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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. and don't forget "Polish Pronounceable Place Names" (Unpronounceable) edit: pronunciation
  2. closely followed by "My Epic Posts" (Range Rover)
  3. War and Peace isn't even in the same league as "In Search of Lost Time" (Proust)
  4. that makes sense now biffo, ta
  5. matriarch?
  6. meanwhile the rest of the comp will wait while we play catch-up
  7. 1 run to go......i'm getting nervous
  8. That pygmy of commentators, Tony Shaw on radio last night "Mellbourne are a disgrace they have had 13 no.1 draft picks in the last 6 years" Sadly none of the other pygmies picked him up on it You can catch Tony at the Chair of Mathematics at Melbourne Uni (when he's not head-butting elm trees)
  9. they did remind me of the chinese swimming team of a few years ago you don't think they could be ........................................
  10. rubbish, he has been down all year. take off the rose coloured glasses
  11. they're all [censored] should play 17 weeks but twice a week. that way play all sides twice 2 byes in the middle plus 4 weeks finals makes 23 weeks total with plenty of time for nab cup even time for some state of origin rounds easy!
  12. show some respect - use his proper name - HWFUA
  13. Where is Dr Who when you really really need him?
  14. sorry Theo. whet - to sharpen (as in whetstone)
  15. it's beyond the pale
  16. they spelt deepressed wrong = epic fail
  17. you're probably right bit unfair on the pre-season bit though as he had his hand in a cast for all of it
  18. I'd like to see him rookied (if possible) if he agrees to commit and FD are convinced. I got the impression though that you would prefer to cut him loose? We all want to believe in fairy tales and rookying might be a low cost way to keep the dream alive
  19. Um, better than best? Do explain Rhino
  20. green will l be history by sunday night though od
  21. and the royal blue we must be ever vigilant
  22. not forgetting white too
  23. now i know what the moniker Fan means - Fanatic
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