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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Funny thing about that derby in that far away footy town, neither really likes to lose the bragging rights. Dont expect the Weagless's to roll over at all.
  2. you could almost be forgiven for thinking they are actually trying to make a game of it with those sides
  3. welcome to Demonland there Smithy.. and not just because you a share kindred outlook Youre quite right its a dirty business at times and as such mucky decisions are required to stay relevant and a competitive force.
  4. yeah...but sometimes he does still actually have the ball !!!
  5. I really have no problem with Robbo going on for another year. But I imagine he will really have to show the club something. As mentioned befoe its very easy to work up an argument for and against. Ultimately its up to the club and what they ( MFC ) hope to gain from the drafts /trades etc. He will really have to worka lot harder on his defensive aspects if he wants to put his hand up to go around again. No two ways about it he's a handy forward. The areial abilities of his self as well as Liam's are a masive headache in the making for other coaches. This year we're playing out dead rubber, playing for time..and looking to pick up good additions for the list. Next year will be 300% more fair dinkum in terms of aspirations and where the bar will be set at the club. If Robbo can convince DB & Co he's a valuable part of that, great. If not well its the end of the red and blue road. There can be no resting on laurels and past achievements in 2010
  6. and other than laying on a stretcher I dont recall too many times Gazza was on his back watching the game go on !! <_<
  7. I was there in 88 and 2000. Two days Id rather forget if you dont mind. Some pundits call getting into finals a mark of success but when half the teams of a competition make finals its really a farce . Many a coach or scribe attempts to 'spin' a picture of mollified succes by including such ( debatable ) achievements. There is only one measure of success and thats Premierships. No one really aspires to second place and if they do then they deserve less. You can by all means compare other teams but the real test of how you are going is against your own track record.. Not since Northey have we really looked like causing any work for the historians.
  8. I suppose canbe looked at a number of ways re GC. My thoughts are that despite picks being quite precious next year those teams with any show at finals in that time frame will not be looking to rely onanytalent brought in over thenext couple of years. Yes tehy , like any teams will want raw material for development but its not the same urgency or priororty.Conversely those teams aspiring to get somewhere , or break into the eight over the next 3-5 years will NEED more material to work with and have them rolling before the GC effect takes hold. Agin my thoughts alone, Id be circling the wagons and mustering now rather than next year. Either way it wil lbe interesting to see how it all unfolds. Will give some insight possibly as to where on teh clock various teams se themselves.
  9. Ability and development are two quite different things. I couldnt care two hoots if a guy can put two words together as long as he can speak footy with his playing on game day. He actually has aided a deflection from Watts. Jurrah sems quite at ease with the attention what if he does ?? we arent watching the same games are we !! Davey's having a stellar year. When he started he didnt have the atentionhe has today No.. weve been mightilly successful since '64 ..youre right ...hasnt been long at all
  10. Well,hes perfectly entitled to present his case. The club in all likely hood will make way for 6 newbies, both onlist and rookie. Someone has to go in order for that to happen. Reality suggest probably two rookies are for it and then 4 current seniors to go. Possibly Russell may get a stay of executionas it were simply by weight of numbers and that of those on such a list he probably has the better CV to warrant staying. He can play 3rd Forward reasaonably well and with Watts and Jurrah next year might be a wild card if oppositions dont give him reasonable respect. I think the worry for Robbo is that its quite easy to argue one way or the other as to his "required" status.Will depend totaly on the thoughts of the Football Dept as to the shape of things to come
  11. I must confess to be a bit of a trade week junky. I dont expect much to start but it facinates me with all the conjecture etc how what is painted as an elephant often turns into a donkey :D Still, it intrigues me as to how the various teams often appreciate and value the various players quite differently to us spectators. With the Dees having been out of contention for so long now I take my jollies where they show.. With GC looming I feel there will be an unusual emphasis this year on trades. Some looking to jockey better for a pick, othrs using that leverage to acquire a player if looking at a window. Could be an intersting song and dance this year.
  12. I think this is exactly where Bailey is taking us, i.e to get us ready for a diiferent tact on the shape of teh team. He, Bailey , I feel is just prempting the specualtion by indicating to both us , club followers and Robbo himslef that the end is nigh so to speak. Taking the heat out of it.
  13. Bit harsh to say nothing happens. Stuff does happen. Much needs time to gestate ,to have offers sounded out and interest garnered etc. The composition of momentum and deadlines always makes it look like its only the back end of ghte week with action where as the truth is much happens from the minute trade week starts ( if not before ) it just takes a few days often to permeate its way to us, the public.
  14. Think its hard to look past Aaron this year not just for his level of play but to acknowledge his leadership onthe field. As good a player as he's always been Davey has stepped up this year and deserves the Bluey for mine
  15. chill my friend. The actualitywas that there was a chance to trade him. He was onverge of going. we kept him and I for one dont think we particularly got top value for that decision. Many at that time thought it was a good chance to get value for a player who even then was fading when compared to his previous best. Your idea that its easy to make a passe obsevation is itself a rubish comment I suggest. Many made a judgement call at the time on Robbo, and we make it again now. I think we were right to have put t on the table then as we are now observing in retrospection about its posible value had we done it. Yes very easy to talk in circles about this and that about various players. Some are talking of a specific. Not too hard to distinguish really !!
  16. I can see nothing wrong with this observation. would have made sense to me.Ahhh Hindsight !! hehehe Still, what is...is
  17. CB..agree Liams rise has afforded some sanctuary for young Watts. As these two develop both physically and awareness they are going to be a huge headache. Good huh Both can roam and dont mind it so leading them away from goals wont accomplish much other than to free up the other. Id hate to be the other coach trying to work out who to put on them. They will both deserve top defenders.Not all teams wil be able to cover them...again... tough !! lol Throw in a third forward with crumbers etc and we might just become a bit dangerous
  18. oh and the AFL are so good at live televised shows.. Images of another boring Brownlow type event come to mind.. no thanks..not unless they get a bit more with it .
  19. Actually there is no real harm and much upside with developing Jonesy's tagging ability. He may have more positve effect. We do need more taggers. With the likelyhood of other players taking the "glama" midfield roles Jones may actually come into his element. Less emphasis on his requirement to dispose of the pill without incident is a plus too.
  20. Mate, hate to say it but you must be patently missing the point. Its the very result of having gained the pick de la picks of the 2009 draft that will ALLOW reinvigoured optimisms regarding season 2010. With such inclusions as maybe Scully, Trengove etc together with the likes of a fully preseasoned Jurrah along with focussed Watts teh Dees will have the material with with to build a real team. Players like Meesen rejuvenated, Grimes rested and strengthened, Garland all fixed up etc give real credibility. Hardly reason to be miserable
  21. Jaded...hopefully you will think outside the square and include some in your range that incorporate Melbourne elements in a subtle way. Not everything has to look like a Letterman Jacket ( nothing wrong with them either ) Good luck
  22. At some point in time Bailey will need to trade a similar quality for similar.. I was going to say like for like but some may get confused. What might need to happen is deals involving players of similar calibre but different types ( positions etc ) may need to be done. Some no doubt will cry foul or bey for blood but this too will be a chance to see his smarts in action.
  23. a lot can change in 6 rounds... hope your confidence is warranted
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