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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. foxtel iq is a box which detunes the cable signal (or satellite) and also contains a PVR hence the hard drive so it's a digital tuner and pvr in one box i asume you know what a pvr is
  2. redleg, if they "wiped" the data and you haven't used the disk since all the data should be recoverable when they "wipe" the disk they don't actually erase the data take your iq box to a pc data recovery centre where they can remove the disk attach it to a pc and recover the data using your great legal powers you can then send foxtel the bill it IS recoverable
  3. let's hope the ink is next
  4. we already know most posters are silly (except a few of us)
  5. i know a good lawyer redleg if you want to sue them
  6. gentlemen.........we have a draw!
  7. move it might be more appropriate
  8. i leave all animal husbandry issues to bbo who (i'm told) is a hands-on expert
  9. sorry to be further pedantic, but i think you mean centre square rather than circle. the centre circle is quite small
  10. so you don't regard wing as midfield?
  11. site seems to be playing up od continuously going into long waits and loss of contact
  12. couldn't resist bb no will-power
  13. 70% of afghanis with an id card is quite high for a TWC I suspect the figure would be even higher for those who had the wherewithall to get to indonesia and pay large sums to people smugglers the tazkira (and other spellings) is quite a detailed document (moreso than a passport) I can accept that a minority could have a decent reason as to why they couldn't produce one in oz however i think it is reasonable to conclude that the majority willfully and knowingly destroyed or "lost" theirs you can draw your own conclusions as to their motives and whether you think they were justified, but lets be realistic as to why they are "missing"
  14. didn't we just have a discussion on teacher quality? sack all the teachers and revoke all degrees obtained in the last 20 years
  15. hardtack, i would expect people who can fly to indonesia and have enough dollars left to pay the people smuggliers would at one stage have had papers
  16. statistically i think you made that up
  17. od wasn't correcting your spelling he just asked if "brake" was a pun given the automotive connection a freudian slip perhaps? hardly bullying old chap, lighten up a bit and have a laugh
  18. that's a big chip on the shoulder you got there doc the garden of eden was destroyed 1000's of years ago becoming a west hater will get you nowhere........but if it makes you feel better...
  19. shhhhh, don't remind me.........it still hurts
  20. just love pre-season
  21. i completely agree with your comment about the vietnamese student and i hope it is fixed sooner than later the rest of your argument is more emotional than practical "who would risk their lives, sell off all their possessions just for an opportunity to escape their third world hellholes that have been destroyed by wars and domestic terror " this is is all very caring and emotionally understandable but are you suggesting that anyone who fits this criteria can make their way here by any means and just be accepted? we have a reasonably bi-partisan refugee quota and a process to meet that. we could argue whether the quota could be slightly higher but that is neither here nor there the bottom line is we need a fair process for refugee selection and a line must be drawn somewhere all the best wishes and moral outrage are not going to solve the world's inequities or refugee problems
  22. but humour is supposed to be funny stuie
  23. ah, yes, he meant thingymabob. thanks, all is clear now
  24. bbo and shame has a nice ring to it
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