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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Probably should just give the Wobblies the bill !!
  2. quite likely and i wish the karma fairies to unleash retribution for dodgy dealings
  3. Filth welcome to him...and may yhey pay through the nose.
  4. Hypothetical WADA wins appeal AFL hands out watered down penalties Then WADA will be straight back to CAS to apeal them. There's no escaping the inevitable.
  5. no need to pray OD
  6. People like to win. They also don't enjoy losing a whole lot, but i suppose you can be philosophical about it ( or just resigned lol ) I like to win, to revel in the euphoria. Might even happen with the Dees, but I'm philosophical
  7. ...ticket...bat...timber jinker !!!
  8. You cant give BOTH 1st and 2nd rounders from 2016 . You do your 1st Round...then thats it. OR you can do 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th if you like but cant trade your 1st Dems da rools
  9. No. Its not a game
  10. agaon...ive no issue with him as a player to fill a roll. So be it. But did Ted come With Abnormal Different Aspects
  11. spoken so eloquently
  12. Sorry Wiseblood i beg to differ..unless youre infering ratified. The dealing goes on and on. You cant for a minute suggest the shenanigans that go on all year suddenly keep to m-f 9-5 sts.
  13. fiar enough ..but dont be surprised if the Filth do offer him up as steak knives to some deal. Thats teh filth
  14. makes me ill just thinking hes going to the filth for unders anways ( most likely ) Watch someone rumour White and Kennedy for Howe If he aint going to budge and go north.. we might have to think differently what will nix it though is he can't ruck for shlt.. so probably everyone can relax
  15. I read that...be hilarious if it panned out
  16. why..seriously and dont tel lme White is useless.. No #1 fwd perhaps....but we DONT need that
  17. I'd do that facebook or not...I dont mind it for what it is.
  18. This is my flavour of thought. I do like it.......however Alas I dont know we'd 1) do it ...or 2) that it would have desired result Bit of a game of blink though. The rub to it al ls how quickly do we need this to move in order to do other deals ?
  19. must be happy hour already....by joves !!
  20. filth will need that 7 for Treloar id imagine
  21. Sooo...we need a forward support...and more depth in the guts...and we need to tidy up our basic skills someone quickly Telex the club... wow... we'll be good to go after this revelation !!
  22. How much does their list need to shrink for next season ? cheers
  23. love it doubt it Bub - sad
  24. Geeeee you'd almost think he had an agenda.... Hogan back west...nahhh !! FL0G
  25. Now....I know this is rogue....I know it's left field , radical and somewhat nouveau in thinking, but I just have this odd idea that Jeremy is, well how does one say this , Full of Shlt !!
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