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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. He also rag-dolled Lynch to the ground on Saturday night too.
  2. I always enjoying watching this one. Upon viewing tonight I noticed Brendan McCartney in the Geelong box. I'd never noticed him previously. It's funny watching a game even 11 years old now. The game has changed so much. The deliberate out of bounds, the ducking the head rule, the pace of the game off half back. The evolution of the game in such a short time is fascinating in a way. It's also always weird watching both the 2005 and 2006 games against Geelong. A time immediately before they were grossly arrogant and set off to experience a dynasty. They were perennial pretenders, but as we know, it all clicked in '07.
  3. I reckon he'd be a good role player. Played his role on Hogan. I wouldn't say he smashed him, but was strong in the contest and held his own. He's a cheaper, younger option than Hurley, the latter of whom I would be happy with, but is overhyped. And if we could get him for that, SONS, that'd be perfect.
  4. Haha, agreed, but let's be honest, we'd all be happy with anyone holding up the premiership cup, as long as they were wearing the red and blue jumper.
  5. Dion Prestia, Sam Day and Lachie Neale. Thank you.
  6. This might be why Browny appears to have a bit of a soft spot with us?
  7. That would also explain why his best football has been running off half back or through the middle of the ground with raking long kicks to advantage. I didn't know this, but Roos would have watched him play there quite a bit. I wonder why he hasn't been tried there.
  8. It's kind of interesting that what we hear coming out of the club is that we've built from a defensive base and have now layered that with an offensive game. However, most of the guys that learnt that defensive style under Roos aren't playing anymore, so that time was essentially used determining who would make it of the current list and turning it over. So we know that Goodwin values the contest and how we 'crack in', but a lot of the steady foundations sound like PR (not Paul Roos) to me, because as you mentioned, PD, the 2016 team is essentially a different team to 2014's.
  9. Interesting. I thought you could trade picks two years into the future. I have been set straight.
  10. And isn't this progress? Remember when we would brace ourselves for a big loss every week? Urgh. I've said for quite some time that we'll win between 10-12 games. We're tracking well to hit that. Hoping we don't peter out at the back end, but have an unfunny feeling we might. We've still got a very young side and the 23 week season might just take its toll. Still, I haven't been this excited about a season since I was in high school in the mid 2000s. I'd legitimately forgotten what it was like to be excited for the remaining rounds at this time of year. And as you say, HH, it's good going into every week knowing we can push anyone. That's what makes the hiccups (although occasionally expected) all the more frustrating.
  11. They don't really have a coach for the midfield these days. It'd be stoppages if you like or ball movement/transition etc. At least, that's how our FD is currently set up. Would snap Ratten up as one of those though. Of course has history at Melbourne too.
  12. I'd like to think $650k would still get the job done for Dion. A five year deal. Hurley would be lovely, but he's certainly not a flawless player. His kicking is better than Tommy's, but he's still known to have a brain fade or two. I wouldn't go higher than a front ended $800k deal over five years.
  13. Big fan of Saad. Not the strongest defender, but provides terrific run off half back and is a neat kick. A good half back flanker is comparable to a good attacking left or right back in soccer these days. Their attacking capabilities are almost more important than their defensive capabilities. Particularly, when you're playing a zone defence.
  14. What a joke this competition is. Harmes had, what, 5 or 6 possessions that didn't either put his team mates under pressure or completely miss the target. Harmes may have got a lot of it in the first quarter, but after that he tailed off. They've looked at his stats and made this call. They clearly didn't watch the game. Petracca's game was far better and even though he's already been nominated, I'd argue that Oliver's game was also better. If his decision making and disposal was better in this game, then this would have been the right call. But nope. However, hopefully he takes a lot of confidence from this game. That he can accumulate the ball now. He just needs to tidy his game up.
  15. Well, as fndee said, we wouldn't have to offer him that. $1-1.5mill a year over ten years sounds right to me. With the rising cap I'd happily pay that for Jesse.
  16. They've been reading Demonland.
  17. We're also in a uniquely strong position to entice these guys over due to Goodwin and McCartney's involvement.
  18. One of the best posts I've read on DL in a while. Spot on, mate. This game (as always) will be won from the stoppages and determined by the amount of pressure our mids and forwards can bring to each and every contest.
  19. Having watched the replay again last night, I think it's more a neck injury than concussion. Hoping Jack will be right to go against the Dogs.
  20. Watching the replay again and note that Jetta has won about 5 freekicks. He either drew them cleverly or won them by going hard at the contest. Love him.
  21. Not liking what I've heard about Tommy lately.
  22. Sam Day's rumoured to be leaving? I hadn't heard that. But you could add David Swallow to the list of potential outs too. Big problems up there. Wonder if Day could be a KPD target?
  23. Also a pig of a man. What was the name of the first female goal umpire to umpire 50 AFL games? Anyway, it was about 5 or so years ago. Taylor's response? "Ah, good old G-string plays her 50th today" or something very close to that twaddle.
  24. They're basically short film clips, but the frame rate is slower, because less pictures make up the clip. HH/Petraccattack posts them all the time.
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