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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. it's not necessarily new either jnr....maybe easier now......and the spondulacks is certainly bigger been happening ever since i can remember footy
  2. so he gave them a heads up (grateful bastards eh?) what's that got to do with essendon's guilt or otherwise
  3. good one song.....who'd've thunk that of course that would be schwabb and neild's fault but btw, i look forward to the day of the first player-error- free game in afl history
  4. i think he means we WILL have (after next year i.e. lovett)
  5. that's right.....the days of pharmacological experiments is over
  6. i've moved on and let it go. No point crying over spilt milk, i've turned over a new page, let bygones begone, put it all behind me, gotten over it, made my peace, turned the other cheek and focussed on the positive things but............it still makes me want to spew
  7. i blame the mrp for corrupting the whole system
  8. sure you don't mean juice is geelong bound?
  9. maybe they need anonymity because they are behaving like minors?
  10. i'm waiting for the insanity plea.....it might just fly
  11. didn't robinson crusoe have a long wait too?
  12. but that is the rule now where prior opportunity exists it was even stated on the video of course prior opportunity is still somewhat ill-defined especially when they introduce the conditioner "reasonable"
  13. must be tough over there......no padding on posts
  14. personally i reckon he will go for the superannuation dollars if he can do that and get to a side in a finals window that will be his bonus no doubt he will claim it's all about finals but he won't convince me not that there is anything wrong (from his pov) of going for the pot of gold but very few would admit that that could be the main reason
  15. I'm spewin all over again - 3/5 key reviewed decisions all wrong
  16. picky bastard aren't you
  17. folks are sure odd out west (or very hungry), frog The West Australian @thewest_com_au · 19m Woman who twice tried to bite Busselton police officer’s crotch has been refused bail. http://yhoo.it/1qwwJMy
  18. lovin' it - stats at 20 paces seconds ready, carry on gentlemen
  19. they don't have palanquins? sheesh bbo, get a decent resort
  20. west gippsland.......would that be hallam d-l?
  21. sympathies biggestred, but kudos to you. one day it will pay off
  22. players seem to be compromised with their legal fees being paid by the club as soon as their legal interests come into conflict with the club's will the club continue to fund them? what guarantees and what conditions have the club placed on this (player) legal funding? I doubt it would be open-ended
  23. wouldn't hurt a few players to go back to school might improve decision making
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