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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Still can't see us taking the top picks to the draft.
  2. Neither are that believable. You can't trust anything football people say. They're politicians.
  3. I didn't say he was a hack. I implied he wasn't worth a top 3 pick on his own and that's what we'd essentially be giving. He's not an A grader, so you'd want a top 10 pick back at least. Sydney can't provide this. No deal, for mine. But each to their own.
  4. I wouldn't. That's still overs. Mitchell couldn't crack the 1sts.
  5. Yeah, I can't see us giving up 2 picks for one player. Josh is a gun and a great bloke, but no deal. It'll be interesting to see how the next 48 hours pans out.
  6. I just can't see the club putting its eggs all in the one basket, without a back-up plan, so I'm still expecting at least one A grader.
  7. I agree that it's just a bit of fun, but I also wouldn't begrudge DLers for being frustrated by little games. If you don't want people to get frustrated, don't play games. Anyway, I certainly wasn't saying he would know anything about pick 12, merely that expect people to get frustrated (Exhibit A: the past few pages) when the trades don't happen.
  8. It sounds like they did, RE: Watts, but that's just purely me speculating. I still trust Roos and co to run a well oiled machine. I would be very surprised if they only had one plan here.
  9. Well, his original post discussed the club having back up plans and that if we didn't get our top targets, we had a plan B. So I'm not sure how Trenners' trade could impact upon even the plan B's...
  10. Or he might tread carefully next time he decides to post what he's heard. I enjoy GNF's posts, but I can understand any wrath he receives from DLers in the wake of his coc-k-teasing riddles yesterday and now the seeming tenuous nature of a megatrade.
  11. Well, you'd bloody hope that this was the club's back-up plan. Particularly, if they had an inkling Trenners would not pass his medical.
  12. So what do we think now? His career his most likely over and our megatrade could be in tatters. I've always loved Trenners, but for all of our sakes (except Richmond), it would have been better had he passed the medical, signed a three year deal with them and then injured himself. As it stands, he'll be delisted next year by us.
  13. Nah, that's not really good enough. The club should have a back-up plan in place, ie another player to trade. I would be surprised and annoyed if they didn't.
  14. Just a bit of fun. I don't think you can blame some of our supporters for dreaming a bit and getting excited by it all.
  15. And now Chook enters the fray. All the big rumour mongers. Lovin' it. Not sure I'd do that deal. I'd prefer to get greedy and hold out for someone else.
  16. I don't have evidence of Treloar, because I wasn't saying he did want to come back to Victoria. If we were after him, we'd have to convince him presumably.
  17. Once again, where has this come from? Multiple posters are sprouting this. They may not be able to stop him, mate. If he says he wants to come back to Victoria and the MFC can offer pick 2 or 3, I think they take it and run. It's the same leverage we have with Dangerfield. We're actually incredibly lucky with this new FA paradigm (that has encouraged players, young and old to request a new home at will) coming into play when we have all these picks. Roos and co have been ready for it though. It's sounding ominous to me...in a good way.
  18. Yeah, it was clear to me Mahoney simply came out and said that to force the hand of a few opposition clubs.
  19. I can see the line of thinking here. I did just say somewhere else that he could well turn into the next Judd, but I'm not keen on giving up two top picks for anyone. Carlton didn't for Judd. I think we're gonna get two players we're really happy with this week. Wouldn't it be great if Treloar was one of them? This makes no sense to me, but each to their own.
  20. Not a fair or 'efficient' indication though, is it? Ironic, given it's disposal efficiency.
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