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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. This eloquent and reasoned understanding sits about right from my view. Also that some can't see a divide is not proof there isn't one. Its a positive step by the club. I do however hope its for substantive motives and not some rubbishy plastic indulgence to outside pressures. Obviously many indigenous in the game ( as elsewhere ) see their lot as different even if many consider it a self determining situation. Irrespective of how/why the club feels a purpose to having this plan. I'm a little surprised, but to be honest it doesn't affect me so i can only spectate upon its value. Hopefully such initiatives add to the fabric and don't distract.
  2. I wonder whatvthe Eagles thinking was. Player X waltzes up to player Y . Good lift to elbow, deliberate, premeditated, slow and concerted .....WHACK !! oh btw...no ball....not even in play...fmd...not even during "time" But wait...club contests...player off. This is everything the MFC isn't. This isn't as much about Vince as a default stance by the Dees. Hint. Look at clubs that HAVE won cups ...look at their demeanor. Who lays down....who doesn't ?
  3. D-WA. I acknowledge that position. If that were the case NO club would push back. No club would lobby...none. We know by results that there is wiggle room. We know that clubs ( some) never let the 'challengable' go unchallenged. Results vary for sure but they ( these clubs) have moxy. Somewhat like a defence lawyers stance... it's about best for clients...about process. Facts sort themselves out. Ironically , given a sponsorship, you'll never never know ...if you never have a go. Our Clubs silence .....roars !!! Personally... I'm sick of it.
  4. Thats fine...if the case. The track record doesn't fill me with belief but , i realise, that's possibly my problem. Justice is best when not only done but seen to be done. I can't think of any scenario whereby it couldn't be "out there"
  5. Some might suggest you take a holier than thou...my shlt doesn't stink , anyone else's view is nonsense and shove it. Some would. I however ask why is it 'weak' to query a concensus when to many its plainly awry. I might ask what fool doesn't speak up to an anachronism ? Whinging ? Your view Making others accountable is mine. Hate...well...haters are going to hate.
  6. Good luck and all power to those engaged and involved.
  7. Problem is Nut, I don't think anything the AFL ever does is actually in isolation. They seem to work to their own secret doctrine. The whole gamee, working, personnel, structure etc is NOT independent it's all interdependent.
  8. A salient point LDVC however I suspect if anyone were to approach the MFC wrt to forensic evidence of what was taken and by whom I think we'd have ALL the appropriate paperwork. v's NONE
  9. There is definitely one application of rules for some and another for others. It's ridiculously obvious. We're not in the 'protected' group.
  10. The most bizarre season for a long long while. Could STILL be anything. Like a game of blink.
  11. Ive done the predictor to death now. Even varied scores for interest. Like yourself I'm still leaning towards 13. I am a bit surprised actually. If we can find rhythm and tempo quickly with players returning I could even argue 14....( Then i wake up )
  12. In terms of what happened...as opposed the narrative...are we any the wiser ? just curious, cheers.
  13. Yep. Not a lot wrong there. Much right... In fact all of it
  14. How far into September might well influence things also. It's simply the human condition. We like to be winners.
  15. Next year may be a Pedo/ Weed transition year. I'd certainly want Pedo around for 2018. We've seen how easily and quickly a few injuries can change dynamics. Frost i'd want signed asap. Others....dunno... I know some here would want some expeditory with respect to a lot of players but I think the FD might have this in hand. They unlike myself are privy to who might well be coming onboard.
  16. I agree DC. 25 a day shouldn't seem that much but I cant help feeling that all's aboard that's coming aboard ( this year ) Am very impressed by this though. Very encouraging for the future. Should be interesting to see how we come out of the blocks for 2018 ( membership wise ) Go Dees
  17. LH , I appreciate what youre saying, truly. I Just have little faith whenever a club feels the need to continually roll out this carp!! This is the same club for mine ( though I love it dearly as a footy club ) that seems incapable of even querying the mrp in any veiled manner but is eager to carve up its own. I'd rather the club just shut up.
  18. Really lol Typical retort from an ignoramus. Your argument is folly , or non existent, so you go the nonsense reply. Well done. When you can read I invite you to research the history of Hirds involvement in the supplements fiasco. Do educate yourself Wrecker, you might just learn something here.
  19. Bernie just needs to camouflage himself with some black and yellow, or some blue and white ,red and white etc. He's fine
  20. If really couldn't give a rat's fart about ANYTHING either Jones , Goody or any this-weeks club spokesman utters . Why...its all pc nicey nicey. Its sanitised clap trap in all honesty. As far as footy goes, its the footy that does the talking. The min they trot out anyone....i hit the BT button . It's like pollies... there's talk, there's action. No team won a Premiership at its presser.
  21. Really Steve. Youve your dislike for the fellow , we get it but if you're that blindingly stupid to not be awarecof the many occasions the MFC gets whacked by the clownfest aka mrp then youll do argument no favours. Bernie does some silly things. Gets nicked. Others do ridiculous things and are given treatments beholding a cover-up. All most reasoned folk are arguing is... fair's fair.
  22. Ron, haven't you heard, we're just not that sort of club ol boy !!
  23. Somebody's undoubtedly taking the pizz. Just not sure who
  24. Yes ... A bloke who seemingly chose the welfare ( rep ) of his beloved arzhole club over the real welfare of his son. FOTY material Phlogg
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