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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. bbo we don't need to hear about your under-age relationships this is a family forum
  2. what's old is new again. ian st........ says hi
  3. Port has always had a big traditional role for women There were a couple who would line up on the race and spit on opposition players as they came on and off the ground at the breaks
  4. sending it to jeannie was probably not a good idea but all jokes aside, the implication was that this was just the last straw in a protracted saga
  5. must have been a pretty unimpressive john thomas to get sacked I liked this quote from carlscum "The Carlton Football Club has high expectations of its players and staff; we expect them to uphold certain standards," maybe it was the "upholding" bit got him into trouble?
  6. how does this compare to say the epl, nrl , nfl, etc? anyone know?
  7. i thought only tradies lived full time in rye rtg?
  8. ditch the cravat, manbag and flares too rtg and you probably could start going out again
  9. i got a new sig just for you biffo and i never mix with east burwood types. they live on the wrng side of plc
  10. maybe we could have a gadzillion number of logos
  11. I vote for the current emblem (with maybe subtle small changes) for more formal use PLUS a new simple logo for the more casual or simplistic use (no fixed ideas on what it should look like)
  12. http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport/west-coast-recruit-jamie-bennell-pinching-himself-after-being-delisted-by-melbourne-during-rehab-from-injury/story-fnii08h3-1226938484599
  13. might be our next matty whelan?
  14. think it might have been mitch moonlighting
  15. think he might prefer line dancing jazza
  16. noticed it is for an intimate dinner might be one for bbo?
  17. i got "friended" by some whacko alpaca's face book page i suspect bbo put them onto me as part of his harassment and stalking strategy. water off an alpaca's back to me.
  18. yes, his room at the gat fronts directly onto the beer garden (though beer is the not the main substance consumed)
  19. do they come with steak knives?
  20. a night out at the gat with biffo and bbo
  21. just for jazza, here is a stoned dairy cow
  22. fair to say though that any stoned animal would be friendlier than one of bbo's stoned alpacas he has only got himself to blame, for years of abuse and being such a poor role model
  23. for your edification mable this is what a stoned romsey alpaca looks like
  24. mable you shouldn't drink before sundown, unless the alpacas in canadia are different and look like elephants
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