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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. put that lot into a team and we have X . Y and Z factors !! Thats quite some talent...and all well addressed to our needs. What chance the other 15 will be so accommodating to us is anyones guess. None of these things ( -drafts ) ever quite go to rule. The reactionary effect kicks in the minute one or two clubs spring early surprises. Still have a funny feeling Ess might be tempted to snare the Ball as that fills a big hole for them. Gawn...gee.. big unit If Ball goes to red and black ..Taylor ill go white and black I believe, still.... we're going to get 4 or so very good players.
  2. not a prob between checking and writing.,. you got it up.. thats all that matters
  3. why would you have a waiting list.?? surely youd signup all and everyone willing.
  4. Hadnt you better be off to Myers mate... theres a huge sale in the GLIB dept. I offer a commnet..you offer your usual. btw Tafe are offering advance Pot Calling ..right up your alley
  5. Matt Burgans Phantom draft In his selection we have : 1 - Scully 2- Trengove 11- Talia 18 - Gawn 34- Taylor 50 - Patrick wouldnt be to unhappy with those missed by that much.. (mods merge pls )
  6. Yes...another instance of forecasting/expecting/promising X profit only to realise a Y loss. Im not coming here to bash Harris and Gardner. But in all reality they despite some efforts didnt deliver. Harris in particular seems to have got more wrong...than right. Possibly simply genuinely too optimisitc at times. Irrespective the results were the same. Debt..in large quantities. Not all debt is bad...but this kind most certainly is. We were leaking like a sieve til 2003 when some arguably successful efforts were made to arrest the slide. Much damage had already been done. Others are prudent to highlight the cashflow in all of this. Yes it all gets intertwined in the end reporting but Cashflow is the blood of your business. If its not flowing hard and fast enough..you die. To continue the analogy...we were getting blood pumped from the outside . They are not true revenue streams as such, they are lifelines. The smallish profits paint a false picture of the real situation. Paul Gardner is an honourable man. He did much that helped the MFC position itself..however he is still a pr-adman at heart and this still comes though in his take on where we were. I will say it was an admirable attempt to show us ( mfc )in a better light. His version is definitely more sound than those sounding our deathknell in the press. But we were still in the sh!t. And yet despite this glossing the reaity is we were still haemoraging badly and sliding back to the huge debt. One whose real shape only cameto light upon the changing of the guard. Nomater how anyone justifies/apologies for the huge sums given to the club by the AFL the actuality of it is that without it....we sink. Yes other clubs canbe similarly quoted but I thought we were looking at us. A major component of the club's cashflow is the AFL.They are in essence sponsoring us. Speaking of Sposors how ludicrous was it that we were staring down 2009 with nothing on our jumpers. The ball was dropped by the club in this matter....almost laughable but for its conseuences. Save for intervention of some very commendable lateral thinking and what can only be described as a 'love' deal with fortunate commercial benefits we would be even further in the mire. Iwilllet both boards share theblame for this. Forward planning should have seen all of this visited and resecured ( or uderstood to be a major concern ) long before expiry. Yes we were everyones flavour of the month werent we...Couldnt get a Zac from anyone. Yes...they were vanquished History has shown we were exactly that. We were a club who couldnt hit a nail for trying..Projected revenue streams werent met. Projected profits ( real ones ) werent realised. Cash flows were perilous. I would suggest that given the AFL had to intervene calling it all but a crisis that yes, indeed we were very much in a precarious and wobbly position. Until fences were mended our relationship with our creator ( MCC ) was strained at best..acrimonios at worst. Had not the board fallen there was every chance we were going to be roughshod by the AFL. I dont think the incoming board really had much better a day of it to start. Possibly until the 'books' were revealed to all and sundry the true nature of the clubs health wasnt known or understood. My calling of the ship turning is very much about what happened from here on in. I really had doubts that this club was going to turn itself around. I was very dubious of any crew that had no plan..but only a vision for how it may or may not be had. Prior to Jim , Scwab and co taking the reigns you could quite fairly sugest the club was in some form of denial. Yes is was aware of its predicament but I think it was bordering on being delusional if it though it would be able to continue along that path and right itself. The auditors were issuing its warning for good reasons. Yes they were overstated in the media , but they were alarm bells no less. I think much of the recent success in addressing the clubs public image has been to actually make it more of a club again. The rank and file now have more access to the