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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Not sure about that. I'd argue Watts can fall into this too.
  2. It's [censored], but we're hopefully nearing the end of apathetic senior/junior players. One of the reasons I want Garland to be moved on too.
  3. My point was more that he isn't necessarily an outstanding coach, but merely a role player that does his job well. The real magic happens at the top.
  4. Doesn't mean they can teach kicking. I think the Demon blokes at Hawthorn are role players, except for Clarkson who is obviously an exceptional coach.
  5. If that's the case, it's a bit of a strange decision. I wonder what that says about our ability to attract players of any standard to the club, given we have to take such a risk on a bloke who isn't exactly a B grader.
  6. I think they're making a stand at the contract table. In the meantime, in season, they are playing it sensibly, IMO. There won't be many pre-2013 players left soon. It's a year by year process that unfortunately takes a bit of time.
  7. They're in a lot of trouble. There's no doubt they're behind us in terms of list development, but they're top players are still probably better than ours. They don't have a lot of top players though.
  8. Would love Dangerfield, but would prefer Prestia to be honest. Hope we can still lure Bennell too. Getting those two elite talents won't necessarily say to the football world that we're a destination club, but it will certainly start turning the wheels.
  9. I'm happy hiring outside of the MFC circle. We've been starved of success. That's why Peter Jackson's so good. As is Roosy. They come from successful cultures, used to success.
  10. I reckon we must have received advice from somewhere suggesting none of them will be punished or at least banned from the game. I don't think we'd take the risk otherwise, for the reasons you've stated above.
  11. One of my favourite posters. Another ripper. Agree with everything you've said. The one caveat I would include is in regards to our 2014 draft selections and all of them becoming best 22 players next year. The early signs are that we've done amazingly well with that '14 draft, but as always, some of these guys will stagnate, drop off, get injured and just generally never quite make it. The next two draft/trade periods are still vital and if we really get our selections right (preferably adding players in that 22-24 demographic), we'll be really well placed for the next 5-10 years.
  12. Agree on this bit, but don't agree on your last point. We got Brayshaw because we kept playing Frawley. Just as we'll get something decent this year for Howe, because we kept playing him. Reckon we'll be talking about Howe in the same way next year, despite the fact that both players have probably been shown the door by the MFC.
  13. He's already inherited the Hawthorn arrogance. Cannot wait until they fall. And they will at some stage.
  14. This could go either way. If our FD thinks he could really add something, we may pay a 2nd rounder, but I'm hoping we'd say, 'a 3rd rounder or we'll pick him up in the PSD'.
  15. Bunch of meth-smoking miners, aren't they? The guy that shaped to hit Smith looked as high as a kite. Disgusting people. Disgusting behaviour. To be honest, I'd be right behind banning alcohol from games. I never drink at games anyway, because I'm actually there to watch the football. The amount of people that go along just to drink in the bar, it's pointless. Just stay home. Hope that scum wearing the number 10 is severely dealt with.
  16. The MFC let him down to begin with. He let us down last year and earlier, IMO. He just jogged around and just generally didn't give a toss. Fingers crossed for an Eagles flag. Gee, it's slim pickings when you're hoping for an Eagles flag. Then again, I generally hate everyone that's not Melbourne.
  17. I just wonder if they'll go after a new coach. Would there be doubts at board level about Lyon's ability to pull their team into a Grand Final and actually win one?
  18. Great post, mate. Completely agree. I've said it a number of times, but the amount of [censored] our supporters cop for being fair-weathered, yet in a sustained period of [censored]ness, we're still here. The example of our potential that I often cite is the 2004 (?) home & away game against West Coast at the 'G. For some reason I always remember the crowd that day. We had 36,000 people there. We were playing well, despite (I think) losing that game. I'm confident we can be a powerhouse again, we just need the right people in the right positions of power. As you point out, we seem to have some of that now. Which brings me to - Peter Jackson, please sign a five year deal. Thank you.
  19. So really we should be thanking him for going behind his manager's back, shouldn't we.
  20. Haha. This thread's actually pretty funny reading. And as usual, HH has me convinced he's 12 or 13 years old.
  21. We did this a couple of years ago with Neeld and it was a waste. It's akin to Malthouse cutting and running on their forwardline of Betts, Garlett and Waite. It'd be a dumb decision to cut and run on Toumpas. Float him for trade by all means, but if you can't get something decent for him in return (probably part of a package deal), keep him, back him and hope he comes good.
  22. Reckon we'll see Terlich paid out and probably Matt Jones gone too. The latter might be more wishful thinking on my part. Howe will go and Garland is touch and go.
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