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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. And re-watch this wretched season.....................pass.
  2. He probably figures that it's all fish, why pay for bluefin tuna when you can eat carp and save some $'s? He probably favours porterhouse steak over ribeye too.
  3. Totally agree Cell. Whilst his runs were entertaining and 'Frostball' edge-of-you-seat stuff, few of them actually resulted in goals (though the blame cannot be placed only on him because of this), however his turnovers at numerous times directly did result in goals against us. I figure the club believes should Frosty leave (and we bring worthy replacements), as a team we'd end up conceding fewer goals.
  4. Maybe they were showing him the plans for their Dingley base?
  5. Maybe not on exhilaration, but on heart-rate there would be no contest!
  6. Maybe we offered him a performance based contract, $10K for every effective kick. Clearly Frosty thinks he might be better off taking the $400K upfront than work on his kicking ?
  7. The fact that he hasn't would prove to you that he is isn't a leader, i would have thought Damo
  8. I know we need speed and skill off the back-line/midfield, but if we could bring in Langdon for pick 20(ish), Tomlinson via FA and then go after either Young @ 3 or Ben King, i'd much rather that than 'splitting' the pick.
  9. Roos is an extremely egotistical and stubborn person. He would've looked at Tomlinson's height and weight and made his judgement through that alone.
  10. Solved it. If you click on the link below, it reveals the author to be Erika.....................................Westhoff https://osmiaorganics.com/blogs/blog/whats-so-special-about-basil That's the best i've got.
  11. Sorry, but Edwards aside, none of those names overly excite me.
  12. Don't do a GNF 11, no riddles (some of us aren't smart enough to dissect them!).
  13. If it means the filth lose another one, i'd be more than hoping on the tiger band wagon.
  14. Should've left with Dennis. Wait then we'd be left only with BT, Darce and Ling. Richo gets a reprieve in my book, loved his emotion when he realised the tigs were gonna win it in 2017 (might happen again this year)
  15. Totally Agree RN. There isn't a team i despise more than the Scum. Hopefully the Eagles continue the rout. Just making up the numbers are the druggies, they got there but they may as well not have. Great ??
  16. Very strange indeed. The boards fate is directly tied to Goodwin's now. Getting rid of all of his assistants, yet if he turns out to be the culprit, what a waste of 2 years and resources it will have been.
  17. Maybe have him as our faux coach, with Yze doing the heavy lifting?
  18. One of the main problems is the travel, that and being able to afford player payments. A lot of clubs are struggling to even meet the minimum cap such is the lack of money some smaller clubs have. Also many of the local player's have full time jobs where it's even a struggle to get to just one training session a week. If AFL Victoria was to fund the comp and some juicy prize money maybe, but i doubt there'd be much of an appetite for it from both AFL Vic or local supporters. The closest thing currently to something like that is the inter-league weekend where the best player's from each league play off against others from other leagues.
  19. Went down to Phillip Island to be a teacher i think, and apparently just rocked up to Bulldogs training one night and said he wanted to play for them. Bret Thornton & Brad Fisher were a class above when they played for Dalyston a few years back, so no surprise that Pedo took out the B&F. Could've used him at Fishy this year, that's for sure.
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