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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. i blame bohdan babijczuk (with a little help from jw)
  2. i have it on good account that definitely missionary
  3. we've been through this before yes, he is UFA not RFA for the reasons you gave. not sure if club knew when contract raised about FA effect of front-loading (it was before FA introduced) anyway, we all disagree about how they interpret it.....should be based on average contract salary finally, bottom line is that most posters here agreed that (in reality) there is no practical difference between UFA and RFA if a player really wants to go
  4. the 500k only represents 5% 5% on 600k makes 630k - no big difference
  5. according to this http://www.afl.com.au/news/2013-10-18/sylvia-free-agency-compo it was a round 2 pick therefore band 3 band 1 is round 1 (after your regular round 1) band 2 is end of round 1 band 3 is round 2 (after your regular round 2) if you got the wooden spoon then band 2 and 3 would be "effectively" the same (depending whether there were any other band 2's that year)
  6. i seem to remember those lists had two columns
  7. he's a country boy isn't he? probably just used his teeth after demasculating a few hundred sheep likewise
  8. wrong again, sylvia was a band 3 where we finished on ladder meant not much diff between band 2 and 3
  9. was that pun intended od?
  10. you left out the age of the fa in your dissertation frawley gets extra points for being younger, so he doesn't need to get as high a value of contract we also don't understand how the length of contract factors in
  11. feel free nut to post your performance reviews on demonland i'm sure we could provide some constructive comments
  12. all good points r&b, but i think the first one is explicitly banned by a rule liked your last point - like a target board, more points the closer to the centre. make the goal umps earn their money
  13. too late, i think he has been executed
  14. i wonder if anyone checks if the gap at the top of the goal posts is the same as at the bottom (ignoring padding) if the posts are tapered then probably not if they are not perfectly vertical then probably not if they sway in the wind then probably not i could go on.......
  15. and the fact he is classified as an UFA (vs FA) is another loophole though in the end i don't think it matters much
  16. modification: "entire ball unless hit post"
  17. entire ball
  18. How much is James Frawley worth?and in the whole article he didn't even hazard a guess with a headline like that he could get an job at women's day
  19. not to mention having too many byes when they have an even number of teams
  20. can't see any harm in asking......even if odds are low
  21. i like it hardtack, but you must have more accurate gps up in sydney than we do in melbourne
  22. great idea i also think goal posters should be worth 3 points
  23. if we had thinner posts then there would be less posters surely there is some space age material that would allow strong 10mm posts? better still have virtual posts of bright laser beams as in star wars
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