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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Salem and Hibberd id rate as elite ability. Only Pig manages to apply it week in week out. Salem wafts between good weeks and ' was he playing ?' Hunt might be anything but still raw with patches of 'wow' Jetta... probably AA currently. Lucky for us. Oscar and Frosty ..works in progress. So yes, i reckon our back 50 could use a bit more....'eliteness' ...for sure. No ?
  2. Get better Jesse..cya in 18 after a good preseason
  3. Strangely Bin the nuance possibly more potent yet left off is we have won ONE more game than Ess for hardly any advantage in % .
  4. This goes to my thinking the FD should shoulder the brunt of our derision. Failed to make best use of personnel, both positionally and tactically.
  5. 107.3 v 107.1 Yep ...see where ya coming from
  6. Unfortunately much of what you say is correct. Hunt will evolve with a better gearbox The back setups leave a lot to desire.
  7. Bin...some sage analysis. One thing however. The OP sought to highlight the weakness in defence. Pendantic as might, it didn't say that was particularly the bearing weakness of the day. Not kicking is goals is right up there, no argument.
  8. Clever boy Bernie...playing in disguise
  9. Pretty well sums up a shlt dayvat the office. Scott owned Goody that game. To learn ..much...mmm
  10. Devils advocate here ...lol Another take on the frees.. get to the ball first !! We could have won this game easily, but between imho poor instruction and lackluster effort we plated it up for them.
  11. Funny. Im blaming the coaches more than the players but they aren't helping either. Pig and Nifty often save the day or put in admirable efforts. Frosty and Oscar aren't near where we need this ilk to be. Some dont want to import talent ....what in case we hurt someones feelings ?. Our perc is crap for two reasons. Weve failed to hit the scoreboard hard enough at one end and we've let others do just that at the other. Whoever is running our back is doing a bang up job...( Wish he/they would take flight ) Its not functioning properly.
  12. Itll be like they're having two cracks at a Granny in the one season Be interesting this game. Will be sitting next to b-i-l an ex filth player among a whole band of ex-players. We better win or it's going to be a very long trip home
  13. And if we notice theres a reluctance to adapt you can bet the opposing coach does ( and did ) Brown killed us.....and we let him do it.
  14. FTony. The likes of Weid and Oscar may well evolve into the very types of players we need. But upon they you can't rely solely. Injuries etc mandate you have a squad of players available. Even that aside what do wd do in the interim ? Twiddle thumbs and watch goals kicked ? Sounds like a hoot. Its about a team. Getting the best players into that team. Some are home grown, some imported. Some come in and better the stocks already there, some come in and make others surplus or redundant. I really couldn't care who they are. They just need to be best available. We haven't enough elite stock. We need more. Need it now.
  15. I haveca Google phone. I have icon on desktop to dland. If i hit it it opens a new session.
  16. Not interested. Don't care. The players are welcome to. I want PREMIERSHIPS .
  17. Pennant. If i might ask. Who's job is 'structures' ? Who's to shuffle assignments ? Aint the players ?
  18. I ask because on mine it opens a new tab each time i hit my icon. I can therefore have a number of effective pages open concurrently. Its possible to think you're on one whilst answering another. Done it myself lol
  19. But with the wizzy wizzy zone would we get that lockdown ?
  20. Not many games could be won or lost literally on the toss of the coin, but at Blundstone it can be. We haven't seemingly dont well at all this year with the coin toss.
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