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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Not so simple me thinks. 2 aspects.. He's now fit The market is very different. As they say....strike while the iron is hot.
  2. I should imagine if the Bun plays...he's playing as a ruck. We actually go ok with him rucking. Of the 2 Max is the more versatile ( imo ) What we know is if we do the same...result's the same. Need to do something a bit lateral.... or it's over before it starts.
  3. I can see it can .. Not all of Maxs marks are from long distance hail marys. It might be splitting hairs of a fashion.. but id be happy enough to see kicks to a contesr.. Max and 1/2 others from say 40/45 away as the % suggests he'll get it. If the smalls ars instructed to observe these incursions and be sure to be able to crumb or take the quick hand ball we can actually weaponise what has been our short coming. Imho.. draw imaginary lines from the goalpost to respective points of the centre square.. now draw a line 40 m out from goal.line. that is THE target drop zone for lower-eyed kicks. In course of play whoever is best positioned should take the pass. The other two taller to spreas.. dilute the defenders. If they spread not to far wide of the target zone the opposition doesn't dare not guard them.. Its not rocket science We deliberately congest play up forward.. its not clever footy
  4. You want to win this ?? Time to get reinventive. As someone suggested elsewhere... it's break glass time. We HAVE to discard, amputate the cancer if any hope to survive let alone win is desired. I suggested earlier a little robbing of Peter to pay Paul.... well.... Grundy in. He does most of the Rucking....and around ground stuff . Tommy out of the square... Max as a floating CHF type. Note... he does NOT need to be true KPF...just needs to do what he is very capable of doing.....MARKING. If he doesn't then our smaller fwds must crumb. Kozzi...I'm looking at you... put the pilots licence away and shark packs...esp around Max. Three blokes who can mark a ball.. Max, Tommy and Fritta.. just dont get in each others way.. dont even have to lead... what you MUST do is separate their defence and open.up space for others to run.into/through. For the purposes of the exercise...pockets DO NOT exist ... you only go there if indeed the ball does and you're defending your fwd space. They are never a means to an end.. They only looked ok when you had the likes of Milky bending balls off of either foot.. Hes not there...lets not do it.. Lower the eyes ....straighten up... NO BOMBING. If you do not do this we will not win. We need to give ourselves better % shots on goal. It's that simple.
  5. I agree.. we have to think very left field now ...imo. we're forced to. Grundy actually is a very effective ruck. Max is a very good mark ( pack grabs )
  6. In fairness to Old ... what is the most significant feature/skill/ attribute of a GENUINE kpf ?? Id put as #1 .. the ability to kick multiple goals ...every game. 2 goals and we win. KPF wins the day ...no ????
  7. Nailed it. The problem is we are [censored] bringing the ball in.. thats why we have so many repeat entries. If we were any good we would actually have less entries recorded as we would score better. We dont and that stat highlights it if nothing else. We play a very nonsensical crowded game up front. We push, scramble, spin repeat and essentially hope for the best beause of pressure applied. Its stopped being effective now. Can it be again .. i doubt it with who's available. Happy to be wrong. Carlton are much better in forward 50 craft. May and Lever will have to be at their best.
  8. Whilst i understand the notion we still have to pay someone(s). I dont see this aspect as the driving feature of the value of any trade. That two clubs are already shopping suggests his value ( not to us per se ) but the market is higher. We ought to realise that...and realise that value. Imho...disregard how he came to us, it's his value leaving to another. I do wish him well. He bought in. It didn't work. We all move on. Atm... he's worth more to other clubs than some might suspecr. Red is onto this.
  9. Shoulda..... coulda...... didn't I was very upbeat and confident against the Filth. Ostensibly we have the "game" to do so. We still do. What we dont have is the finish. We're figuratively getting that horse to water..... but.... Strangely enough the scoreboard only ever reflects the finish and not the rest of the work. I dont see how we win now. I see how we compete. I see how in the game-general we'll play better. I dont see us presently capable of finishing off all the hard yards with a winning score. We should be able to but we don't. The FD has its work cut out. We'll need to rob Peter to pay Paul, butbwill that be enough Carlton smell blood...they should... we're haemorrhaging.
  10. Why dont you stfu with the drama queen bs eh. Some of us arentvas twinkly eyed as you...then suck it up princess. Our forward line and forward craft are but non existent presently. Those that were shoring it up are unavailable...but thats justba nithing to you apparently. Not all would agree. Others weve come to expect to chime in seem way off form. ... We lost...because we choked Get that in your head. Other teams are slotting them.... we miss the barn. It is actually a concern... even during h/a games but here we are facing another inglorious exit.... because we dont have a functioning fwd group. Im hoping Goody and Co can pull a few rabbits out. That would be good. Many are struggling to see how. As previous efforts have been less than successful. But by all means.....just a couple of goals We had ample opportunity.... we struggle currently to convert. We dont have Petty..We dont have Milky, we wont have up and down Roo boy either. Whats your answer ??
  11. I thought we had the other one...🥴 🤔Hope you're better at calling than me 🤣🤣🤣
  12. Theyre not "tweaks"... it's a rebuild. Need to manufacture a silk purse from... 🤔🤔🤷🤷
  13. I want steak knives too. Port and Swans can do better ;)
  14. Nearly all you suggest is Footy Nouse 101 Seems the Dees have never read it.
  15. I don’t think it did his acting career much good....
  16. Sadly the most apt description ive seen yet. Going to require conjuring of an order that would make Dumbledore blush for us to get much further . Anything is possible... but likely ....hmmm
  17. Anyone who thinks Maynards HIT on Gus was nothing but a Footy accident knows nothing about football. Maynards JOB is to do things just such as this. Someone needed to put him on his derrier and whisper sweet nothings in his ear. Finals arent a social gathering. We have no mongrel
  18. Have been curious to his omission. He's got a bit of dare and urgency... we could use that. He was getting better the more he played....i thought. Time to roll the dice a bit..
  19. No it doesn't Not last night or most others.
  20. Pop quiz...how many times... a spot up kick to Milky...or anyone 30/40 directly in front. That btw is what you're taught from kinder... Take all the time you like
  21. The real question is why didn't the ump call it back ??
  22. Sorry...thats rubbish.. Bombing and Pockets are the order of the day.. Believe what you like.. My two eyes tell me differently from yours.
  23. Here's food for thought. How long as a collective here have we bemoaned our forward structure ? Weeks ? Months ?? SEASONS ??? Have we EVER seen a properly functioning fwd line week after week ?? What we see is a direct result of instruction....it can be nothing else. Two things arise from this ... the Forward structure setup is cactus.... not by accident...but by selection and coaching. It can be nothing else otherwise it would be different. If the intent is actually different...then the coaches are useless ?? Any which way... its only about 10-20% players.....rest is by design. Its that bleeding obvious
  24. Chook... the problem is they ARE listening to the forward coach !!!
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