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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. http://www.realfooty.com.au/news/news/dees...272.html?page=1 From the above article: STYNES' TICKET Guy Jalland LLB: Sydney-based with strong media executive background including his current role with Consolidated Press Holdings. Life-long Demon fan. Stuart Grimshaw: Experienced banking and financial services executive, currently group executive of Premium Business Services. Peter Szental: Founder and owner of the Szencorp Group, focusing on water and energy efficiency solutions for the built environment. Don McLardy: Highly experienced executive with an extensive history at Melbourne Football Club. David Thurin: Managing director and owner of Tigcorp, which runs retirement communities. Has a medical background and is a long-time Demon supporter. Russell Howcroft: Chairman and chief executive of the advertising agency George Patterson apparently there's also a mystery 8th member. time wil tell. So far ...so good.. now we just await the plan. Word has is par tand parcel of the new way forward are new Sponsors.. and more of them. This is a definite requisite and quite frankly an underachievement to date, with all thanks to Primus , Volvo etc..we just need more. Im interested in teh preseason membership initiatives. Hell i'm just interested to find out about it all.
  2. Sorry mate ..this is laughable...he's played more games for the red and blue than anyone else currently still there. . he's no newby !! Once an Ooze..always an ooze.
  3. Exactly...just someone respecting their position and responsibilities and doing their job !! To be applauded
  4. I know this will sound callous..but you have to wonder in overall terms what value some players are. Please spare me the hysteriscs of, he bleeds red and blue, what an inspiration , what a this and that. The reality IS he's been out of action as long as hes been in action. He reflects poor return for investment. Some no doubt already sharpening the knife . How dare I put things in such context. Well wake up and smell the flowers people , this the ONLY context you apply!! I actually quite like Beamer as a player. He has guts and despite a sorta one dimensionality about his play he does put in. But the reality is if he's only available 50% of the time.. I question keeping him. I will lay exactly tghe same criteria ar Jared's feet. No one wants to make the hard calls.. its alltoo mushy.. But that just flies in teh face of practicalities. Injured players quite frankly are worth NOTHING going forward. Thats just life.. now..line up in orderly fashion over there >>>>>>>>>>
  5. A Team Player !!!
  6. The problem is our Balance Sheet isnt really all that balanced..lol. we have little in Assetts. Keep in mind expense by definitoin is money already spent.. Debt ..we still owe. New leadership ? Maybe..New directions...definitely. They are not necessarily the same thing.
  7. I must confes one aspects that raises an eyebrow is teh hasty requirement it seems that so many board members vacate. Some obviously would need to for others to assume that role. But why the unceromonial speed to rid the board of sages such as Phillips and Coglin. Mr Stynes..if you want to facilitate a smooth transition then do it s bit like a fish tank. Only so much change in one hit...otherwise the club may go into a similar "shock". Sound business continuity isnt arrived at by wholesale swapping of its workers. I dont get another aspect. there is space on the board to cater to enough of the " New team " as well as some 'stayers'. Its not like they are paid. There's no cost to this. So why the hury??? edit : I have no problem with them going per se. I just dont see why the manic hurry to oust them. They have said they are likely to go under their own steam as events unfurl. Only thing that springs to mind is numbers at voting. This then brings a question to mind...are many of the 'new visioary ideas' unlikley to egtthrough a vote under current balance. Do they need stacking ? This irks me. Possibly unfounded.. but Im a cynic !! lol
  8. Yep ..theres debt...and then there's debt. As some rightly point out not all debt is bad.It depends on what it represents and how its serviced. What becomes the most ( to me ) worrying aspect of any of our debt is the debt /equity ratios, as we have bugger al lat present ( equity ) then a lot of our debt is chasing the tail variety. Thats never good. To survive long term it must be retired Assets, and income earning asets at theat must be sought. That also is basic business 101. With the [censored] thats doing the rounds again ( this time from Adelaide ) its important that the truth is again rolled out via the real avenues of funding to each club and the nature of the uneven fileds re such things as ground deals and gates etc. So far all we have garnered from messrs Stynes and o is we need to sell more memberships..Thas not a plan..thats a plea!! I should think obviously the man has his ideas and the substance of that shall hopefully be forthcoming oin a few days. Those damn "recalcitrant" members of teh board who are yet unswayed by vaporish sentiment ought to be congratulated for their desire to ground the process back to common sense and realities. Does 'emotion' pay your mortgage ??? I doubt it...It wont pay ours either. Jim may wel have some ideas and a visionary plan to fund our exodus from the barren lands. But history suggest it needs to be workable with attainable outcomes... not pie in the sky sentiment.
  9. Phillips isnt putting up a fight..he's just asking the questions everyone else has abdicated !! Thats dilligence ffs
  10. if thats the choice...why suppose we cant vote on it. ..Why need it be a choice...why not have both on board??
  11. Nice to see Im not alone in thinking Vlads' doctrine is nothing short of pathological dictatorship. Tradition existed before he was born. He understands nothing of it..absolutely nothing.
  12. lol.. I love that bit.. it makes no sense. So whos going then ..in the end.. is he only adding to his numbers initally so as to get his motions passed ?? of course he is. Smacks of cronyism doesnt it.
