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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. You've got no idea on multiple levels.
  2. It's not really about being boring, it's about being outdated.
  3. I tend to agree - all this fawning over Roos yet who is to say he could really do anything with this team? He created a stifling brand of footy suited to the SCG and the Swans list which was outdated before he finished coaching. Even though other teams had evolved their game plans beyond that he was unable to adapt in a way that Clarkson demonstrated he can at Hawthorn. One thing I think he would address is the culture (although it seems at the Swans, like the Cats, it was largely player driven) but whether that would equate to on-field success is a different beast altogether. Someone mentioned Blight at St. Kilda and that's exactly what went through my head last night when he talked about coaching for money. As for the other issues I cannot believe we were so stupid as to not call Ross Lyon when he was exactly what we needed (experience + defensive mindset), Moloney had to go and Dawes is far too early to judge though I thought he was one of our better players on the weekend (you know when he actually had the ball passed to him and not kicked a metre over his head.)
  4. He should have won the Norm Smith medal in 2009.
  5. That's because the supporters are completely demoralised from the inept efforts of the entire club. The players have barely raised a sweat all year. I pay to go to games, they get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to be there, how about they take the initiative and give us something to cheer about.
  6. I'd say so, if not the board at least McLardy has to go he is just not up to it. To be honest I wouldn't know most of the board from a bar of soap but it seems we have too many insurance/business people (who we definitely need at least some) and not enough footy people (Healy the only one?) Something's gotta give and if Jackson's early signals are anything to go by the board is either stupid or downright incompetent in what they have let go on at the club (on and off field) on their watch.
  7. What a joke your comments are - I was there but can understand why some might not have shown up. We are playing like absolute rubbish, were playing against a soulless franchise who were every chance of embarassing us, it was Mother's Day and we were playing at 4.40pm on a Sunday when most people have school/work the next day. If the players showed some spirit in any of the prior 6 rounds they may have had more people there.
  8. I have no doubt there'll be more than one gone if that's the case and their minds may well be made up already. We're going to end up paying guys like Strauss & Nicholson $400k just to meet the cap minimum.
  9. 1. Their top four are pretty good 2. You said our list is better than anything over at Punt Road which is clearly delusional.
  10. Even if that is what he meant he did not communicate it very well - the comments by Finey were actually in relation to Neil Craig's presets towards the end of his time at the Crows I was just applying it to the comments Neeld made.
  11. As Finey said on SEN a good coach gives the players credit when they win and protects them by taking the brunt when they lose - that "look at the players" comment was quite unbelievable and I have no doubt the media will jump on it if they even care enough anymore.
  12. This is damning and thanks for emphasising just how disgustingly poor we are (as if we didn't know). We have Richmond, Freo at Subi, Hawthorn and Collingwood the next few weeks and if any of those teams really decide to put their foot on our throat we could lose by 200. We are so far off the top teams we might as well be playing a different sport. Make no mistake this club is in its death throes if something doesn't change soon, you can't keep putting in insipid efforts like that every week and expect no repercussions. I saw a kid leaving with his parents at 3/4 time decked out head to toe in Melbourne gear and he was saying "but mum it was Gold Coast, it was Gold Coast!" How many more games do you think kids like that can put up with before they get fed up? How many more times can we get thrashed on Queens Birthday for the networks get in Demetriou's ear about the revenue being passed up because we've stunk it up once again? How many more performances can guys like Frawley & Jones put up with before they ask to get the hell out of here not to mention Hogan and perhaps Toumpas as well?? Things need to change quickly because football clubs can survive losing but they can't survive having no hope.
  13. To be fair I think he realises he's just marking time now and his career has gone down the toilet, he sounds like a man defeated who just doesn't have the will to care anymore.
  14. Who gives a crap? Did it really have that big an effect on your life that you need to crack the sads about it? Just close the browser window and leave the thread if you don't like it, it's not like it was a spam link for weight loss pills or something.
  15. Recruit footballers who can win their own ball over athletes, play them in the reserves until they're ready and earn a game, don't expect 18 year old kids to come in and be the teams best players, have a reserves side that is controlled by the club and plays to the same game plan, have a strong leadership group who sets and demands standards on the track and on the field, have a strong and stable off-field with no cliques trying to destabilise the club for their own vindictive ends. 125/150 (3 flags) is a mighty impressive stat but I think just as impressive is the fact they had 10 players with less than 50 games experience tonight and still made the Dons look second rate. If they're not flag favourites yet, they should be.
  16. I can't speak for others, but I have no problem with Trengove it's the clubs management of him I have the issue with. If he is still recovering as you say then he should not be playing - simple. No point throwing him to the wolves and risking further aggravating the injury and allowing him to flounder in full public view while trying to lead the worst side in the last decade out of the mire. Take him out and get a plan in place to get him right for next year and if he plays some games this year it's a bonus.
  17. He does it every time his contract is up for renewal, I'll believe it when he puts 2-3 good years together.
  18. Haha seriously what do you think the Demonlander's opinion will be on this one??
  19. Pretty sure the suspension would be 6 months of competition not just 6 calendar months - so they would miss a whole season.
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