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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. neeld didn't bring in viney, he was "signed" up prior to neeld arriving
  2. the seed doesn't fall from the tree
  3. i hear he is very kind to animals (well most)
  4. inspiration for his dark side you mean?
  5. hope the treatment goes well bails and you beat it we'll be rooting for you you'll always be one of us
  6. expect greg denham and caroline wilson as surprise guests tonight i sent them an email saying paul roos and james hird would be dining at wongs tonight
  7. didn't know you were a paul berry fan robbie LOL anyway when i first saw pic of harmes i immediately thought of beattie (a younger one of course)
  8. is that a yes then?
  9. well i was only talking about the effect of roos on membership numbers and for those (outsiders) who thought we paid too much if we do end up bottom again it will get real ugly
  10. no probs mr weaver........do i get my absolution now?
  11. much as i liked nicho i wouldn't describe him as one of the better full backs of his time
  12. afl.com said third round which is not top 30
  13. bub, are suggesting the redback as the clash strip or to have it for the home strip
  14. probably too sensible
  15. yeah. i wonder why norf don't just don't do a collingwood too. and the cats for that matter.
  16. as well as training reports, i will now expect regular urination reports
  17. you left out red yoke on royal blue body (just for completeness)
  18. are you extracting the urine? surely the club has an urologist who could come up with a simple solution. we don't want to attract the type of fans who hang around public toilets.
  19. LOL, your words not mine......but they have a nice ring to them
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0n_Ty_72Qds
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