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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. i dunno, od. what about 2012, 2013?
  2. some nice high ground at wattle park biffo already got a picture pretty ground and we could kick the short order cooks out of the chalet nice little boutique golf course next door for the lads to wind down after training plenty of surrounding grounds for a commando style training setup too
  3. nothing for earl in fact i heard there was a move to revoke his current honours still, if rolfy can hang onto his , he'll probably be ok with all his hipster friends
  4. i'm sure the lads would have been miffed at being called llamas. bbo
  5. maybe an electric scooter?
  6. what about the old prahran vfl ground? very accessible to many presume it's currently council owned? mfc also have a strong connection social club could be incorporated like richmond just a thought (even if not well thought through)
  7. yes, demonland's official social club
  8. wetpac - walking distance from collingwood tullamarine - airport - bomber heartland mulgrave - not much
  9. isn't that where d-l or wyl wanted a demon's social club? edit: i just remembered why it rang a bell.....it's where wongs is
  10. what a pisser! good catch
  11. or irish? or catholic?
  12. it's not even the 2nd hottest bikini or the third or the..............
  13. so if you were jogging back to the other end, that means it would be 20km all up half sprinted, half jogged how long is that going to take, taking into account ever increasing breaks?
  14. 100 x 100m..........................................i'm very sceptical, if they were really sprints
  15. well raul, these days, most afl players are looking more like robots than footballers
  16. oh yes. horses for courses and all in context, mac
  17. nah. sounds like you copped the soft under-belly of the age of aquarius, p-man
  18. sheesh, first it was the softcoq pretentious wankers and their worship at the throne of bachus but now it's the metrosexual musing of the over pampered hipsters and their over hyped boutique tiddles ffs where has the genuine ocker knockabout aussie bloke gone?
  19. i was told, a long time ago (so prob diff now) the boags and cascade shared the same recipes but different water not sure whether this applied to draught, ale or lager
  20. that must have been a really cold day, red
  21. that's insanity if true that would have to be a huge board mismanagement
  22. wasn't so much the grog pig dog, it was the (gross) over indulgence of pavlova that brought me undone as i slept in this morning i thought of jazza milking the cows in the rain
  23. boxing is a barbaric sport , bbo i much prefer fox hunting or alpaca baiting
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