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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Of course, it could just be both clubs playing funny buggers. But to what end?
  2. I'm not convinced North are the ones holding up the deal. It makes me think that we are in some way trying to involve Ray in the Pedersen deal.
  3. Mooney is usually a little more switched on than that as a media commentator. Apparently not today!
  4. This is a fantastic post. Hadn't crossed my mind at all. I like it though. But couldn't Howe play that role?
  5. Yeah, okay. So it's better than Hawthorn Round 1, but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves.
  6. I'd agree with all of that R&BB. A lot of these holes may well be filled unknowingly at this point in time. We just need a few of our mids to come on and all of a sudden we may just be another trade period away from completing the puzzle. See, I'm not convinced by those backs. Strauss has potential, but I can't see Jetta or Bennell making it and Tapscott is probably more suited to an attacking role. Though he may become a distributor from the back. Aside from Watts, I see all of those players being depth members of the squad, if remaining on it at all (Jetta & Bennell namely). It's strange, because since about 2010, I've felt like our backline was our strongest line. It has been and arguably still is, but we've come off such a low base that any positives are memorable.
  7. Apologies that I haven't riveted you, Ben. His first two years were solid, I agree. But he lacked leg speed, foot skills and decision making this year. I've already alluded to a number factors as to why this may have been the case. Meanwhile, DemonWA is right. You have twisted my words to suit yourself. I put him in the 'unknown quantity' basket, not simply 'unknown'. This is exactly what he is. He could be a gun midfielder and vital cog to our midfield machine or he could merely be a role player. If it's the latter, role players are all well and good, but are also eventually tradeable assets. I'm not necessarily saying that we'd trade him, I'm just noting that he needs to impact games more. Having said all that, everything we hear out of the club suggests he's a wonderful and respected leader. So fingers crossed he can improve. edit. typo.
  8. I wonder where Bartram fits into Neeld's plans if at all. I agree about Howe. He should play the majority of his time forward. The new rules will probably negate much of his potential impact of third man up anyway. He just needs to improve his kicking and he could be anything.
  9. I'm not sure what I think of this post.
  10. JT, it's almost as if you think I don't rate Trengove. I love the bloke. He's one of my favourite players. I'm just not going to settle for the year he had. Yes, there are extenuating circumstances why he hasn't reached the heights of others taken his draft year (training loads, captaincy, playing in a rubbish team etc). But I'm not going to be happy with what he delivered this year if that's the peak. He has the ability I believe to impact the game in a bigger way. He needs to improve and I hope he does.
  11. Couldn't agree more on both fronts. Thanks for reading!
  12. No, not necessarily. I just hope he can lift his game. This year he showed leadership (leading the 1%s), which is fantastic. Next year he needs to do a lot more. Hopefully another pre-season under Misson will enable this.
  13. Ultimately, I think Neeld will look to a mobile ruckman. That's where the game is going. Martin fits that bill. Having said all that, both Spencer and Gawn's height would be an attraction. The advantage of being that tall is obvious. I think we'll certainly keep both, but can see one being pushed out long term.
  14. Very good point. I'll be fascinated to see if Trengove and Grimes can take that next step too.
  15. Mainly due to the fact that he's in between two positions at the moment. He had a good year. If he's going to play midfield though I want to start seeing him win more of his own ball.
  16. Yeah, I'd agree with this. Does Nicholson fill those shoes? His accountability and disposal are questionable perhaps.
  17. This is a good point. Trengove has also had some success at this. But to be an effective midfielder you have to win enough of your own ball there. I don't think he has yet.
  18. Definitely noted that. Though saying Viney is a walk up starter is assuming far too much. I hope he's the gun we've been longing for. I'm sure we all do, but just because he's a highly rated youngster, doesn't make him walk up. Sorry. That's a Dean Bailey attitude. Let's hope he becomes a walk up starter in 2014 though.
  19. Some probably said that about Moloney too. But fair enough. I hope you're right.
  20. Going to 17 games live, his clearance work certainly wasn't B grade. Certainly effective with his marking, but as a midfielder you truly believe he was effective?
  21. Once again, Howe will be a walk up starter Round One 2013, but by 2014 we'll know whether he'll be a midfielder/forward, midfielder or forward. I don't think that's been solidified yet.
  22. Each to their own. Trengove will be a walk up starter for Round One. Don't get me wrong. But in two to three years? We'll see. I hope he is.
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