient beverages.
  2. A (nicely) reasoned analysis of the information that can be drawn from the photo in question (from the thread on BF): 1) Whoever is holding the vial is holding it between his thumb and index finger giving you some idea of the size of the vial. It is likely to be a 2 ml vial so no it wouldn't be one of the ones supplied by Alavi. Also being from July 2012 you would expect that the first supply would be long gone. 2) The concentration appears to read in the "thousand microgram" concentration range (x3 0s visible and mcg is microgram) so it is likely to be at 1000-9000 micrograms/ml (or 1-9 mg/ml). Typical doses of Thymomodulin appear to range from 80-120 mg so the vial wouldn't contain enough for a single shot (well assuming that it is at 10,000 micrograms (no-one would ever use those units, you would state it as mg) and the vial contains 2 ml of extract then you would need 4-6 vials/dose.) Interestingly TB4 is used at the 2-4 mg/ml range .............. 3) The photo was taken after Dank "discovered" that TB4 was prohibited and after he tried to manufacture documents saying that Alavi produced Thymomodulin. If Dank is capable of producing fraudulent backdated paperwork for the purchase of Thymomodulin then it would be logical to conclude that he would also be capable of producing fraudulent photos for its presence at the EFC. Ditto with the "Spreadsheet" which appeared a day after the fraudulent paperwork 4) I am still yet to see a single reference to "immunostimulation" during the design or implementation of the program. If this was going to be the "cornerstone" of the program then you would expect it to be extensively discussed in the correspondence between Dank and Hird/Alavi. Instead we hear about soft tissue injuries, and recovery from injuries in general, not players fighting off the flue ........ There is so much which stinks about the "Thymomodulin" story that it is laughable that anyone could take it seriously .........
  3. Barry was an elite junior player, and came down to Melbourne through the Evonne Goolagong Cawley scheme. He initially went to the tennis high school in Box Hill North, but then got sick of tennis (it's a solitary sport) and went to St Kevin's, where he got interested in football.
  4. Actually, no again. The Festina riders were forced out of the Tour that year by the Tour promoters. Individual riders were sanctioned - though most for only 6-8 months - but there was no UCI ban of Festina, and the Festina team continued to race (with non-suspended riders). Once again, to my knowledge, there have never been any WADA-connected bans of teams, and it certainly hasn't happened in cycling. Will be interesting to see what happens at Essendon. As has been pointed out already, this is a first. It was partly in response to the Festina affair (amongst others) that WADA was setup and the penalties and rules started to get much tougher.
  5. Bizarre, certainly in comparison to this: http://www.smh.com.au/sport/cycling/lance-armstrong-banned-from-charity-ride-20141024-11ay5s.html "Lance Armstrong, who has been banned for life from cycling after admitting to doping violations, can't participate in a South Carolina charity ride this weekend that would have reunited him with former US Postal Service teammates, USA Cycling ruled. While the third annual Gran Fondo Hincapie in Greenville, South Carolina, on October 26 is not an official race, it constitutes a cycling "activity" that is "authorised" by USA Cycling. As a result, Armstrong can't participate, the organisation said. The World Anti-Doping Agency's code says a banned athlete can't compete in an authorised competition or activity in "any capacity" during a period of ineligibility."
  6. Correct. And something the AFL are no doubt aware of.
  7. No teams were suspended. Nor were there masses of riders suspended, in reality there were very few - Basso, Ulrich, Scarponi, Valverde, plus a few lesser names ... Lots of riders implicated, but then even more footballers where surprise surprise, none were even investigated. FIFA etc. etc.!! The biggest part of the scandal isn't that it was so widespread, but that when it came to light, so little was done. But then again, doping wasn't illegal in Spain at the time either, so hands were tied - which explains why the suspended riders were almost exclusively non-Spanish, primarily Italian. Valverde was picked up through the back door, as he was initially banned from racing in Italy, which then led to him being banned internationally. Also, the point should be made that a cycling team is very different from a football team. Cyclists on the same team often don't even live in the same country, and usually work with individual coaches, trainers and doctors (a bit like tennis players in that regard) - though teams like Sky are starting to change that with a more structured, organised and integrated approach.
  8. Which WADA clearly said they were unhappy with. Won't happen again.
  9. Yes it does, but that won't stop people.
  10. No lawyer, and no knowledge of anything that isn't already public, but I would have thought that ASADA are on top of "reasonable satisfaction". Their case has been signed off on by at least two outside experts, and I would have thought that if they can establish to reasonable satisfaction that Dank was in possession of TB4 and was also carrying out an injection program at Essendon, that that in itself would be enough.
  11. He's not wondering what to do. I think that's the point.
  12. How many phantom or mock drafts from the period had Wines ahead of Toumpas? Any at all?
  13. When I come across off-kilter posters like Werridee, often the only conclusion I can come to is that they're Communication 101 students doing a research project in trolling as part of their Social Media unit. Good luck with the studies Werridee, let us know how you get on. It's the least you could do.
  14. He has come to the realisation that he has other interests and directions in life that are more important to him than being an AFL footballer. No shame in that. Along with the club, I for one thought he was worth persevering with, though once again, it shows that "making it" is as much about the mental/psychological side as it is footballing ability. You can't teach hunger.
  15. Interesting if true, though equally, was always going to be the case. The Lever situation reminds me of the Stringer one.
  16. How can they answer differently if they're telling the truth? - though suspect that little of this hinges on information that the players have provided.
  17. Just to be the resident pedant, it didn't actually. The UCI appealed in March 2012, and the case was heard in November. Much of the initial hold-up in that case was because all the documents had to come from Spain (perhaps not particularly rapidly) and then be translated. The CAS hearing had been initially scheduled for June, which is only a few months after the appeal had been lodged, and is more in keeping with how long the CAS appeals take. But, agree with your post. If that's how they want to play it.
  18. I agree. And nor should Toumpas's anticipative hip surgery.
  19. Well summarised DD. I'd presume it's between these two - which will at least make the Wines/Toumpas parallels easier when we start tearing ourselves apart over the choice 2 years down the track. (Meanwhile hoping that whoever we don't take plus Laverne don't turn out to be the pick of the bunch ...)
  20. From what I understand of Jordie, I'd be surprised if he was moved on or put through the Rookie wringer. While I accept the argument that we can't have passengers, a seniorish player and solid citizen, who can provide some leadership and guidance at Casey to and with the young players, while being there as backup, is not just a worthwhile position, but a necessary one. Roos talks often about establishing a strong culture across the whole club, and it's in that light that I'd keep Jordie on, at least for the last year of his contract. If anyone's to be paid out and re-rookied, surely the only candidate would be Evans.
  21. And having type 1 Diabetes isn't "baggage"?
  22. And the difference with your insane love for an unproven, never played-an-AFL game 18 year old? The more you attack Toumpas, the more you undermine every argument you have re McCartin. Though the only problem with that is that you don't see it.
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