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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. i need to take a shower after that confession of depravity
  2. yep, out of sight out of mind my only concern is they have a bad day when against us
  3. stop trying to hijack threads stuie - LOL
  4. can someone remind what football topic this thread was about?
  5. of course this begs the question doesn't it? if you never partook how do you know about the back splash truth was it was like any sport. it was all about technique, timing and preparation i always avoided challenging the back-splashers cos as simthy said far too hazardous
  6. btw what's all this crap about the world being round? sez who?
  7. I love these nostalgic journeys to my primary school days ahhh they were the good ole days remember in the boy's toilets trying to see who could pizz the highest up the wall
  8. boys and their decks
  9. the kerosene lady is never in attendance,,,,,,,,,,,,she has an army of eager informers with agendas
  10. for those of you who were wondering why the MFC website is not always up-to-date maybe it has something to do with the AFL not returning all the club's computers they confiscated ?
  11. better still they could get a room (in the country)
  12. sheesh that's a bit draconian!
  13. or....the AFL could fine themselves say 100k , change rule 19 to male it more specific and change the way the draft equalisation process works i'd be happy with that
  14. Absolutely nothing on us in today's Hun! I blame Cameron Schwab - disgraceful!
  15. Now you're talking like a demon. give em hell
  16. Cheer up OD. If we don't finish top 8 next year we can't blame Jamie Bennell. It will be Jack Viney's fault.
  17. i already have a reserved cell od
  18. I bet they make lots of candles though
  19. maybe the afl should investigate why they are so easily influenced by the media problem is though that the AFL Media Centre IS now the biggest football media organisation they would seem a tad conflicted, eh? a bit like the central committee and pravda
  20. Of all the gin joints in the world........................ incredibly flawed judgement. where could you possibly get more exposure?
  21. that your alias over there?
  22. well in that case tim i will listen intently at the agm to see who voices their opinions and asks the hard questions i think i know the answer in advance chocolate soldiers all
  23. multiple orgasms are allowed you know - enjoy
  24. and Jack watts and Broke UnClean and the Kerosene lady
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