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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Well they will go and play those funny games !!! Silly ppl.
  2. Ah yes....but the Casey FD is miles from the Dees !!! Lol
  3. If I may offer an idea, I believe the actual inquisition , well the inquiry aspect is over. I think its now moved to consolidation and the residual reporting to the powers that be. From there deliberation will commence where upon a decision will be made as to which drawer it will sit it for , oooh at least a month id say before quietly announcing the findings during reruns of Macgyver or Knightrider in early Feb . That or it will just sit in that drawer in the hope no one actually remembers it !!!!
  4. Not a shabby idea there DOF
  5. some days a re just a tad warm for scarves !!
  6. I reckon theyve just about run out of stones by now !!
  7. A perfect opportunity for Emma to assume her rightful position as "most lauded and respected football writer at The Age " by authoring the article that announces our 'innocence" It would be impossible for the demented one to do so as she'd probably disappear into smoke as the first words hit the keyboard !!
  8. Theyll probably have to soon unless theres a cupboard full of Cornflake packets theyve yet to delve through. Still only likely to find the remains of Brocks intelligence should they pursue that path !! As such the media only point to Feb as thats the next meeting of Vlads imperial army. Whos to say that the inqiuisition as such wont have fizzled out completely by then. Even the hounds will want Christmas in peace and theyll be hard pushed to rev up anything afterwards.....and so the silent death begins !! lol
  9. They can substitute Darwin for any two Etihad games. There...Im converted !!
  10. Id just be happy if JV was the next Viney
  11. may 19 looms as a real test . Going to be interesting
  12. I must commend you for the ongoing tweaking to the skin Even as i was thinking improvements ...golly...they just happened. Almost scary lol thanks again
  13. Im not a great fan of Melbourne home games not actually in Melbourne. Im not against exploring new markets. I would be waiting to see how well we fare this year with one game before any commitment to more.
  14. Just this as a point of view. I dont think the Club as such would ever blame us ( supporters) as it will be well aware of its situation. I do however like the analogy in a fashion. A context it summons is that of performance. Like it or not for most of us in life there ARE choices. Ive often thought that there may well be far more potential members out there than is often suggested as a supporter base. The issue however is many have become disenfranchised over time , even to the point of it becoming a little institutionalised. Not all supporters are, nor will they ever be, nor should they have to be , Die-hards. Surely there is more than enough room to accommodate those that would dearly love to enjoy supporting a team they all but secretly, and sometimes begrudgingly support. I dont know too many that enjoy visits to the Dentist or mechanics or the doctor etc for they all entail a time endured when something is invariably wrong. There are many who would view going to a Melbourne game ( let alone buying a membership )as akin to this form of torture. But they have a choice and its measured by a popular yardstick; bums on seats. I will confess i dont go to every game. Over the last ten years i think Ive only averaged half a dozen games per season. remarrying and having a growing business have affected this but in all honesty if we were travelling really well I might just be encouraged to reschedule a few things or push the love of my wife a bit and attend a few more. But i dont like going to the dentist and the mechanic is never cheap. Watching Melbourne over the past decade is like watching an amateur theatre group doing groundhog day. Its often not pretty. My days on this mortal coil are numbered. Theres more pleasurable things in life than masochism. Now I like to think of myself as a pretty full on Demon tragic and yet I make decisions about attending. Now if i can then surely the extrapolation is to those that arent even over the line but umming and ahhing. They too will have more pleasurable options in life. So whilst I applaud and agree to the notion that winning is the reward for supporting , as a fan, a supporter then I would suggest that supporters and attendance is the reward to the club for winning. Becomes a bit chicken and egg really. I cant affect how the team performs , I can only pay and attend. The Club however can affect how the team performs and by consequence how it is supported . The MFC in order to grow its membership needs to re-engage a fractionalised supporter base. At the same time it needs to grow potential support or as some would have it growing the brand. Its human nature to want to emulate a positive outcome. We might sympathise with the underdog and applaud a valiant loser but very few actually want to be them. The cost of basic membership is less than a capuchino a week, not much really. Im sure there are thousands of people who have a soft spot for the ol' Dees that drink coffee and wouldnt blink about 2-3 coffees a day but baulk at signing on. So why. I dont think its money . So it must be what you get for it.Strangely its not really about winning as that simply wont occur all the time ( rarely ) its about being associated with a group thats fair dinkum, that shares similar values and aspirations as yourself. I , in my work , and other pursuits , give it a fair go. I try. I put in what I have and sometimes go overtime and over board to try to get the result I aim for. Sometimes this is achieved, other times I dont. It must be my crab like nature but I simply dont understand the idea of giving in. This is what I want from my club. To see a team try and not give in. In the 48 years of my support its a pretty empty bucket. I choose membership but cant begrudge anyone for not doing likewise as there are simply other choices in life. Some call them fair weather suporters, some call them fickle. I just call them decision makers. I simply refuse to believe its impossible to have a membership of 50 or even 60000. But until the MFC represents what many people would choose to associate with it wont happen. Like it or not winning is the materialisation of many of the values that people hold dear, especially in sport.
