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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. The modern game is all about systems, so he's on the right track. Not only is the modern AFL game about systems, but modern sport. This is what worries me about 2020. Having demanded for the entirety of 2019 that players perform their roles, only for them to ignore those instructions, how do you go about changing these attitudes in a single off season? If the players weren't listening to the coaches, that's an indictment on the players, but also the senior coach.
  2. We're not offering him a contract mate. We can't then demand a second rounder for him. We'll take a third or a fourth rounder and move on. I'm excited that we can now play a solid system with everyone on board. If Oscar had come on, Frost would have been traded/delisted a year or two ago. With Petty coming in and the side's success based on an ability to play a cohesive defensive game, Frost was always going to be first one out the door. If we can get something back for our investment/development of him, great, but either way Melbourne's defensive set up is far more important than a rogue agent failing to adhere to the game plan. One of my mates is on the Hawthorn coaching staff. Clarkson won't let Frost go rogue and he therefore won't last more than one contract with them. Bookmark it. If he does, Hawthorn is in trouble.
  3. If we can't land a gun, I'm not convinced we should recruit stop gaps. Just build your system around what you have. Richmond and Collingwood have shown the way in this respect.
  4. I'll put my neck out there and say we've got him over the line. Along with Tomlinson and Langdon. No sources, I just don't think Mahoney would have said anything if they weren't already over the line.
  5. It just means we've got those guys over the line. We don't tend to come out and say something and then have it fall over. I hope we've got more up our sleeve as well.
  6. Yep,we'll probably look at him even though I don't rate him at all.
  7. There will legitimately be a silver lining if he doesn't come, which is that we force a competitor to pay overs to keep one of theirs. I would suggest we'll pull the trigger pretty quickly on an inferior, but workable option if we don't land him.
  8. Come on, mate. You'd get a go at the local comedy show with this material. First Frost was a superstar, now he's the equivalent of two players? Are you trolling or just using a bit of good old fashioned Demonland hyperbole?
  9. I reckon we'll land him. If what Barrett is saying is true RE: Collingwood's cap, they won't be able to compete with our offer.
  10. Looks like Collingwood went for broke with the salary cap over the last 2-3 years in the hope of snagging a flag and then a core of players recommitting based on that success. If you don't get that success, you're in trouble. And Demonlanders bang on about our cap. I wonder what Collingwood supporters think (yeah, I know, not much).
  11. You mean like Lepp and Hardwick at Richmond? I think it's pretty clear it works well and is pretty industry standard.
  12. Elliott is the better player. Papley is a good player, but reckon we need someone with more zip than Papley. Anyway, he clearly priced himself out of the market and nommed the Blues, so game over.
  13. Papley loves Papley. Wouldn't be surprised if he's asked for very big coin.
  14. He sounds like a Melbourne man alright. Half the posts on Demonland are supremely negative.
  15. Playing his cards close to his chest as usual I'd say.
  16. He's not a genuine winger, an average defender and a worse kick. I'm glad list strategy hasn't been based on sentimentality in this instance. It rarely gets us into a good place.
  17. Only in the way he moves. Seems a few clocks quicker than Mr Newton.
  18. I would like to think Mahoney is simply putting out there what is widely known. I wouldn't be surprised to know we're targeting a few others. And we'd want to but that may come out in the splitting of pick 3.
  19. You do have to wonder about McCartney leaving the club. I know in some cases change can be good, but I worry that we've got rid of the wrong bloke and that had we decided to pull the trigger on Goodwin, would Macca still be around? Very highly respected and it's hard not to look at this with concern. Let's hope we get our coaching right in 2020 though.
  20. You and Dazzle really love each other. It's like a primary school crush. You just tease each other a lot.
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