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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. maybe because during the draft we'd leaked we would probably take him just before toump unexpectedly became available there was quite a bit of press on it
  2. i'll have you know some of biffo's best friends at the gat are axe murderers and pretty handy footballers too. careful what you say.
  3. didn't he claim the only reason he didn't partake was a fear of needles? what is your point?
  4. maybe, but it does weaken the player's claim of accepting "professional" advice when their own doctor was against it we are led to believe that not one player sought any outside independent advice and they even signed a waiver....quite an amazing display of innocence contrary to what some posters say at least quite a few of these players would have been very knowledgeable about wada/asada protocols ....and a lot of these players were not "kids".
  5. i thought the professional advice (Doctor) at essendon was against the "pharmacological experiment"
  6. as they also believe in fairy tales they could be renamed "The Nile Pharaoies"
  7. essendon should be relocated lock stock and barrel to the big river in north africa
  8. wow....so quick and so young (47) rip dean, a really nice person. sympathy to family
  9. either more, or just drop it completely
  10. thats very unkind bbo. i find my grecian 2000 goes down well with the blue rinsers
  11. ah yes biffo.....the mexican hat dance will do that to you.........so will the horizontal flamenco
  12. more like 2000 od......it's already 145
  13. there are muscles in the groin area muscles bleed from trauma if the bleeding/damage is in a difficult area it can take many weeks i got hit on the hips once and the muscle bled down and behind the hip bone because it got easily aggravated there it couldn't be run out or heat treated so it took a few weeks of complete rest i know its not the groin but i assume similar with groin muscles and the pelvic bones
  14. 6 days od? we play in the second week of the split first round plenty of time for more injuries....hehe glad we got misson, imagine how bad it would be without him
  15. Oliver Wins ....or does he....................stay tuned to demonland...................where dreams are smashed
  16. Not necessarily. It could be paid to a company as a service rather than an income to an individual. Then the payment of tax becomes more complex depending on distribution.
  17. maybe we were just foxing to put the aints off balance nah......................
  18. now that is just sheer optimimism (sic)
  19. there are a lot of ketuks in thailand stuie just like there are lots of stuies in scotland
  20. you're just a big girl's browse bbo
  21. what's red tube, red leg is it like red'n'blue tube?
  22. yes, very woody (and melliferous)
  23. maybe your computer is upset with you after all you did send it away to the doctor's and dumped it maybe you could try and be nice to it
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