machinations and indeed direction the club seeks. It ( the club ) not only welcomes participationit actively sought it ( summits). there has be a distinct change in approach. Until recent times we were all but friendless . Just that poor unfortunate minnow of the league. Our training facilites were greatly under par. Our existance described as nomadic, somewhat ironic for the team that bears the city's monicker !! The SHip has turned. The club now has a plan.. a (red & ) blueprint for its future directions. It has been able to garner partners for this building process. Its very easy to offer up clinical numbers and suggest we werent in such a bad position, but youcant do that without putting it all incontext. You cant dismiss passion as a factor or contributor to tehbootmline for its that very passion that got the debt reductiongoing, got teh debt reductionmonies coming in, that very passion that has seen enthusiasm and belief in this club and it future successes materialise in record memberships. Not so long ago other suporters openly ridiculed us mercilessly. The media smelt death . Our own supporters wondering when will we ever see a sunny day late in september again. Thats all changed. Even now the fourth estate writes of us as actually havinga window.. just not al agree when but that would always be the case. Many are writing of our promising list and not our balance shet. Some may be dismissive of explaining a perception in nonnumerical ways but perceptions are built upon many things. Impressions are more often created by how you go about things. And we go about things differently now. Our focus wil lnow be totally on winning, on the positives as opposed to the grey and shabbines of collecting draft picks. If you dont think the ship has turned... fine.. I do Go Dees
  7. One..widely held by the football world..read AFL..and stakeholders that Melbourne were a mess. The dubious profits in the years you mention did little to hide the underlying debt that we couldnt service. Go check the clubs statements. We were in hock up and beyond our necks with no firm strategy to pay fo r it. We were in the grand scheme of things 5 mins to extinction. had not teh hierachy of Melb changed.. the MCC a and AFl wouldnt have stepped in ..and I doubt w would have collectively put our hands in pockets. Is there any of this you still dont get..
  8. Im with TSJ...I still have a funny feeling there much about this to goad Essendon into an earlier than it want selection. A lot of Brinkmanship about this draft
  9. Billy what you say is essentially correct. we about to mine gold big time. The conundrum of sorts is should we decide to wait til 18 in order to pick up a tall ,not necessary dedicated KPF...or KP at al..just a taller type. If Ball comes at 18 we will have three excellent midfielders. we also need more depth in the taller timber.. The argument ( for want of a better word ) is that there ought to be better picks at 11 than at 18. If Ball is still there at 11 he will most likely be there at 18. its our decision. Harrington has said previously they are looking at some taller types. Its all of us trying to join dots
  10. I again have done no such thing. The club was Millions in debt.. still is. Only in a semi manageable fashion. Its direction has changed. The 'earlier ' profits " were dubious at best . Only the last year or so has seen any change in all of this..The perception of a basketcase was widely held. You alone have introduced any reference to the 'women ' situation ' in some convoluted manner to support your stance. Seems youre wrong Some of us talk apples..and you argue pears. why do I bother
  11. you do talk some rubbish. Putting things into a context is hardly crapping erroneoulsy. How have I re-written history I ask.. ?/ dont say it show me...or shut up !! You like to bring in irrelevancies dont you. Can you stick to conversations.. or is that beyond you ??
  12. something to note..or discuss.. Rivers was born of the danniher era. Ol farmer Neale had his ideas of what that backline could and might be.. When fit..Rivers was a highly regarded component of it and suited the danners manner. Come forward a few years and we have Jared, unfortunately not able to replicate his finer form ( though arguably improving ) and a new coach with differing style of makeup for that back 6. if for no other reason than much of its personnel has been overhauled. The fit isnt what it was. The item that concerns me ..and I saw it more often I appreciate at Zebby land when he was playing the Magoos is that Jared ( like anyone I suppose ) can get very niggles and frustrated when he cant do what he wants to do ( in the sense of ability and fitness ) Ive seen this result in sloppy play and lack of timing. = turnovers ...and /or poor delivery. If Joel comes on board as we suspect we'll probably have to reserve much judgement on all this until we actually see the fit of him in that back 6. I just suspect he has the zip thats Jared ( to date ) has lost...and might offer more in that light. You cant see Frawley or Warnock being displaced. garland if staying down the back is an auto starter. If grimes doesnt get to the middle straight away( which is what I think will pan out ) and Junior is playing the flanker you start to have a bit of a squeeze. thats just how its seems to me.
