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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Im disappointed and yet not surprised that this wasn't invoked. Not because I 'hate' this or that ( other than drug cheats ) but because it's right there in the code. I'm still curious why ASADA/WADA didn't pursue invoking it.
  2. Im thinking it might be better described as the Poncho Defense....an attempt at One size fits all whilst trying to cover up any other glaring inadequacies
  3. somewhat glaringly obvious isn't it
  4. one might say they've completed vaulted over this problem
  5. In my opinion youre not. We still play someone else at times on the paddock to ruck giving big Maxxy a spell. if however we keep Max on th park whilst having a bit of a rest we still keep his other great assets alive and well. He can mark, he can kick goals and he knows how to lurk and position himself in the forward 50.If he wasnt a ruck he COULD be a tall forward. Hes that good. By just moving pieces around the board as opposed to taking them off the board has a bonus in not chewing up some rotations. We can keep the engine fresher as well. Its worth thinking about
  6. what he said ^^^
  7. and yet rebuild they must.....pretty funny huh
  8. I dont mind the idea of Max as a resting forward....what a novel concept...footy is always NEW Is Jake that player ( 2nd ruck ) Hmm.. given its a game of swappsies and the 2nd ruck would I suppose go forward I'm not sure that Jake brings that to the game, not in a really meaningful way. Might be someone else out there that could though
  9. I know...we're only just over a 1/3 of the way through the season and we're 4 and 4. Poised to go who knows where. Since Roos and his team of merry men have arrived the list has been turned over in a wholesale fashion. Come seasons end the Circus comes to town. There's the main attraction in the big Draft tent and theres the thrill of the spill and lure of the prize in SideShow -trade Alley and who knows what one may find in the Rookie Showbags. Be a fan fan of the carnival or not, the show WILL go on and we will be there. Like may an event there's an entry fee and to this one its space'. No not the last frontier but available spots on the clubs playing list. There has to be some. The local Sheriff insists you play at least to the minimal extent. Over the last few seasons our appetite for change has been big but just like someone who's sat down to a hearty meal the impetus to continue feasting may have abated but none the less whether its that one more little mint or an Aperitif something must be ordered. What are we going to peruse on the menu and who's departure will be required to make a little room. Some consensus among D-Landers goes to the following. It may or may not be actually what the FD think we need, it's just what we do. My interpretation is that we are short a tall forward.Someone to slot in with Hogan ( bless his little heart after he signs ) and Watts. Some suggestions are that this style of player is already on our list just needs a bit more developing. Do we rest on laurels ? Our once 'raved about' defense" has now been shown to be wanting if the Diamond is to sparkle and shine. My thinking is we need a ready to go Full Back to release T Mac to less arduous responsibilities. Another key back to add depth and insurance would be a smart move for mine. Some on our list dont quite seem to be there ( if ever ) Our ruck stocks could be badly exposed if that 'I" word surfaces....so shhhhh !! Some observers would suggest we have some projects already on board. Which ever way you come to this some places have to be opened up. Some hard calls ( and some not ) will need to be made. So Roll up , Roll up and play the game. You sir....what will it be ? Madam, what's you flavour of choice ?? How many ....and who is most likely to get that tap on the shoulder ?
  10. Sam Reid....Hmmmm Sam Reid ..... hmmmmmm Is it April again ? guy cant get on the park !! Nah.....pass
  11. Hey....they're in the WINDOW ( haven't you heard ) ....Just need a top up !!
  12. NO.... they're not
  13. The problem with this Gem of a defense is that any coach with a modicum of savvy who has at least a few fleet of foot types with ability will tell them to just take us on head on. The pressure is ALL on us.. And we'll often fluff it. Why ? because we invariably wont be there for starters. Too busy trying to keep to this "plan" Other sides strategy dept will no we will have a weakness here. We aren't commensurate with our appointed tasks. e DONT really have the right or enough cattle to perform the compressed coal conundrum. We are defending according to what we expect the other team will PROBABLY do...and when they dont do that....we're F@#$&D Diamonds are great.. Some nice jewelry out there that combines with other stones. Im for that personally.
  14. rather have Hurley... Mids..., theres a choice after a fashion...Good FBs...hen's teeth !!
  15. or teams who are quick with effective slick handballing who look to kick a shorty quickly...BANG !! split wide open...Goal !! every single bloody time
  16. No one i his right mind should even be going to these Olympics. The WHO has called it a disaster in the making.. No not Towsend and Daltrey !! Used to like watching the games. Cant be figged now.
  17. Well, can't wait til we get MFC Diamond ver 2.1 The one that works !!
  18. Only and old fuddy duddy......would use....old fuddy duddy. Sprung !!
  19. It often looks like that, like a dance
  20. Hogan certainly made an impact....its just that insufficient others did likelwise
  21. Ol' H parlays well for a deadun
  22. Anyone know what he's on about.Poor bloke's gone bananas
  23. He certainly does ET.
  24. Not on my "must' get list" either . He's icing. We need more cake still.
  25. Why is it professional sporting players around the world can learn complex patterns and plans but we at Melbourne can only manage something if its simple, surely not.
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