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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. So are we to take it from Goody's comments.... Grundy is the Ducks pants.. and Collingwood are Dinner ? 🤔🤷🤷🤷🥴
  2. You're right @Whispering_Jack ... definitely need a "sarcasm" font ;) Yes... terrible news... just terrible.
  3. I'd be happy to take the points...and leave all the arguments to others...i couldn't care less. You play who's there. Let's play...Let's Win
  4. You lost me at this. 🤔Either your "thought-bubble" is a brave attempt at denying away the influence that Oliver exudes in a game so as to calm the expectations.......or results. ...or you've gone completely bloody bonkers Jack... 🤷🤷🤷
  5. We didnt struggle... what bloody game were you watching ?? We struggled to play coherent footy.. we struggled to string 2 recognisable passages of footy together... fmd...it was hideous to watch. We won mainly because Carlton are rubbish... lets not sugar coat our ability, our game, we won by less than 3 straight kicks. We'll need to bring a much better game come Monday Go Dees
  6. I'm well familar with Bex.. 😉 You into cricket ?... might’ve gone through to the keeper :)
  7. I only met the bloke once.. was with brother in law and he had got us decent tix in the AFL section ( he's an ex player...just not the Dees).. i digress. Was a Melb v Carlton game.. maybe 5/6 years ago. We were just watching the game when B-I-L nudges me.. hey, there's ol' Balls.. I'll introduce you. So we ambled over and exchanged "pleasantries".. I could tell he felt a bit "Johnny on the spot".. as i turned to leave... I extended my hand and as we shook I offered one last salution... with a bit of a winky-nod I simply said.. "thankyou".. took him a few seconds... and returned a wry smile. Oh..we smacked the Blues too.. twas a good day
  8. That's not a typo is it ? ?
  9. Ditterich was a hard footy player.. the idea of a backward step was either impossible or never considered. I mainly watched him in the red and blue.. I find it hard to categorise him as a thug.. an Equaliser most certainly...and i can only imagine his craft in the ruck was such it was never mistaken for an invite to afternoon tea. Footy can be hard without being nasty.. Ill give big Carl a nod as hard, not nasty.
  10. Ive mentioned this before I'm sure. Quite some years ago was shopping BigW Karingal. Friday night.. Out front signing his new book was Rhys Jones. I was torn... do i go sucker punch the [censored] or say g'day. Again...an ok player who sought the low road all too easily. As i approached... well...entered the store he looked up up hopefully... i kinda saluted with a 'gday' .. He looked broken...forlorn... I was happy enough...
  11. Really explains much about Hawthorn. That said... footy was a different game ...then.... Some bits i miss... some i dont
  12. Dipper ...nice guy ... ? Maybe off the field... he and lethal ... two nastiest [censored] ever in the poos and wees jumper. If you saw as i did what they did to Flower, effectively off the ball you havd no hesitation running either of the [censored] over. A mate of mines sister was very good friends with Muirs girlfriend. Got asked to fix a few holes in walls. Total nutter
  13. Carl looked after his charges. Max could channel him a bit .. imo
  14. Yes ..was going to suggest he was on the wrong team.. a bit of a sniping dog if you ask me. And totally unecessary as a very gifted player. Always played with niggle. It annoyed/s me he tarnished the Charlie ... imho. Take away the rubbish play...maybe... but it was there plain as day.
  15. I should imagine it means.... out of hospital today ; Training tomorrow
  16. Time to fly the flag ... Get in first ...set the tone... They want us to play as if it's a GF... Let's educate them.....
  17. Rather they got done in a PF... point after the siren... They can then watch US lift the Cup a week later 😉
  18. I'd be happy enough for us to help them with their "due-loss" ;)
  19. Nic ..yes.. Josh ?? really ?? All a bit of fluff really... imo
  20. When's he on the books til ? Might need to get the paperwork out ;)
  21. Well called by some. Not for a moment undeserved but am pleasantly surprised. Roooooooooooooo 👏👏👏👏👏👏
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