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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Actually WJ the only danger would be NOT to take such a stance after years and years of inane nothingness. Some will think this means we are attempting to discard all and sundry, that 'their' fav player is up for the chop where in reality its simply the club looking to see who's around, who's interested in anyone on our list and what the best outcome for the playing list might be. I would expect many to indeeed remain with the club but there will be a couple of players let go as the list simply needs to improve. We cant stay the same...we're doomed if we do.
  2. "MELBOURNE has taken the radical step of putting contract discussions with 11 players on hold until mid-October" Hallelujah !!! NOW....we're getting serious.
  3. Watts not to understand ??
  4. a la http://youtu.be/tdbt-sx5MDc
  5. I doubt it unless that means they can have another dig at us somehow !!
  6. a pox on those clubs....and the hypocritical bastards that condone them
  7. sherman, panzer, tiger, abrahams, leopard, t34, chieftan.................
  8. probably a few more but they couldnt figure out how to vote...
  9. Mate, you will battle uphill against many person's preconceived and inbedded views of players. its a good job the actual development people take longer views to things and stick to their regime. Ive no idea whether Cookie will indeed turn out to be a gem but hes still a relative apprentice in all this. I doubt the FD even look to using him in anything remotely looking like a regular seniors role til 2014. In the mean time he'll learn his craft, develop his body and play the games he's afforded.Thanks for asking Mahoney the question. Its interesting.
  10. His upside is his good will (ought to ) get better. His downside can we addressed and worked on. Needs more meat but thst will come. Hes doing pretty good for a youngen A rare light in a dark year.
  11. Lets play Spot the Idiot !!!
  12. Gysberts = Enigma .... to date. Was a little flash in the pan before fading and subsequent injuries. Hasnt done a proper preseason so far (tmk) Also Hasn't set any worlds alight. Is currently getting a game because we're running out of options as opposed to must have in side. I think this lad will continue at the Dees in 2013 purely on the basis that the FD still dont know yet what he can or can't do. Probably rather fortunate in that respect . He might really become something or might be another on our pile of nqr's. We wont know till nab time next year really .
  13. ah yes.... The old Horse before the Cart trick !!!!!
  14. ThanksOD for an interesting review.
  15. F'n brilliant All those media pumping for Howe to leave...... Shove it up your........ Jones has surprised me. Glad to be wrong
  16. The best aspect from today ? A game closer to the eos !
  17. tired of spoons can we have a fork or a knife for a change hang on...everyone is lining up to fork us and knife us so maybe its spoons after all
  18. Id put it to the many that Jerry Seinfeld ought to be our mascot as many has us a representing nothing lol
  19. There is no law that any player must play in any particular position. It becomes farcial.
  20. Occam's Razor suggests exactly that...but this is AFL.. id go conspiracy over dumb ass everyday in this game
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