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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. Is my support of the MFC unconditional? It all depends..............
  2. encapsulated?
  3. don't know about crack, sounds more like acid
  4. it's more appropriate for loins
  5. Jeremy #1 55% Jeremy #2 22% Niknat 22%
  6. does it ever end?
  7. we badly need a lip-reader on 'land
  8. sort of seriously non-serious if you know what i mean 'land/'ology has a seriously good record of late
  9. ability to stay vertical helps
  10. thanks for the heads up "a 'democratic' Carlton club" - LOL times have changed
  11. lets get a few 'facts' correct here Watts is 21 (not 22) He has had 4 years (not 5) His first year shouldn't count as he was under-age and finishing school (unlike his contemporaries) So 21 and effectively 3 years carry on gentlemen
  12. c'mon folks, girt your loins
  13. or as they say in sydney town - behead them all now
  14. If she was toothless you are forgiven biffo
  15. I'd be Gobsmacked if he did
  16. I blame the bandwaggoners and the fantasists and the mediocratists and the animists (why not)
  17. for a top 5 placing, yes but not for the big enchilada
  18. true, but a retrospectoscope is compulsory especially if you also wish to indulge in 'Land
  19. I used to go out with Bernaise. Not a bad saut at all
  20. The AFL has said Visy-like arrangements are no longer Kosher Probably wasn't either when done for Judd but as redleg says was probably a special accomodation for Carlscum at the time though AFL probably regrets it now
  21. congrats D&P, most people here couldn't spell etiquette let alone know what it means. LOL
  22. GWS B&F formula Adjusted Score = Votes received * (Salary / 100,00)
  23. I think you'll find it was Philfy who finished 4th, not HWFUA ---- LOL
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