  15. Old... I agree with you on not trusting the AFL The element about this that does concern me is that they have seemingly painted themselves into a corner. I sense they are wary of us and if not us per se they are attentive of "Finks' Hopefuly Vlad is au fait with kenny rogers songs lol
  16. Old...we will disagree. You seem resigned to us taking a hit. I see nothing of this at all. In fact if the AFL were to attempt any contrived rubbish the first witness id put up , in a REAL court of law, one that usurps any shite the AFL wants to play with , would be Andrew Demetriou himself.. This has been all about What-ifs and maybes. Again I respectfully suggest , had there been anything it would have been found by now. It would have been hung out for all to see. theres nothing
  17. We have done nothing of the kind. Again we only maintained a practice thats been around since dot. I will tell you who has brought the game into disrepute. The AFl itself through its self serving bullying practices. These have been ably aided by the shrews such as Wilson and Denham and trolls like Ralph. they brought all this upon the game, not us.
  18. Theres a little bit about this Inquisition that reminds me of that poor sod, having made a date with that much sought after girl ,who is left waiting and waiting in the rain hours after the due meeting time has past. He still thinks theres a chance. Surely she's just late or something as kind. Nope..shes not coming buddy and neither is any guilty verdict let alone punishment. In both instances someone's been had. This is now going on...and on ...and on purely as theres no direction or substance to anything. There are elements in the AFL waiting for a miracle. Something, anything so they can hang a hat on it and pronounce the whole sordid debacle as successful and warranted.. It is of course neither.. Two words spring to mind.... Sucked IN !!! Andersen played a badly dealt hand and did so without conferring with his playing partner. He has been hoodwinked by the likes of Wilson and other similarly disguised protagonists.. He saw a nice shiny coin and got handed some chocolate money. I find it interesting that given the absurd amount of time, effort and money spent on this witch hunt that had there actually been anything truly untoward then as is often the way in life it would have made its way to the surface and found a ready audience. There is always a Brutus or a Judas in these things. Yet the streets remain empty and silent but for an occasional tumbleweed ( aka throw away barb in the chip wrappers ) Folks , all we did was a legitimate and time honoured practice, List management. Thats all. We did what others have done. we did what was in fact condoned by the very head of the AFL. He must have seen no evil as he actually praised us at times. So where is this transgression. Where is even the rule some seem to want to refer to ? Neither exists.
  19. My thoughts similar.. Seems very unflustered and makes a bit of space for himself. Highlights are obviously that but seems to have a good head for the game.
  20. simple as this..
  21. Tassie is lot f'n closer than Darwin This is essentially an old argument and a real sore point for many. Where we train is one thing. Where we identify is another. If NT want to make a bid fair enough.
  22. Well. They might as well play them at Etihad ..same diff Im not really ever for a Melbourne to plsy home games in Darwin Swing a deal where a couple of away are there... So be it.
  23. well..ive always been dead against it. i do understand..'method in madness" however i also understand proof of a pudding ...etc I'd just call it premature escalation !!
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