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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Gaff doesn't excite me. He's also too outside for our needs at the moment.
  2. I think he uses hyperbole to drum up controversy, just as the Gonzo claims. He takes a fact and then embellishes to the point of absolute fabrication. Did Mahoney insinuate that Hogan would never play again? Or was that just Barrett?
  3. I agree. I just think we don't have to use our top pick on that midfielder, when we have pressing needs for a KPF - historically, those that play that position brilliantly are high draft picks.
  4. If you keep guessing, you'll get some right.
  5. I'll admit it's unlikely and I meant no more than four games. I think PJ could mount a case for comp. We might be improving, but the AFL won't want us taking 5 years to win 10 games. We need that injection of talent and quickly. Depending on the amount of wins, I think the club will seek the PP again. And should. EDIT. Will might be a contentious point.
  6. Go the key forward with the first pick and look for the mid with our second pick. Game breaking KPFs are rarely found outside the top 10 these days.
  7. I reckon Thompson'll make any excuse. He just wanted to go back home.
  8. I can't see us winning more than 5 games and this given, I'd say the AFL will "award" a priority pick. That'll mean two picks in the top 10. It will be interesting to see.
  9. Ah, Barry Prendergast style? But seriously, if Taylor, Viney and Roos pick him, that's good enough for me. They've picked well thus far.
  10. Problem is, Jamar has been an even greater liability around the ground. Tap-wise, he just taps to his feet too. I dunno. I'd prefer to keep persevering with Spencer to be honest. Jamar's done. I guess we shall see. Completely disagree, Steve. I feel like people either weren't watching last year (or essentially since 2011) or they have very short memories. Spencer was brought into the side, because Jamar wouldn't work at all around the ground. His tap work has been ordinary (that's being kind) since his one good year of AFL footy in 2010. They might bring Jamar in to give Spencer a week off for a rest, but Jamar's skills are no better than Spencer, he has very little idea on positioning and rarely takes contested marks for a bloke of his size. Disagree again, mate. His hardness is still not good enough and last week was simply not up to AFL standard. However, I've seen progress for him each week. He's actually trying to lay some tackles. I think Roos will get him there. It's going to take this season though. Last week was certainly a step backwards for him, but the rest of the season he has been showing signs of progress.
  11. IMO, Roos raises Salem's name publicly to acknowledge the hard work he is clearly doing and to proffer the unspoken question: how much do you really want it? If you want it, back up your form again in the VFL.
  12. I'm looking forward to seeing JKH's career progress, but jeez, he's overrated on here.
  13. Hawthorn built their 2008 premiership midfield around Mitchell and Sewell. Viney and Prestia remind me a little of that combination. :D
  14. Acknowledged, but to intimate we should limit changes is foolhardy at this point, IMO. Roos has to do whatever he deems right to find the correct balance. Just as the top teams do. Bring Garland back. Bring back Jamar. If Roos thinks Salem is ready, give him a game. Sometimes players in a winning team are unlucky, let alone a losing team. We want to breed a competitive environment and we want to raise the bar. We do that by making changes if there are fringe players knocking down the doors at Casey.
  15. I'm not sure that second quarter highlighted anything, but the fact that we are a developing side and one that will struggle with its consistency. In 2012/2013, the only time we'd get near consistency, is in our substandard performances. We're winning quarters this year though, mate. That is tangible evidence of improvement. I'm as [censored] off as you that we're still losing to teams and to teams we really should be well ahead of in terms of development. BUT, the fact is, we're not ahead of them. We all know why and you readily underline the problems of the club's past failings, whether it be administrations or the FD. We have to remember how bad our 2013 was though. I certainly haven't seen a worst football side (fielded by any club) in my lifetime. That's the low base we're coming off. Okay, so we were essentially universally putrid across the ground in that second quarter and I was filthy. That already tells me so much. Last year, I would have been apathetic 15 minutes into the first quarter. This year, I go to games thinking we're a chance to win. And mate, we are making progress. Losses aren't acceptable, but we also need to recognise the baby steps being taken here. Roos and PJ need time to fix the mess. There isn't an easy switch. So let's roll up our sleeves and support the club. Get along to as many games as we can and you just wait, that feeling when success starts to come closer, it'll be so much sweeter.
  16. I think Chook might be referring to Clisby, but you're thinking of his other mate, the bloke that has played in every game: Bernie Vince.
  17. What game were you watching? We could certainly make a number of changes. We weren't that good. As for that second quarter - that was 2012/2013 worthy.
  18. Why bother having the list then, M? Further, I don't think anyone could deny that these 'estimates' (and I agree, they are estimates, obviously) appear to be more often off the mark than on these days. Has that always been the way? I dunno. I feel like they used to set more realistic estimated return dates. For me, that's the fault of whoever's estimating.
  19. I truly hope the club has progressed since the rubbish handling of our 2012/2013 injuries. That ship has sailed, mate.
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