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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. It's quite nice in the hills, Crafers etc...though his boardies would go well at ....ironically Brighton Beach !!
  2. Anyone can be critiqued at any time. How much weight you or anyone wished to apply to it is another thing. Everyone gets evaluated. I hope Simon holds up the Cup one day. In reality though I just want SOMEONE to hold up that bloody cup. My little jury of one is out currently. When do you think a good time might be to appraise ? ( for me it's continuous )
  3. I have no ability ( yet ) to verify but I think the deal offered to Jack ( 3 years ) effectively replaces anything current. There'll be a trade off of sorts between Port and Dees.
  4. it might be argued ( for no real outcome ) that possibly we blinked first and maybe a slightly better deal would result if say sorted monday or tuesday after the Crows could "sweat" it out over the weekend. But that's probably more fanciful dreaming than practical. Lever went at 14 in a fairly decent draft year. He's now had THREE years of development and conditioning . He landed an AA squad possie in only his third year and leads ( or near to ) the comp in some very demanding and impressive areas. So in effect he's now a value added #14...ready to go ...( and more ) player who seems for all intents able to keep his feet , not just stay on the field It's very easy to talk up new acquisitions I grant you that. What we are dealing with here is an absolute known. There's no guessing. There's no real development required. And he's good to go NOW. The various values ever applied to Picks are notoriously wanderous in nature. All picks come under the "What If" banner., all a bit Russian Roulette only with more chambers full..i.e NO Guarantees about anything. I'm not sure what playing hardball would have achieved if at the expense of playing 'clever' ball. Often in the trade period we see deals unfold , or indeed FOLD because of time constraints. Irrespective of how long trade periods are many will go down to the wire...and many opportunities present as things become fragmented. The one aspect of Josh that impresses me ( there might be some that don't ...but that's not for here ) is his teams ability to conjure. If i would suggest to anyone anything about trade is judge it best at the end. I think we've paid just about market for Jake in terms of ability, availability and expedience of business.
  5. its actually irrelevant whats on offer...Watts is on offer ....work it out
  6. No...not BECAUSE of Watts...with his help. You see not all clubs expect him to be the saviour nor token whipping boy. Watts will play a role, I suspect one much better suited to him and possibly better understood by his new coach. Watts......is a finisher etc..like icing on a cake....all the better for having it there Wont surprise me is Jack plays something of a roving sweeper role. I can promise you one thing...Port players wont ignore him on the ground !!
  7. I dont doubt you Red.. you suggested many moons ago a deal was ripe and all but inked.. both parties on same page. It's not the highest priority trade for anyone. Id be worried if if was.
  8. Its your opinion that's patronising. Too hard to work out ? See...just as mine is. Thats how it goes sometimes. I think Ron is bang on the money. Watts and Motlop will add a lot of finish to Port. Theyll be dangerous next year. And we'll probably play them twice, my won't that be entertaining.
  9. Crows wont finish 4th....just saying
  10. The truth...though probably not 'next' Meanwhile there'll be the rest of Jack's career. Maybe we add football to war....the first casualty ....
  11. Ppl do realise Jake is just another player....competing for a spot !
  12. Not all wounds...no... Im somehow reminded of ' Julias Caesar' et tu.....
  13. My son informs me he saw Jack earlier in the day at a driving range...in good form and good spirits. Make of that watt you will.
  14. Stop trying to reason the FD Wrecker...or get plenty of panadol and a good single malt !!
  15. Yeah...nah A few sparks..valiant try. Has been over taken. Good luck and thanks.
  16. Strangely thats not particularly his role. That said any number of players could do the same. Some might learn NOT to continually kick it to the other side.
  17. There has occurred no trade yet ( formalised ) That is miles away from no takers. At least 4 clubs are interested but one far more than the rest. As with many things in trade week one trade may wait on others. All those wishing to see the back of Jack, your wait is not much more. As much as Jack has had to quickly acclimatise to a new beginning so do others elsewhere. As such some trades are either stalling or in flux. Possibly tomorrow or monday a number of required moves will happen( or start ) and the the pain of the expectant anguished will be extinguished. Quite possibly locker #4 is already empty. The jackals will have their day.
  18. Im not sure if ANYONE actually understands how it works.....least of all the AFL !!
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