  13. A figurehead by definition is teh appearance of leadership without any ability to do so.. Is that what you want ?
  14. Stynes Stynes..everywhere Stynes blocking out the members from knowing ahead of time, Do this, dont do that , cant you read my mind !!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Somewhart hypocritical and petulant to suggest that players. teams dont need motivation ?? Often its the ability to eek out a performance from player/team that makes teh quality of a good coach.. Ooh theres that word Coach. Surely his job is motivation ?? Im sorry Mick you cant have your cake and eat it. Sports. indeed much of life is not about talent..but about motivation. Even by your own words you give a 'tickle" ..is this not motivating ?? Again MM is a master of smoke and mirrors. Lucky for me I am wearing my anti-[censored] glasses !!
  16. A peaceful transition..is not the issue.. its applauded if anything. JImmy Stynes. Its almost irrelevant who it is as per our gripe. Onya Jimma.. The AwFuL.. othger than a watchful eye. .none of their business..its OUR business !! Current board members wanting to see the "plan"...well tfft !! The only issue..is CONTENT.. we have seen absolutely none. Only a vague inference to monies donated. As to that.."a big round of applause" thanks !! really..thanks !! Show us the plan...we may indeed fall fawning al lover it.. we may take it to heart.. we may jump onboard with such volition that the football world will have understood a sleeping giant stirs. But we cant do anything..until we know..and can understand the merits or otherwise. I dont take things in business on faith. Id be broke !!
  17. Be werry werry careful !! Its no about US wining 4 or less games..its abpout us finishig on teh bottom.. That means winning less than Freo and essendon and Westies. There is far more to this that simply US not winning Dont be mistaken , dont be mislead.. in order to get the pick we want we must finish dead ( last )
  18. What.. T-U youre not suggesting MM is a king of spin ?? surely not
  19. Not necessarily..maybe he is just doing HIS job !! its called Dilligence. Its whats expected of Directors and I for one am glad that someone can say "whoa there fella..what ya got to show us first !!" So he went to see VLAd.. big whoopee do ..really. VLAD does not run OUR club.. We ar eits members..not him!! According to protocl..WE ought to be the first to get wind. Yes I appreciate we need to work with the AFL.. but not FOR the AFL..their job is actually to work for US.. remeber that concept Fonzy ?? SO Mo.. I dont accept your proffeerings that ist Ok because he and Vlad got together. I commend Philips for at least having where with all to ask the question...so many seem to have forgotten to in their rush to get out the door. So in order of business its MFC first AFL second. As we are the members..we ought to be privvy to the proces ...not just the recipients of the events clandestine !!
  20. and isnt that the Ooze all over !! Just cant help the 'heroics" !! Theres a time and a place. You just always get the feeling he's playin gfor one A-Y fiirst and the MFC second. I know that wil brings howls..but its alway smy impression. Adem..you want real heroics.. just do those team things better..we'll award you suitable kudos then .. You could have changed yesterdays result...that would have made you a Diamond....not a flawed gem !!
  21. Rhino..I think much of that lamentable effort was simply due to him not actually saying anything..or wanting to at this time. I'll allow his polish to grow.. but I just want the substance.
  22. I think I know where ya going but I read it as youve crossed your self up from the original line. I was laways taught to tackle so it deprived the carier with opportunity to do anything..and if it dislodge the ball then it went against the carrier as HE has dropped it. I could be wrong..but. If intention is to let it go in some fashion to try to kick it..then the decision is allocated purely on whether he does..kick it..not how the bal lgot there. Holding and dropping the ball is such a grey area. I mean for mine..one step is sufficient for prior opportunity.but seldom given. Dont get me started on 'in the back'...lol
  23. On Miller.. he has certainly come a ways.. thats good> Well he needed to , but he is trying..so well done. He really needs to egt that ball moving quicker on occasions. Yes..sometimes there's no one up ahead.. often there is. He needs to stop thinking so hard..and just DO !!
  24. Or is he jst a tad irked that thsi lowly outfit nearly took his chocolates again ??? Thas where I think the matter lays. He doesnt rate us..eyt we nearly upset his day ...AGAIN !! Sorry..how many years at Collingwood Mickey ?? How many Cups ?? yeah.. I thoght so !!
  25. Mate.. Rhino..I agree. This to me is the niggle.. Its arse about to me. I would have thought that the process dictated that teh Messiah that is Jimma.. would lay his cards out..even if not naming names.. but again..thats all part of the package.. so who's hiding what exactly ? I do nt get that. Just as tthe Board ( wellat least a few savvy operators ) are asking for the plan first, then consideration second. Then thats what I would want. As Phillips says..what, you justhand over the keys, thats not what the board is about and I agree. I willlaways listen to anyones arguments..even change my mind or stance based on them, but to want me or others to take on faith..no way Jose !! Too much at stake.As a club we have just about One decent roll of the dice left. yes ,its that dire really ..OR that good..depending on spin. I mean one roll is better than none ..lol We need it right. Part of that is crossed T's and doted I's andf I see absolutely nothig like this. Yes I will ( have no choice ) sit back in a fashion and wait for it all to be diseminated. For the vision to be made discernable. But I really cant give hime ( JS) any kudos for method so far despite the intentions. Often success or failure lays in the detail..So I'll wait...as Ive seen no detail.
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