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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. bit like bbo and stuie that was always going to end in grief
  2. haha, probably both ways asada thought that would ensure co-operation plus they could keep them close afl thought they could use it to "control" the damage as is their mo bad choice for both
  3. i'm not supporting joint investigations bb afl/asada really compromised themselves by this little arrangement maybe they thought they could "control"the afl by letting them pizz inside the tent - i dunno
  4. i think the answer is in nsw there, asada didn't get co-operation and it really bogged down their investigation and consequently essendon (et al) too still, co-operation doesn't have to involve joint investigations
  5. LOL - we are not arguing whether lawyers are corrupt. That is a given
  6. you do realise that was briefly in the 1860s? shortly after australia was new holland and tasmania was van diemans land bringing up such ancient history is not too relevant to modern times we may as well gsuppose
  7. see above post there will be no free training sessions to non members including kids at geelong starting next year
  8. LOL, BB. must remember that in other threads
  9. well if they go ahead with it, a pox on them
  10. maybe the tipping point for the afl sanctions including finals was the ASADA INTERIM REPORT and to a lesser degree the Switkowski report this could still have been delivered without a joint investigation (though probably unlikely)
  11. you do realize some journos take out memberships to multiple clubs as a token form of assistance do you want them to be able to attend closed sessions? closed is closed for good reasons. they don't want members attending then splattering it all over some forum or blog site crazy idea
  12. was it really a genuine joint investigation? or was it more a concurrent investigation? is the joint/concurrent investigation by the afl still active?
  13. everything starts with a small seed.............and before you know.......................................
  14. collect from the disadvantaged and then distribute to the disadvantaged yeah sure i believe that it's just sheer greed, and all to watch a bit of training ffs the very fact it is so hard to see a game at geelong is all the more reason to open the gates to anyone free on open practice days these type of policies also have a habit of escalating (thin end of wedge)
  15. what about all the kids who don't have a membership for any number of reasons if mfc did this i'd cancel my membership (seriously) can't you remember when you were a kid bb?
  16. and the other parties?
  17. stinks money rules
  18. beware though. the other end of the pendulum is MFCFS (F=Fantasy not what you first thought)
  19. seems hird's real punishment was being banned from the xmas party i wonder if ahmed saad has put his request in to the afl for his $1M lump sum yet?
  20. in a lifetime in sales od, surely you must have across the odd poor salesperson?
  21. this what you were after od? AHD melb members' deals
  22. are we talking tyson with or without steroids?
  23. i don't understand this term "dark" It is far too vague For example Richmond is predominately black (ie dark) and Melbourne predominately navy blue (ie dark) yet there is no clash i found last year that our clash jumper (predominately light) was a worse clash with the St.Kilda jumper than our home jumper
  24. Don't you mean more like a Blanche d'Alpuget clinic?
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