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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. I'm sure Strawberry Fields will welcome any refugees from 'Ology with no hard feelings
  2. sheeesh wyl, deserting the club in its hour of need! you could at least have gone to thredbo :)
  3. bit sad really.....i quite enjoyed the odd foray into 'ology land bit like having a red headed sister
  4. Dustin Martin Trent Cotchin Dyson Heppell All still got another 200 games in them
  5. just detected a pulse in ology, but it slipped back into a coma
  6. not too sure if the second adjective before the last noun is accurate. maybe if you added the prefix sub- it would be a better fit
  7. gunna be another great weekend Carlscum and Bummers again life is great
  8. Looks like they have gone into a time warp. Maybe Dr Who invited them to a ride in his tardis. Bluey is their only hope.
  9. I've got some great jousting sticks - only $500 - Interested?
  10. Box Hill def Willy (6 pts) Cats def Port upsets a plenty
  11. Simon Black is a great player but is 33 Seriously, why would you pay top dollars for a 33 yo You might if you were in a premiership window and needed more outside class but that would be the only reason
  12. does this mean we have another half back floater?
  13. that could be true or like hotel ratings you could have 1 star thru 5 star (* ** *** **** *****) that way everyone is a star (of some sort)
  14. rather than mixing metaphors why not refer to "stars" as "A+" . (Or if you prefer A, AA and AAA instead of A-, A and A+) So Priddis is an A grader and Judd, Ablett are A+ grade or AAA grade
  15. so, we can't have our cloke and eat it?......................pity sorry, couldn't help myself
  16. Thanks for that FD. I didn't realise that 8year OOC players had a top 25% earnings clause to determine whether RFA or UFA
  17. hmmmm your view of government is as cynical as mine only in a different direction. maybe it was a combination of both re Buckley: no argument from me, I never mentioned him, just hopped onto the backend of the argument on the World Cup farce bid
  18. go for it. no need for credit always enjoy your blogs tdm
  19. Federal Gov had no idea. They just thought they could buy some votes from the soccer demographic for the next election. Lowy conned them on his "influence" - LOL End result - Gross embarrassment - 1 vote I knew what your point was but it was a pretty poor comparison. like comparing a mountain to a mole-hill
  20. Cloke would be awesome no doubt (and suck up a lot of spondulaks) But I'd have to rate an awesome midfield as a higher priority Of course if we could have both.....................................its nice to dream
  21. Just when you needed an intellectual keyboard giant, who should pop up B)
  22. so you don't deny it was a waste of tax payers money? i didn't know the mfc spent tax payer dollars chasing Judd. remind me how much we wasted on that exercise.
  23. nice modern terminology like quarterback................riiiiiiight thanks for the pep talk Dg. Drugs are wonderful eh?
  24. that's a nice long bow you've got yourself there Dg B)
  25. so why did we waste good money (tax payers) and time? can't have it both ways
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