  13. I suppose with the change of fortunes ( are we all on same page here ?? ) and a new , if hesistant confidence in our ongoing future that there comes hand in hand a degree of higher expectation. There is I would think some ( to varying degrees) optimism that we ought to be able to make some sort of real fist of the ensuing opportunites that our list suggests. Theres an element of now or never approaching but either way there occurs a fantastic platform upon which new and exisiting sponsors can use to furher their own causes. I sincerely doubt we will be a basket case as per last handful of seasons. We ought to be able to present in a competitive way and do any company proud by association. we will be under a lot of focus I sense as the non-melbourne world will be expecting some results With better on filed success come the prizes of more membership..and possibly up-scaled memberships. Humans are humans... they like to be on winning sides. I still have a gut feeling something will come out of all this China efforts for us...just not sure what..lol... But of all the teams in the AFL the name Melbourne will strike a big chord with China...we need to leverage it somehow. i expect we will be able to charge better rates for our 1st tier sponsors when that time comes as we will become one of the flavours of the decade in this game
  14. just asking I should think he will have to to maintain a position in the back 6. If he cant...and the others progress...it ( the game ) will pass him by. Simply an observation. He hasnt had a brilliant run with injury...but I do wish him well.
  15. Not sure if can...but as I will be ( apparently...according to the good lady, she who must be obeyed ) in Shanghai around May I'll try and get a look at that stadium and report as to how good /bad for footy..no promises...but will try
  16. may I be allowed to suggest it wasnt so much judgement per se as we had so little to judge at that stage.. much the point. I was sceptical until convinced othherwise. Runs on the board have convinced me
  17. shame they cant call out Jacktom Scullgove.. and they be joint #1's alas.. JT for me
  18. thankyou...succintly put.. it not about one on one competition..its about makeup/balance and effectiveness. JM might tip the scales and if someone has to be left off it might well be Riv.. Hence my original suggestion ages ago.. he might want to do something.
  19. I understood
  20. some valid notion in early bit was the latter as my prefered standpoint. I digress slightly It would be hoped that Rivers will pick it up. A form shown earlier in his career is that which would be most pleasing. He can play..its the reality that he's been way short of his own bar that for me presents his conundrum . question upon the question.. by up a notch...do you mean from where he is...or from where he was. I.e can he take his game to new heights ..or simply regain lost form ?
  21. who'd da thunk !! thanks awfully for clearing that up !! didnt even take two sentences to contradict yourself....nicely done !!..oh...my negativity ?? if...unclear... would... could you be more indecisive ? No its doesnt... we WERE headed in one direction.. documented in all forms of media....we are now heading in another. A view shared by the AFL and MCC...not just me
  22. seems to have the Bombers very interested !! LJ cousin turns heads
  23. What chance does anyone think Thorpe would still be there at 50 ? This is ideally for mine where you'd want to pick him up assuming we dont use 66. He doesnt seem to have been linked with any club other than our own ( well to my reading ) Does he come under ..A ) very interested in, take before he's gone or B ) take if there as late as possible
  24. The foundation of this poll and any extrapolated views are about as sound as the old Dave Allen joke: Recent evidence shows that 30% of car accidents are caused by drink driving....therefore 70% are caused by those that havent had a drink... In this light.... drink more and drive safer !!
  25. The nature of " the ship has turned" is to state the direction...not the destination. It has been well documented that in recent times we were a financial basket case. predictions of small trading profits turned into rather large losses. If not for the the generosity of many supporters and those connected with the club together with the understanding of the AFL we probably wouldnt have survived. The renewed alignment with the MCC and better stadium deals ought to provide us with a brighter aspect with reference to the base revenues. Debt is down, costs are far better projected and managed. We can rightly think that our course has changed. No ones kidding anyone that its all plain sailing from here on in, but even the most die hard of pessimists must concur we are heading in a different direction. i.e A turned Ship !
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