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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I'll be shocked if there isn't an "accident" waiting for him to happen !!!
  2. busy visiting the hospital I s'pose !!
  3. Whatever it takes...and they took whatever they were given, and signed waivers !! Now, the poor diddums are the victims..no ? Poor hard done by tots Nothing about this makes sense. The best comedic scripts have nothing on this !!!
  4. Your mistake: Equating the Hun.,....with..... journalism !!
  5. and Golden Boy.. hasn't really wavered from the victim, im right , Im a god position really
  6. Indeed but DC,,,its white only to emphasise the constraint !!
  7. For you....do you need ask !!
  8. Who the f... ever knows what Stanks is ever really on about. Denis should be his advocate !!
  9. im interested in a draft ( BEER that is )
  10. Only in the headspace that is aka Essendon-think would any of that make sense. And yet they carry on obliviously in their own little world according to their own little sensibilities of 'justice' The poor diddums...they're victims ya know !!
  11. Essendon supplements architect Stephen Dank to appeal in public against 10 charges Stephen Dank, the architect of the Essendon supplements program, is set to appear before the AFL appeals board on Monday but is angry no oral submissions will be allowed. Dank is fighting 10 charges, including the alleged administration of thymosin beta-4. He is also seeking to overturn the lifelong ban slapped on him by the AFL anti-doping tribunal in June, 2015. (source TheAged.. google Dank set to front public appeals hearing over supplements charges ) No Oral submissions , but in public. Have no idea where this might go but can't see ol' Danksie getting off from anything
  12. Fropm the Herald Sun (via Adelaide Advertiser): All-Australian selector Kevin Bartlett says Jobe Watson cannot keep 2012 honour from AFL team of the year ALL-Australian selector Kevin Bartlett is questioning how Essendon captain Jobe Watson is retaining his place in the 2012 AFL team of the year after being stripped of the Brownlow Medal. The AFL Commission has ruled Watson - the only Essendon player in the 2012 All-Australian team - can remain in the team of the year because there is no “eligibility criteria” for this award. But Bartlett notes a breach of the ASADA and WADA codes for using performance-enhancing drugs is to be met with “all awards, prizes and honours being stripped”. “If you are cold-blooded about it, you cannot understand how the AFL has differentiated between the Brownlow Medal and the All-Australian team,” said Barlett, a member of the 2012 selection panel. “The AFL Commission says it was a no-brainer to take the Brownlow Medal from Watson. If you are cold-blooded, you would have to take away all the other awards and honours too. “In this case, the AFL has adhered to the rules in one instance (the Brownlow Medal) and not the other (the All-Australian team). “What a mess this saga has been.” google (Jobe should lose all-australian spot :KB)
  13. Certainly is. These and others often trigger bonuses in player's contracts.
  14. oh but the AFL defines their world in shades of grey, didn't you know !!
  15. Certainly a validity to this thinking I concede.
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