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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. nice Irish tie in... like it
  2. Showing age maybe.. some other suggestions.. Try not getting up and going listen to VH's JUMP !! a bit of ...hmm...kick ass Bruce... Europe's Final Countdown Always thought funny on Arrested Development too..lol In thinking about this you really only want the key riffs.. keep it music only.. singing will just get garbled at the G.
  3. I know CSI has this...but a version of "Wont get fooled again "....totally cranked !!
  4. This is Tassie we're talking about ( love the Isle btw )
  5. have to start referring to you two as B1 and B2 !!!
  6. Hmm.. We traveled along a long and dusty highway and at times the only glimpse of a destination was that motel we just passed. Bates ?? We've argued up, down , turn it around , back and forth and here we are all but right back where we all started, only we're not. Around the corner and a couple of sets of lights to go and then we're home. We will be tired, annoyed, relieved and only slightly the wiser for this journey. We still dont really know the reason we had to go on it. Who's idea was it really ? And why ? I hope this club can sit down after all this and look at it clinically and study it forensically. Any elements of a cancer within the club must be sought out and lanced. Its right and proper that healthy competition be had for leadership at the club but this all goes beyond the pale. Hopefully the MFC can identify those within and outside the club that dont have our best interests at heart and provide them with a suitable relationship going forwards !! They say whatever doesnt kill you will only make you stronger. To those that hoped for a devastated Melbourne. Look again, you failed.
  7. Its a classic. Made my kids watch it...will make grandkids too, if and when , lol Would be in my top 10 laugh films.. Blazing saddles, Flying High... and on and on but Im in danger of veering off a cliff here watch the road Bub.... back to that other Mad Mad Mad World.... The AFL !!
  8. If the AFL had any sense they'd know it ( smoking gun ) was buried under a " W "
  9. ooh... have to wait now for clue 3 possibly.
  10. ooh.. I like Choccies !! i should probably wait for correct weight ..lol
  11. Which way do you want it then Billy..So then kasperky and Hankook ought to be miffed ?? All stock old footage will of course show these companies. Theres a lot of attention on Melbourne currently, so when theres a presser, or pix of training or the extra interest the Dees website gets it will all be at the benefit of current sponsors. Again I note both current sponsors extended their time/money subsequent to the tanking fiasco /circus starting. They obviously arent of the opinion you are. Both are sizable well organised and run companies with a close eye to the public and its perceptions of things. Again ..we'll just disagree.
  12. Billy, we'll just have to disagree.
  13. Cheers B-H Can you see Barry getting a run much this season or possibly too light this year ? (Even with gym work and lots of wheaties )
  14. Actually this whole thing revolves around one word : "Merits" As others point out a qualifier is motive, but I cant see how you can get too far from ability. Somehow many pundits , sitting currently on the bench of accusers , would have it we were more than capable and we should have won far more games than we did, thus proving the motive and qualifying the 'merit' of the situation. If however you take the far more realistic view that we were simply rubbish ( for the most part ) then our 'merits' simply wouldn't have got us very far irrespective. The League and others are trying to apply an absolute to a subjective and this is why we must fight, because they cant possibly do that. Its illogical.
  15. exactly. Whilst all the bastards were looking for a smoking gun we may have forgotten about our bullet proof vest B)
  16. heres a link that bypasses http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/sport/afl/demons-recorded-dean-bailey-in-coaches-box-during-tanking-year/story-e6freck3-1226551547888
  17. Why are so many jumping to the conclusion ( or assumption ) the tapes are condemning ? They may prove the absolute "get out of Jail"
  18. or if you knew what was on it
  19. Its quite bizarre all of this really. Ask any Horse trainer about the methods and journey to get a horse INTO A POSITION to contest for a win. Point being you wont win every race, in face you not only dont you expect to you often arent trying to. Youre conditioning the horse to the level of competition and the environment its conducted in. if youre setting about winning the M Cup you wont necessarily expect to win the Mckinnon or the Caulfield . You might but its not always advantageous to do so. That ol' handicapper will be after you. So you 'might' just want a good run, to see where youre at and revise from there. ( all this from someone who struggles with one end of a horse from another....though dear ol dad used to have them ) My Beef with much of this is on whos bloody say so must every game be won, if thats not the intention of the time. Even without throwing in the bugger of draft picks etc there are many legitimate reasons for not necessarily going out to win per se ( but put in a spirited and learning effort ). There are times yo might have available youre supposed best 22 but some might have niggles, some might have disciplinary issues hanging over them. others on the list might be vying for a game and need the chance to show. Why is picking them any less right ? Who in their right mind would seek to then burn whatever candles are left at the both ends. If for no other reason than the right to maintain sovereignty over the clubs destiny and the manner thats done then this club must fight tooth and nail and smite those little bastards back into their press boxes and at the same time reminding the AFL , this is Melbourne, its our club, not yours , .You dont TELL us what to do.
  20. Just took the time to listen to the presser ( as opposed to read the words etc ) . This bloke is a gem. That he would want to be part of a re-invigorated Melbourne says much I feel about the likely hood of us getting there. A very considered orator. I think his role in the Sports Performance position will pay dividends way over in the next few years. He brings a level of intuition, understanding and polish that this club hasnt had for......... hmm I can see why Neeld and Craig work so well together. You cant build anything of note without a plan and these guys ( together with Misson ) are the Architects of a New Melbourne. Rome wasnt built in a day and neither will the resurgent Demons, but im glad were in their collective hands.
  21. why...we fought back... we all but came from behind to win. One kick sank us (or did it...lol )
  22. Its entirely possible that these tapes are the anti-thesis of the 'smoking gun' ie they might just vindicate what the club has maintained all along, that there were justifiable reasons and a plan of attack. Just because that plan doesnt sit nicely with some of the media and anyone else lining up to smack us around the head , well bad luck "it is believed Bailey's legal team remains hopeful the audio has not been destroyed and it is trying to track down the necessary files." Would you want them found if incriminating ?? I wouldnt think so What might just happen is that the witch-hunt come Inquisition in their zeal to hang , draw and quarter us might just end up offering up the very thing we need to put it to bed. All the 'nasty parties' seemed to be circling around the Richmond-Melb game as proof -positive of shenanigans ( bizarre for so many reasons ) that they seem to have left little else to show. They want to crucify us for a game we had all but won, and use the coach's audio to hang himself. This is very likely to blow up in the accuser's faces and then they are left with nowhere to go. GOOD !!
  23. That's about the long and short of it. We really haven't lost anything that valuable, or we would have kept them. The nett incoming far outweighs the exodus.
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