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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. seems swann insurance is a bronze partner
  2. a footballer called robin? say no more.
  3. i wonder if their insurance company is owned by toll holdings insurance companies aren't noted for charity or benevolence. they normally bend over backwards to avoid coughing up if they are coughing up they must think little's approach is better than the costs of rolling over
  4. i dunno, od. some of my rellies have never had to pay.....and i'm talking many decades
  5. lol - and there are no other big heads at richmond, picket?
  6. enough with the mythologising and romanticising of der leader, comrade yes, today's pollies are two faced husks lacking credibility and vision, but gough's time was not the golden age you reminisce back to slumber and turpor
  7. i think that's how he prefers it clint well i could have said he's the scarecrow, the tin-man and the lion all wrapped into one
  8. he's got the attention span of a gnat, clint and the staying power of colin sylvia
  9. iirc the legal costs are provided by essendon which puts them in a strange relationship what else? well they should have insisted on worksafe intervention at an early stage but bowed to the afl integrity dept
  10. sorry binmam but you've only responded with their words (which incidentally were the same from many quarters) but where were their actions?
  11. his epithany lasted all of one day
  12. picket will be disappointed with no you-know-who
  13. glad you like the phantom, clint nice to have a hero who hasn't sold out to modernity, a handful of silver or the dark side was a great inside mid too, with a deadly stab kick
  14. just some old codger sent these desperate posts from the new world making us jealous
  15. and there is nothing wrong per se being a hard-ass it's all about the way you do it. it has to be done with the right psychology some can do it, some can't
  16. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz move on earl, it's the 21st century, man
  17. you'd never know picket was a life coach in real life so inspiring and uplifting
  18. don't you mean back in a third, clint?
  19. nah, would have to be bruce.........better make that brucey cue some youtube clips from f log
  20. 17,455 already
  21. telling quote http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/dr-ageless-and-the-winning-formula-20130419-2i69n.html
  22. we know bub it was just a hypothetical based on each player getting a part season ban as raised by a previous poster who pointed out the disproportionate impact on some other clubs the suggestion was not intended to benefit ess in any way
  23. of course they can if they weren't happy with such an arrangement but how do you know they wouldn't be happy in that hypothetical
  24. well it's actually the afl who set the punishments, admittedly under wada/asada guidlines wada also do allow "deals" so at least in theory it might be possible it was only an idea to help the impact of the punishment be more equitable to the other innocent teams but yeah, highly unlikely
  25. maybe they could allow the bans to be spread evenly over the season? just a thought
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