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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. yes something of a myth that Toump was the go.That supposedly more than a few experts thought Dimitri the goods only emphasises how much a raffle it really is. Theres a lot to be said for people who really get the subtle nuances of footy as opposed the paid press. Take it to the bank there are some here on our boards with as much if not greater insight to players that 'spectators' of the 4th estate. I don't claim to be one for sure. Sometimes it takes one to know one. Think about it.
  2. He's self drivenProbably didn't need a club with a 'hard work' ethic to get up and about
  3. Im married into a large mic family. 99% all filth. Out of curiosity i pm'd those who are footy savvy and "congratulated" them on their acquisition. Strangely none...NONE were gloating. Some rather perplexed at their clubs excitement. A couple even offered we got the better and Kennedy should prove a solid, if not remarkable, player. I get ragged a lot by this lot as well as my Maggie mates. Not one , not a single one is mocking me. Bizarre
  4. Possibly time to rest the banner back no-one in preparation for its' rebuild ?
  5. We couldn't have picked Plowman.. a fruit of another vine.....yes
  6. My takeHowe over rated and not the most effective use of abilities. Nett effect in a game..marginally positive. Another player coming into his position and playing with more verve, heart and effect, even if remaining on the ground is a better team participant. Thats a win and we're better for it. Toumpas's place on the list provided 3/5 if 4/7 of sfa !! A FIT able and more competitive player instantly provides a greater benefit to the list. Thats another win. So yes. The departure of those two players makes us better.
  7. maybe one didJust didn't come to pass. No revision there.
  8. Maybe its not so silly to see how DP rebounds from injuries. Don't spend ya dime before time !!
  9. Any debt..if managed and balanced and affordable can be a huge positive. Goinv to be horses, courses and timing. Presents a lot of interesting possibilities but not without risk.
  10. sarcasm aside....is he wrong ?
  11. right or wrong I like the idea
  12. So negative Who's to say WE won't be the better team ?
  13. To answer that Id be thinking : What might we get for him and what could/would we use it for If that pans out to be a better 'fit' for our team going forward then Id be wanting the club to consider it, for sure.
  14. If I may : I just think this is somewhat flawed as a concern. By this I suggest many wil look for a more classical , liner style, equation to answer the question. Reality is I think it's more akin to Chaos Theory. Any algorithm you could hope to use would be so convoluted with so many variables as to render it a nonsense. The value of draft picks is inherently what ever the holder's need are as compared the place in queue they find themselves at EACH juncture of the call. I.e It morphs even as it it happens.
  15. I dont totally disagree with much of this. I think we went far too early and keen.A possible thinking was to get things rollings? maybe, but at what cost. Essendon are only too happy to unload any of the 34. :Lets not be chumps about it. They simply played /playing all for fools. Doing quite well Id say. We could have taken Milkshake at teh end of trade period..12 oclock ish Thursday for what ever late 2nd rounder we had left and for 2-3 years only Here is definitely a case of Goody/ Macca seeing something they liked in the Lolly shop window and just couldnt wait..I dont blame them however..Itts the job of the Trade people to manage it ..Not a shining endorsement of skills for mine. However they may still arrive somewhere near their intended cache come the end of trade sans the biggun which seems to be off the hook.
  16. Is that because of the values YOU placed on them though ? No one was prepared to pay this log head much. That should say something. The Tooump stalled at the starting gate. In accounting parlance ' he would be written down ( big time ) " GC are the lucky ones for mine. Dodged a bullet , yo know, the one where you shoot yourself in the .Oh Howe that might have hurt !!
  17. Essentially this however I think the notion of what we managed to get for Howe needs context. We had goal post over >>>>>>>>> then he moved them over <<<<<<<<<<<<< sts. Only one person is culpable in this imho and thats Jeremy himself. I dont blame Collingwood they played it beautifully but then they knew what was REALLY going on long before we did. Would it have been for want of us not asking ?? I doubt it. Howe and his BS manager just played crafty. An element that didnt go to plan as it were was that we lowballed him once we knew he was on way out. Maybe the club telegraphed this to obviously. I think it f'd up the Melksam deal also. ALL in all though unless I was privy to what the FD actually hoped to achieve then its still a tad early to call this a boom , bust or boring just yet.
  18. geez..numbers people are slack
  19. bit simple eh !! lol
  20. keep in mind who votes..demographics and size of all non Dees clubs as a %. Means sfa.Its one part of a jigsaw. The nuff nuffs of most clubs wouldn't understand.
  21. Collingwood won't be cheering out HOWE !!! just screaming WHY ???
  22. Just think...playing the filth we get an extra man and they one short !!! Winning !!
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