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Posts posted by Courtney_Fish

  1. “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” - Melbourne Football Club.

    Fantastic. Everyone should read this as they log in to this site.

    And Roost It, I'm in all the way. I know it will take time, perhaps a long time, to turn things around but I will be there. We are going to learn a lot about our list and when things start to improve it will mean so much more to us, the loyal supporters. When we talk about football, we get the right to say "we".

  2. He must be in trouble because only one person here refered to Jamar as "Russian". I thought his game tonight was pox. So was just about everyone's though. But I felt exactly what you said Titan; it all started from him.

  3. All you "supporters" talking of giving up and returning your membership cards and so on, I can't believe how your competing to say you’re the most disappointed and how you'li give up on the club. You're [censored] weak. Now is the time to be strong. [censored] happens. Get over yourselves and support the club. When we finally win some games, you can bet that someone at the club will thank the supporters that stuck by them. Will that include you? We are the club. It's ultimately our strength that will get the club through this and if you don't believe this then ask yourselves what happens if we desert them. Understand that returning your membership card or giving up on the team is not a badge of honour – very far from it.

    • Like 4
  4. I keep trying to imagine our team playing better but I don't imagine it as enjoyable as in the past. I remember the good times early on under Danniher and how the team would sometimes steamroll the opponents with rampaging tight teamwork comming out of defence and up the ground. I can't imagine that today. Has the game changed so much or have I been watching poor performance too long? Back then,guys like Alistair Nicholson , Jeff White , David Neitz , Cameron Bruce , Nathan Carroll , Jared Rivers, Brad Miller, Clint Bizzell , Paul Wheatley , Travis Johnstone , Adem Yze , Daniel Ward , Simon Godfrey , Brad Green, Russell Robertson , Guy Rigoni , Nathan Brown , James Mcdonald , Peter Walsh, Matthew Whelan seemed so heroic (some more, some less) but we just seem to have hardly any characters anymore. Will this change as we improve (if we improve)?

  5. Definately worth a run, but not at the expense of a young player who needs as many games as possible without getting burned out

    There's about 12 players of that age or more you could say that about - Nathan Jones, Mitch Clark etc.

  6. Can this troll be banned from starting threads? Seeing Ollie Wines isn't the son of a former player you are just showing your stupidity.

    So becuase Jack is the son of a former player, he is better?

  7. It’s getting extremely difficult to pick a team for round 1. The possible return of injured players Trengove, Clark, Blease etc make it just that much harder. There’s going to be a lot of p155ed of players that arguably deserve a shot. Personally I blame Misson. It’s not too late. To maintain team cohesion we can't simply turn our heads and ignore the fact that we need more injuries.

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  8. I'm so fed up with the use of initials and funny names for things. It's a sort of one-up-manship like having to know the name of all the streets or the every type of wine. I'm so sick of being stumped and distracted everytime I come across that [censored]. And the more some of you do it, the bigger the [censored] I think you are. It's like a bogan metric. Like you're so in the know. Esoteric nick names, "the Hun", "West Toast", "Carltank" - it's just so f'n funny.

    And RHS? Rex Hunt Syndrome

  9. Spoke to him at the family day and he said the girls don't like it. I think it may be gone soon.

    BTW he is just the nicest boy, always friendly and happy to chat. I hope he becomes a star for us, enjoys team success and shoves it up a few people.

    ‘nicest boy’, those 2 words are his 2 biggest problems.

  10. All the excitement about Hogan got me thinking - sometimes an out and out champion could win a team a premiership. I know some people thought, for example, that any team with Wayne Carey and decent players around him was a shoe-in. I think we had a team with Lyon, Neitz & Scwarz up forward but still no glory.

    Is a certain number of champs required to win the GF? Perhaps someone with better memory than me please go through the last 10 or so years and just see if this is the case.

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